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Oblivion level cap mod?


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Hi, i am new to the game and things are going on pretty fast that i have a hard time catching up. I mean, i have barely discovered the map and my character is level 8 and now enemies come up with spells, which, i still don't even know what they do. I am a warrior and i have until now a limited amount of spells. I 've read about the scaling mechanism, where the enemies scale with your level. At this pace, pretty soon i won't know what hit me.


So, i am thinking of something else. I 'd like to start a new character, for exploration purposes and sidequests. Which i would like to keep to low levels. Let's say not above level 5. Just to learn the land, discover locations, etc, get the hang of the thing and go around without worrying about some new super-foe with spells. I don't mind not completing the game anytime soon. I prefer the exploration part of it and honestly, closing the Kvatch portal, was one of the most frustrating places i 've been to, like a labyrinth. I much prefer going on foot around the countryside and walking around cities.



So, my question is, is there a mod that can allow me to cap the max level (and that of the enemies?). I know that technically, one can never sleep and stay level 1. But if at some point you do sleep, then you are forced to take all missing levels, so you can find yourself at level 15 suddenly. I don't want that.


I just want to be able to avoid further level progression after a certain point. Is there such a mod?



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I'm not aware of such a mod but a better solution to your problem might perhaps be to install a mod that makes your skills increase much slower and will therefore also make your character level up much slower (in vanilla 10 skill increases in your major skills will cause you to level up).

Here are some mods that slow down the skills' progression:

In Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul leveling rates are on average 3x slower than default Oblivion. If you install the Level_Slow patch skill progression will be 4x-6x slower depending on skill.

In Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul its possible to set any leveling rate in the ini file.

In Realistic Leveling its also possible to set any leveling rate in the ini file. Besides that RL will also change how your character level up and it will fix all the related flaws and problems in vanilla.

I recommend both MOO and RL because they are really good mods.

Personally I will set my leveling rate really slow (10x slower than normal I think) in my new game because I'm playing through Oblivion for the first time (except for the fact that I've started over a few times) and I want to explore all content and don't want to level up to fast. I've also installed both Shivering Isles and Elsweyr Anequina and lots of other mods so there is much content to explore. And it wouldn't be as nice to explore it with an already maxed out character. I have installed Elys Uncapper though which lets my skills increase beyond 100 (the cap in vanilla) if my skills ever reach that far but its nicer to level up slowly and stay low level for most part of the game rather than relying on the uncapper I think.

Edited by Grogrokl
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Thank you for the reply. Yes, i guess slowing down could be the answer... Thanks. I also like the exploration/trade game, i am not even sure i am interested in doing the main quest. The fighting part doesn't appeal to me much. I like going gathering alchemic ingredients, making potions and sell them to city shops, take some side quests etc. And since i use a lot speechcraft and alchemy, my leveling was going up fast, because i had alchemy as primary skill.


Thank you again.

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You could use an alternate start mod and then create a custom Class during character creation that has skills you won't be using regularly as primary skills. If you want some skill boost in skills even though they're not primary you can use the specialization to get around it somewhat.


I won't be at my gaming computer until later today ... I'll post some links to help explain all this in an edit later.

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You could use an alternate start mod and then create a custom Class during character creation that has skills you won't be using regularly as primary skills. If you want some skill boost in skills even though they're not primary you can use the specialization to get around it somewhat.


I won't be at my gaming computer until later today ... I'll post some links to help explain all this in an edit later.


I googled and found what you mean. Pick primary skills that i don't intend to use so that i stay low level. Clever as idea, although it's against the concept of roleplaying and i 've already made some progress i don't want to lose...



I downloaded Maskar's Overhaul, but can't figure out how to change leveling...


EDIT: I got an answer from the mod maker! :smile:


Thank you both Grogrokl and Striker!

Edited by Legedur
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OK, i post this in case someone else wants the same. The solutions are:


1) Maskar's mod, but right now it has a bug that rounds up values to skill level gain, so if you put 0.5 it rounds up to 0 and you get no skill level progression at all. Today there will be a hotfix though according to author.


2) For vanilla game, a good solution is combination of 2 mods that work fine together:


- Leveling Quick Fix:



The "20" version, makes so that in order to level up, you need to raise your primary skills by 20, instead of 10 of the vanilla game. So your level up speed is halfed.



- Attribute Mofifiers on LevelUp to +5



The first, allows you to progress at half the normal levelup speed.

The seconds, takes away the stress of "optimized skill raising", since at every level up, you get +5 on all 3 attributes you can raise.


So it doesn't allow to stay very low forever, but this method doesn't interfere with vanilla game mechanics at all, is very crash free/lightweight and allows you to end the game at level 25 instead of level 50, more or less, according to the author.

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This is not a good fix IMO but it depends on how you want your game to behave of course.


But the problem with this one is that your skills will still level up at normal rate - it will only slow down the level increase of the character.


