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Looking for a specific mod.


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I recently purchased Oblivion for my PC and the first thing I noticed was how ugly every NPC in the game is. I have found PLENTY of mods to make the female characters look more than appealing but nothing that also makes the male characters look good as well. Is there such a mod? This is the first thing I am looking for before going into other mods for armor and weapons and overall graphics. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you

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There is a great mod that I use that improves the quality of facial textures. People are still rather ugly, mind you, but they are far more detailed. I haven't seen the mod here on the Nexus, but I did find it over at Planet Elder Scrolls. link


There's also a rather popular one here on the Nexus, although I haven't tried it yet. From the screenshots, it looks like it could be worthwhile to download.


Enjoy Oblivion!

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If your just looking for more attractive npcs try XEO...http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22787


I didn't like how the npcs look either and that mod gives a whole new look to the npcs


But you may not like male NPCs in XEO.......... depends on your taste.

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There is a great mod that I use that improves the quality of facial textures. People are still rather ugly, mind you, but they are far more detailed. I haven't seen the mod here on the Nexus, but I did find it over at Planet Elder Scrolls. link


There's also a rather popular one here on the Nexus, although I haven't tried it yet. From the screenshots, it looks like it could be worthwhile to download.


Enjoy Oblivion!


IFT is here. You find it if you search "IFT." http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5643


I personally use the age maps from IFT and overwrite the texture files with the other one that you recommend (Enayla's). As for good looking male NPCs, maybe this will help. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24003

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