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Well, micromanaging really isn't my thing, to be honest. I might check out that economy one, no idea what it is, and maybe the fatigue and physical activities one, but I don't think I'm gonna delve into the realm of basic needs.


Also I plan on getting some combat-enhancers. Supreme Magicka most definitely, since I love using magic and I used it back then already, and I really liked a lot of it, and what I didn't, you can customize. And I think I'm gonna try Deadly Reflex, which was all the rage back then but I never tried it. I feel like making some sort of mage thief or something, and while it probably won't be too strong in raw physical power, I probably can make something decent out of it with more strategical combat.

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Hey, Ragnaros!


Going to bed now.


Your choices for combat-enhancers are quite good. And they definitely suit your idea for a character with a stretegical approach to combat. My Wyynde is my most strategic combatant of the current batch of characters I have (he's also a master sneaker).


See you tomorrow (later). Behave well and have fun!



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Alright, I tested with different male and female characters (damn I love how fast Oblivion loads up), and everything seems to be in place :D It should be all relatively simple standalone mods to install from now on, no more "15 specific mods in a specific order" stuff :tongue: I'm just gonna get Qarl's Redimized and check All Natural Weather as suggested, then it's onto actual gameplay mods.


So thanks guys, it's been a fun and learning experience, and productive too. Dunno if everyone around here is like that or I just got lucky, but so far the community here has been amazing.

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Well, so much for the rest being easy. Seems I'm gonna have to give up on Deadly Reflex, it has a bunch of requirements and it's overall kind of a mess, and it all seems to be particularly not compatible with modded skeletons, so there goes that. I guess a mod that moves bodies in a way they normally don't, would have some compatibility problems when you go and change said bodies all over the place, lol. I don't exactly find specific incompatibilities, but the required mod to see legs in 1st person flat out doesn't work for most people (including me) and doesn't seem to be supported anymore. I'll try DR without it, see what happens. Worst case scenario kicks will be invisible in 1st person, but they'll work fine in 3rd.


As for the rest... well let's just say I have a lot of ini configuring to do...

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LOL ... welcome to the Wonderful World of Modding. When I saw you mention DR last night I sort of cringed. There's reasons you don't see me posting in those mod comments .. good luck.

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Yeah, dunno, the reason I never tried it before it's cause it seemed so complex and having so much to learn, but this time I already had the idea that it'd be a couple days of installing mods and researching before I could even start. And it does look pretty elaborate and a lot of work put into it. But it just has so many requirements it's hard to keep it compatible with everything. But hey, some more testing never hurt anyone, lol. I'll keep trying different things and worst case I just won't use it. It's a shame cause I don't think there's other mod that reworks melee combat like that, as far as I know.


Edit: Say, I wasn't paying it much attention but having DR and Supreme Magicka installed, with an optional esp for compatibility, Wrye Bash is telling me this every time I rebuild the bashed patch:


GRUPRecords::Read: Error - Unable to load group in file "SM_DeadlyReflex.esp". The group has a size of 0.


Is that important? Do I have to do anything about it?


Edit 2: Well, nevermind, I decided to pass on DR since it was being too much of a headache, so I don't need the SM patch for it anymore.


Now if only I could figure out why the male Khajiit OCO patch stopped working... I swear to god I'm gonna kill someone before all this is over


Edit 3: Hmm, I've been going over some stuff to figure out what the problem was, and I read something intriguing. Supposedly I only needed the base EVE HGEC, then Seamless for it, and then the Seamless BBB all-in-1, but in the install instructions there it says I actually need a BBB stock replacer mod (in my case it'd be BBB for EVE HGEC stock replacer), and THEN the all-in-1 on top of it. So I'm not sure what to believe now...

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Sorry ... been on the road today and I'm not at my gaming machine so I'm not able to check exactly what the Seamless BBB includes vs the EVE BBB. It seems to me when I checked not long after Seamless came out that it rendered the EVE BBB redundant.


With the EVE BBB you were either stuck with one bust size or there was an alternative that didn't cover all of the armor and clothing (again working from that old memory chip that could have a few bits flipped).


It's not that hard to figure out. Just download to a folder, extract and compare what each contains. Both EVE and Seamless are stock replacers so neither will look substantially different from the other. If you do find something in the EVE package that isn't included in the Seamless you can just add it. They are both pure replacers, and as such they are only replacement meshes put into the correct folder path (e.g. the female fur cuirass must go in Meshes\Armor\Fur\F or else the game will require an ESP to tell it where to find it).