So what is the problem with that? Well, it means that at any given level the skills of the player will be twice as high as they normally would. And that means the game will become much easier than it otherwise would have been, because the skills are gonna be much higher. If this is not a concern for you, then there is nothing wrong with this mod but otherwise its not a good choice.


update: when I think about it the mod can actually be good for the type of player who only focuses on his major skills because this player will end up with much lower values in his minor skills, at any given level, than a player who focuses on every skill which will make him weaker (he's unlikely to become weaker than NPCs though because they get pretty few skill increases/level up) and this mod helps to make the two kind of players more even.


But a much better solution to this problem is of course Realistic Leveling. In RL every skill contributes to leveling up regardless of if it is a minor or a major thus solving the problem once and for all, for all types of players. Regardless of how you play there will be no risk of becoming overpowered or underpowered just because you leveled up in the wrong way...




- Attribute Mofifiers on LevelUp to +5



This is a good mod IMO (I used it myself in my last game) because, as you say, it removes the stress of having to optimize skill raising. But on the other hand it makes your character overpowered because you will get +5 in every attribute on every level up instead of like +2 or +3 which the casual player would get, and which the game is balanced around.


So a better mod is once again Realistic Leveling. It's not possible to optimize your skill raising in RL either and your attributes will not increase with as many points/per level up as it does with a +5 mod so the player won't become overpowered.


RL also fixes the endurance problem. In vanilla, in order to maximize your health, it's important to increase your endurance first before your increase everything else, but in RL it doesn't matter when you increase it, because you will end up with the same amount of health regardless of if your endurance was increased early or late.


Oblivion has the worst leveling system that has ever been used in a game and realistic leveling fixes it all.


The only bad thing about realistic leveling is that it removes the fun of being able to pick which attributes to increase at every level up, but when you are basically forced to pick endurance anyway, and never would pick personality, how fun is it to be able to pick anyway?

Edited by Grogrokl
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If you are going to wander around the country side as a low leave character you might want to look at using one of the mods that pacify the wildlife :smile:


What do you mean? Like tame animals? Is there a good mod about that? I downloaded a mod that adds a pet shop where you can buy a pet/companion. But haven't been there yet.






This is not a good fix IMO but it depends on how you want your game to behave of course.


But the problem with this one is that your skills will still level up at normal rate - it will only slow down the level increase of the character.


So what is the problem with that? Well, it means that at any given level the skills of the player will be twice as high as they normally would. And that means the game will become much easier than it otherwise would have been, because the skills are gonna be much higher. If this is not a concern for you, then there is nothing wrong with this mod but otherwise its not a good choice.


update: when I think about it the mod can actually be good for the type of player who only focuses on his major skills because this player will end up with much lower values in his minor skills, at any given level, than a player who focuses on every skill which will make him weaker (he's unlikely to become weaker than NPCs though because they get pretty few skill increases/level up) and this mod helps to make the two kind of players more even.


But a much better solution to this problem is of course Realistic Leveling. In RL every skill contributes to leveling up regardless of if it is a minor or a major thus solving the problem once and for all, for all types of players. Regardless of how you play there will be no risk of becoming overpowered or underpowered just because you leveled up in the wrong way...




- Attribute Mofifiers on LevelUp to +5



This is a good mod IMO (I used it myself in my last game) because, as you say, it removes the stress of having to optimize skill raising. But on the other hand it makes your character overpowered because you will get +5 in every attribute on every level up instead of like +2 or +3 which the casual player would get, and which the game is balanced around.


So a better mod is once again Realistic Leveling. It's not possible to optimize your skill raising in RL either and your attributes will not increase with as many points/per level up as it does with a +5 mod so the player won't become overpowered.


RL also fixes the endurance problem. In vanilla, in order to maximize your health, it's important to increase your endurance first before your increase everything else, but in RL it doesn't matter when you increase it, because you will end up with the same amount of health regardless of if your endurance was increased early or late.


Oblivion has the worst leveling system that has ever been used in a game and realistic leveling fixes it all.


The only bad thing about realistic leveling is that it removes the fun of being able to pick which attributes to increase at every level up, but when you are basically forced to pick endurance anyway, and never would pick personality, how fun is it to be able to pick anyway?




The problem i have with realistic leveling, is... it's too complicated for me to understand! I saw the ini and couldn't make heads or tails of it. If i wanted to slow leveling, what should i change? i 've no idea!

Maskar's was simpler and introduced some interesting novelties, but it's still bugged when you put 0.x multiplier.


With the above mods i can half the progression, which under the circumstances, it's the best i can do... I haven't ever finished the game before, so i may as well get the +5 "help" for my 1st playthough. For next playthoughs, i may disable it.


At least it's working. No bugs, no mothing. I 've come to fear big overhauls, because they have bugs or crashes. This combo is light and crash free...


When Maskar fixes the mod to allow less than 1 skill gain, i will try his mod again. But i can't start over again at this point. I am trying to play the game.


I see what you mean about having more skills at a certain level, but don't creatures/enemies follow the same rules too?

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