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North Korea Shells South Korea


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I sense much faith in you. But faith is the worst military advisor ever.

What makes you believe that NK wouldn't use it? Phases of war? On our side, perhaps. But that doesn't mean anything for the other side. War is no game that follows the fixed storyline of a role playing. War is won or lost in the field and not at home in the forefront. And there is no savegame when things go wrong. Count on a nuclear first strike by NK at a time when you expect it least of all. Guess Seoul would be the target to force an ultimate decision by (what they call in good Mao Zedong fashion) the paper tigers. The true question is: do we have a backbone and what is a backbone in such an extraordinary situation.

However, still it is an utmost minor conflict. But not for long for we are already engaged in a mutual escalation by manoeuvres in the dark... unfortunately without any Chinese support or approval, as usual. Already soon Bejing will deem this typically arrogant, as usual. Then and not before we'd have indeed reached stage two of the conflict, the cultural one with us as aliens. The Iraq War would have been paradise compared to the hell to come for those involved.


Well said Surenas.These sorts of situations can easily spiral out of control ,they can take on a life of their own .How it plays out will depend on the actions of invidual players and the dynamics of moment to moment decision making and that is not a predictable thing ,it never has been.


As for the presumption that others who are allies of the US are going to automatically remains so in a conflict in which the use of nuclear weapons is a real possibility ,well make no mistake about it they will think long and hard over that.Its most likely they will opt for neutrality as the stakes in such a conflict are so high.All this UN that or treaty this will mean very little if this were to even give the appearance of going badly.


It was a 2 polar world ,briefly became a 1 polar world and is now evolving into a multi polar world.Stop thinking all the old rules and alliances are written in stone.

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Looks like more war games are scheduled for this coming Sunday, with the assistance of the US carrier the George Washington. It appears they are sending a message to China as well, and not just North Korea. All we can do is wait and see if North Korea starts shelling again. I am certain there is enough firepower on one US carrier to obliterate North Korea, with or without nukes.


Anyone who is naive enough to think China is a US ally, needs to wise up.



Edited by Chaosblade02
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Ok, well, I read the article and I must be having a slowpoke day today because I cant see any part where China doesnt act like anything other than a nation trying to sooth tentions and prevent catastrophic war in it's home region.


Surenas, Marharth, Harbinge, good points again, Im starting to like this debate.

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Ok, well, I read the article and I must be having a slowpoke day today because I cant see any part where China doesnt act like anything other than a nation trying to sooth tentions and prevent catastrophic war in it's home region.


Surenas, Marharth, Harbinge, good points again, Im starting to like this debate.


China doesn't like the display of US military power within its boundaries. And China never condemned North Korea for shelling the South either. In fact, they did the complete opposite in blaming South Korea instead.


When s*** hits the fan, its gonna hit hard, and its gonna hit fast.

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@ Chaosblade02


China doesn't like the display of US military power within(near) its boundaries (Yes). And China never condemned North Korea for shelling the South either(Yes). In fact, they did the complete opposite in blaming South Korea instead.(No)


When s*** hits the fan, its gonna hit hard, and its gonna hit fast. (If it spirals out of comtrol ,oh so yes)


The Chinese could adopt a leaky border approach, allowing Chinese supporters of NK (along with weaponry) through the border while appearing to remain neutral.


China already has a leaky border with NK ,too many North Koreans sneaking over ,even giving away their children to escape the malnutrition and even starvation that faces them every day.Only thing anyone sneaking into NK need bring is food and if they gonna stay better bring a truck load.

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Now to be honest, it would be quite easy for china to do some kind of secret alliance with NK at the start...


They would be discovered very early though, and things would still turn out better for us.


Read the following link it details a US China war scenario that centers around the question of Taiwan and involves the Russians (which I don't think is guaranteed) but it gives you an idea of their capabilities.


China US War Scenario


This is the best I could find because to be honest when it comes to this sort of stuff their are a lot of crackpots out there.Some had NK becoming a superpower or Japan conquering China and a whole bunch of other crazy things.This one though just a scenario (remember that) gives a good idea of how the current level of technology available to China could be utilized to achieve a victory using asymmetrical or asynchronous warfare.Repeat its a scenario not written in stone.

Edited by Harbringe
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A conventional war between the USA and China would ultimately lead to a facial change in the hegemony on earth.

That isn't your true intention folks, eh? No one'd be stupid enough to give the ride of the dragon a try.

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This whole episode is going to blow over, it's just a spoilt brat of a North Korea trying to get attention ... "Hey I'm still here, I'm still a player on the block" ... fire a couple of shells here and there and hope that everyone will notice

- and they do because NK has "the bomb" - then it will be the normal\usual placating of the child - the flurry of diplomatic sing songs - and after the lullaby is over, everything will go back to normal.


The US (and rightly so) will show it's annoyance and also it's support for the only real ally on the far eastern continent.

Their presence won't go unnoticed by Beijing, and it's here that the real stand-off is taking place.

A bit of flexing of the diplomatic verbal muscles here and there by the two and perhaps China will deliberately allow NK to have it's little tantrum just to see what transpires.

"Let's see what America does", they might say just to test the US reslove or committment.


But honestly, it isnt time yet and so China might bark a bit and show it's teeth but it wont go further than that.

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