I'll be back home later tomorrow if you haven't sorted it out by then.

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Well I've been trying stuff out all day, I swear things that have many options are a pain to get exactly what you want all working together, good grief... I still couldn't get the male Khajiit for OCO working again, dunno why. The first time it did, and since the first time I changed something, it never did again. I even tried just installing it manually on top of everything and there's still no visible change.


But at least I managed to get everything working. I even mixed non-EVE bodies and BBB with the EVE stock replacements cause it didn't have exactly the options I wanted :tongue: And managed to get it working together. The only weird thing is that, with BBB for EVE and WITHOUT EVE itself, the BBB seemed to work fine, BUT I had other textures problems (hands/feet). But if I installed EVE's stock replacements (cause I'm using another body) and then BBB for EVE on top, the textures were fine but the BBB didn't work at all. I really dunno why, and couldn't find any answers in the posts. So finally I tried using EVE's stock replacements, BBB for EVE AND Seamless for EVE and Seamless BBB on top, and finally everything works together. Which is ironic considering that using OCO, the Seamless doesn't include Khajiit that I use, so basically I installed it just as a patch to get the other stuff working together. And, well, for NPCs I guess, but I don't think many NPCs usually wear armor where the neck seam would be visible.


One little detail though, I gave myself a couple armors to test, and somehow, without Seamless, the Mithril Cuirass has a BBB effect, but with Seamless installed it loses it. I imagine there's probably other differences, I just can't really test every single armor and clothing. But it makes me wonder if I even need BBB for EVE, like it says in the install instructions, if the Seamless on top of it just seems to have its own.


Oh, and from what I saw, BBB for EVE has two sizes, and Seamless has those same two. Like I said, Seamless claims that it NEEDS BBB for EVE installed first, so it makes sense that it'd have the same options. I just don't know what to make of that yet.


Edit: Yeah I'm pretty sure that Seamless needing EVE BBB is bull. I checked in the files, like you said, and BBB for EVE does actually have many more armors and clothing, including the mithril one I mentioned. So apparently Seamless is simply overriding EVE BBB, somehow, and it's only using its own BBB. But like I said if I just use BBB for EVE without Seamless, it flat out doesn't work. So I'm gonna try adding the missing clothing and armor to the other one like you suggested, good idea.


Edit 2: Well, nevermind, I swear I activated it, but I just checked and BBB for EVE was deactivated, so that'd be why the armor that Seamless doesn't cover didn't have BBB. I guess if you install Seamless on top of EVE BBB, it just overwrites whatever armor and clothing it actually has, and leaves the rest untouched. Or it should, at least. But I'm just gonna merge em all into the Seamless mod so I don't pointlessly have an extra mod and overwritten stuff.


I'd still like to know why simply using EVE and EVE BBB didn't work at all though... It just makes no sense, considering Seamless BBB is pretty much the same thing, same folder, etc. I just noticed that EVE BBB shows up yellow in Wrye Bash, which I think means something else is overwriting some of its files or something, while Seamless BBB actually shows green. No idea why though.

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What could be happening is the order you have their respective packages (the 7z downloaded archives) listed in your Installers tab. The order in the Installers tab works the very same as load order ... lower on the list is what "wins" any overwrite conflicts. So if non-BBBed EVE was lower than BBBed EVE the non-BBBed would "win". Then when you added the Seamless BBBed it was lower than either and it "won".


I'll take a closer look at exactly what each package contains when I get home later today. I do recall that some meshes in Seamless BBBed were actually non-BBBed ... I think there was folders with all the meshes in non-BBBed and then a folder with some of the meshes BBBed, but I could be accessing that faulty memory chip too (GIGO).

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Yep, I remember that all the Seamless Equipments include both BBB and non-BBB meshes, so the user can choose which ones install, or even there are non-BBB versions of some pieces only (Movomo almost died of exhaustion in order to have the current packages finished and had no time to convert ALL the meshes to BBB).


I can't be of much help here because quite frankly, I can't wrap my mind around the notion of hard-shell boobplates bouncing and wobbling around. And I'm allergic to the very notion of "boobplates" (in reality, boobplates are a lethal threat for the wearer; all it takes to kill a woman wearing a boobplated armor is a strong slap in her back making her fall face-first to the ground).



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