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Yeah, I mean, they work fine as base, but since Seamless doesn't include Khajiit (and somehow the male Khajiit get the most obvious neck seam), Striker found this, which addresses the mismatch between Robert's body and OCO head, but I just can't get it to work, I still have the same body from Robert's.


There's also one for female Khajiit but it changes the body too much so I decided against it, although that one seemed to work just fine.


Edit: Well, disabling the EVE esp rewarded me with messed up female hands when using Wrists Irons, lol. It's only with Wrists Irons as far as I saw, even when other gloves didn't cover the whole hand it still looked fine. So not sure but I think I'm gonna leave em enabled in case there's other problems.

Edited by Rangaros
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I'm starting to see how Wrye Bash's BAIN installer is just as bad as any mod manager. They all carry the same liability in so far as they don't teach any modding skills.


In a way I think BAIN is the worst for anyone who doesn't have at least a fundamental knowledge of installing mods manually because of the power and flexibility it allows an expert modder. The complexity of the tool allows you to "follow to the letter" and yet not get the expected result. You must pay close attention to the order the archives are listed in the Wrye Bash Installers tab, or else what you thought would overwrite doesn't (if it is listed higher in the list than what you wanted to overwrite).


Without learning to manually install replacers anyone would be lost in figuring out why BAIN/NMM/OBMM wasn't working. At least with NMM and OBMM the order you do things determines the outcome, not the order you do them plus the order they are listed in the Installers tab.


It very well may be that to get it all to perfection you will need to install some parts manually Rangaros.

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Hey, Rangaros!


Please, go to your




folder and tell us what do you got there, especially the footmale.dds and footmale_n.dds, and their respective filesizes.



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Well, like I said I actually tried installing the Khajiit male body manually on top of everything, and it still didn't work. And when I install it with BAIN I can go to the data folder and see tall the files there just fine. Dunno about the archive invalidation thing though, still not sure if I have to manually do something for it when I install something manually, or go to Wrye Bash and tell it "apply it again" or what.


I swear the order is just fine, the mod itself shows in green, the conflicts tab only shows "lower" conflicts (from what I gather that means something from another mod is being replaced by it, and not the other way around), and it's only two things from HGEC (footmale.dds and footmale_n.dds). It's just like the game refuses to acknowledge those extra files are there. I even double checked to see if Blockhead was still there.


I really could install this manually if I wanted to, I mean, the mods even come with all the files in the correct directories anyway, it'd be just a matter of choosing and pasting stuff onto the data folder in the right order. I actually remember that I used to install mods manually WAAAY back before mod managers were a big thing. But I much rather use a tool that automatically makes backups of anything I overwrite, and if I decide to get rid of something then it goes back to the way it was before, without me having to check what files to "rollback". And I really don't wanna have to have a million copies of the data folder for every change I make to it, either, I can't afford all the extra disk space and time it'd take (yeah, even more time than now).

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I think we may have had some miscommunication on the Roberts male ESP Rangaros ... MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp needs to be deleted from your Data folder before you build your bashed patch ... Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp replaces it. The stuff I was saying about merging into the bashed patch and merging + deavtivating were general guidelines and not aimed at any specific mod.


This is one of those "specific mods" situations, and is at the root of your Khajiit problem I believe. MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp is merged into your bashed patch and deactivated, so it is overwriting the changes OCO v2 and everything else is trying to make.


To delete MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp we first need to get it out of your bashed patch.


Right click on your bashed patch and select Rebuild. When it brings up the list that shows everything that is merged into your bashed patch turn off the tick for MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp and then rebuild the patch. After it's done you will now see MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp listed on your Mods tab and you will be able to take off the tick mark on it (before that it would have had a + in the box, showing it was merged and deactivated). Now rebuild your bashed patch again, without MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp activated (ticked).


I suggest you then delete MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp from your Data folder, so it doesn't get activated again by mistake.


- Edit - Same goes for EVE_KhajiitFix.esp if you have it installed. If it's installed and merged + deactivated follow all those steps for it. If it's just installed and activated you can just untick, rebuild and then delete from Data.

Edited by Striker879
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Wow, I swear to god if it was just that one merged esp messing up that and only that... I'll try and report. And yeah I was already NOT using EVE_KhajiitFix.esp so no problem there. I'll try it out and report.


Oh and dunno if it matters still but I missed Ike's last post, so to answer it, I have:


footmale.dds - 2.66 MB

footmale_n.dds - 5.33 MB

RTfootmale.dds - 642 KB

RTfootmale_n.dds - 1.33 MB


Those are just the sizes shown in the folder, dunno if you need the specific exact ones from the file properties (in bytes).


Say, might as well ask something about the bashed patch. When exactly do I need to rebuild it? I mean, I know it's 1- after I install a mod that's gonna get merged, 2- before I uninstall a mod that's already merged and 3- after I uninstall a mod that was previously merged. But is that all? If I install a mod that doesn't have an esp or esm, do I need to rebuild it? And if I install a mod that DOES have an esp or esm but it's NOT gonna be merged, do I need to rebuild it? I'm just not sure if it only takes stuff from merged mods, or all mods with esp's, or every single installed mod regardless if it has an esp or not.


Edit: Yep... it was that... asdfawergfds I'm gonna murder a kitten brb.


Also the RT files from that folder are gone now, I noticed.


Say, now that that's over, I still wonder, why is it that I need that female Khajiit fix? I actually tested just now after this change and it's still messed up without it. But way back when I was just using all the normal EVE stuff I didn't have that problem. Maybe EVE bodies already come pre-fixed with that or something?


Oh and I'd still appreciate it if I could get some stock replacer for HGEC H-cup if it exists :P I really couldn't find much on that regard so I settled for just using EVE, but I'd be up to making it "perfect". Not a fan of those "skimpy" ones going around though, which is one reason I discarded DMRA.

Edited by Rangaros
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Sorry about the late reply, I'm having a situation with another matter.


The filesizes are the correct ones. I think the issue arises because you merged the Robert Males in your bashed patch and the game is taking the RTfootmale texture instead of the footmale one.


In vanilla Oblivion, both male and female Khajiit use the same body texture, the footmale found in the Male folder, but OCO fixes it redirecting the female one to footfemale.dds in the Female folder. Most likely this is why the Khajiit patch is not working for you.


The bashed patch works only for mods with esm or esp files. Loose files (masterless mods) do not enter the bashed patch.


Try un-merging both Robert Male and HGEC Khajiit fix from your bashed patch as Striker isntructed.



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When you install a mod that has no ESP/ESM then that is the only time you don't need to rebuild your bashed patch.


If you install any mod that has an ESP/ESM you rebuild your bashed patch after installing. If you uninstall a mod that has an ESP/ESM you rebuild your bashed patch after you deactivate the mod (take off the tick mark then rebuild). If you want to uninstall a mod that is merged and deactivated (has a + sign in the box) you must unmerge it first (as I outlined) and then deactivate (untick) and then rebuild.

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Alright, yeah, makes sense. So it's pretty much like the old merged patches I used back then, it takes all esp's and esm's "into" it. Just that the one I used back then didn't have all this weird merging thing. But I think I finally know exactly what to do when, now.


Btw there's an ninja edit up there in my last post, lol.


On a side note, it's funny how you two seem to always end up coming to the same conclusions, but somehow always miss each other's posts about em, lol.

Edited by Rangaros
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