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North Korea Shells South Korea


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But honestly, it isnt time yet and so China might bark a bit and show it's teeth but it wont go further than that.


That's the principle of hope. Don't count on that not to be reckoned among the stupids later.

China of today will go as far as the US considers their own action necessary. Actually China

isn't afraid of the US military machine, a useful thing for China to develop its wealth without

massive own military actions. When it comes to a clash within the declared Chinese sphere

of interest, today it is just Asia, the US will get the boot from whole Asia. Don't tempt providence,

the US have not enough troops to play more than just the temporary worldwide Sheriff of Megaton,

sometimes welcome, often unwelcome, especially when the first US action is a military instead

of a diplomatic. Chinese friends told me that this would be pubertal behavior, almost childish.

I don't comment on that but slightly unintelligent the today US behavior is indeed for calculable.

The gunboat diplomacy isn't that new, already your great-grandparents have known it...

Edited by Surenas
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This whole episode is going to blow over, it's just a spoilt brat of a North Korea trying to get attention ... "Hey I'm still here, I'm still a player on the block" ... fire a couple of shells here and there and hope that everyone will notice

- and they do because NK has "the bomb" - then it will be the normal\usual placating of the child - the flurry of diplomatic sing songs - and after the lullaby is over, everything will go back to normal.


The US (and rightly so) will show it's annoyance and also it's support for the only real ally on the far eastern continent.

Their presence won't go unnoticed by Beijing, and it's here that the real stand-off is taking place.

A bit of flexing of the diplomatic verbal muscles here and there by the two and perhaps China will deliberately allow NK to have it's little tantrum just to see what transpires.

"Let's see what America does", they might say just to test the US reslove or committment.


But honestly, it isnt time yet and so China might bark a bit and show it's teeth but it wont go further than that.


The only time I agree with you so far.

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Maharth - The only time I agree with you so far.


Hah, Maharth, would you believe that I said the same thing about you when I read your post on the "who's your favourite leader ...." post before coming here .... hehehe.


I agree with you Surenas when you talk of China ready to defend it's corner of the school ground but what do you make of the tremendous economic impact it will

have against them should a military conflict take place between them and the US.

I mean let's face it, half if not more of the worlds manufactured goods come from China and a war will most definetely mean a disruption of business, which would seriously

harm them.


Not only that but I'm pretty sure that the greater freedoms in business that the communists (let's not forget that they're still commies) have opened up for themselves will

impact their people as well and another "Tianamen Square" uprising won't be far behind.

You must remember that these "rioters" were also calling for greater economic change and democratic reform (amongst other things) and the "economic change" that has taken place will go straight out the window when the

paw paw hits the fan.

And the internal troubles wont be far behind, no, China cannot allow themselves the luxury of too much aggression.

They have a balancing act to maintain.


They dont need a lunatic N-Korea messing in their salad.

Edited by Burnagirl
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China cannot allow themselves the luxury of too much aggression.

They have a balancing act to maintain.


They dont need a lunatic N-Korea messing in their salad.


It goes both ways, Burnagirl.

There's nothing special with the USA, especially not outside of their today orbit.

We aren't living in the epoch of Cold War anymore. And - we are no Asians in Asia.

In an inner-Asian conflict the US claim to leadership is not only unwelcome, it's

dangerous, remember? Both US and South-Korea have to learn this before it is too late.

The age of the Whites in Indochina is over since long, the time of the Asians has come.

So, whoever wins - we lose. It's up to China how much we'll lose and within which time...

Edited by Surenas
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Right, for those of you in doubt over who's side China is on, try Wikileaks.


Some new documents just got posted relavent to this situation, diplomatic wires stating that China is becoming "increasingly frustrated" with NK.


Proof's up boys and girls, China is now *officialy* PO'd at NK.


Now, I really doubt they'd be foolish enough to waste troops and money on joining a war.


But seeing as how the US has been right off the coast for a few days now in massive force, I think it's fair to say, game over.


If this was going to kick off, it would have by now, and while it's been enlightening to have this little glimpse into how power and allegiance is subdivided, I dont think we'll be seeing any armageddons any time soon,


For those of you who placed a bet on this situation being a fizzer, grats, you win.

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Now, I really doubt [China] they'd be foolish enough to waste troops and money on joining a war.


It goes both ways, Vindekarr. The first fool is already onstage. Fools simply can't resist the animal magnetism to get a hammering.

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Right, for those of you in doubt over who's side China is on, try Wikileaks.


Some new documents just got posted relavent to this situation, diplomatic wires stating that China is becoming "increasingly frustrated" with NK.


Proof's up boys and girls, China is now *officialy* PO'd at NK.


Now, I really doubt they'd be foolish enough to waste troops and money on joining a war.


But seeing as how the US has been right off the coast for a few days now in massive force, I think it's fair to say, game over.


If this was going to kick off, it would have by now, and while it's been enlightening to have this little glimpse into how power and allegiance is subdivided, I dont think we'll be seeing any armageddons any time soon,


For those of you who placed a bet on this situation being a fizzer, grats, you win.


An indication that China may be coming to a new view on NK is their calling for an emergency 6 party talks ,thats unprecedented ,before it was always US prodding and cajoling China to get NK to come to the table.That and SK's willingness to fire back marks a significant change of attitude in the region.How this change will affect each Nation's geo political stance in the region only time will tell.This current situation may fizzle (and it looks like it will) but that in no way means it has gone away ,the underlying conditions are still in play.China's rising power and strategic interests in the region ,the US's declining power relative to China and its (US) strategic interests in the region ,Japan's need to get issue's resolved related to China (territorial disputes) and South Korea dealing with a belligerent failed state to the north is something they feel they have to resolve and both Japan and SK feel they gotta get it done soon.


Its 50+ years since the end of the Korean War but it really didn't end ,its an armistice (ceasefire) , can we keep the genie in the bottle for another 50 years now that he has nuclear weapons ,wouldn't make a bet on that.What suits this best is the adage "Hope for the best but prepare for the worst" ,that would be the prudent thing to do.

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Not like it really matters, but in the case of this war that will most likely not happen...


I found another country besides Iran and NK that might be involved, I forgot entirely about Pakistan...


They have rising tensions with Israel, and they would defiantly try to screw them over if they got the chance.

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