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Blondes, Scandinavians or just plain dumb people?


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She was really nasty... I have had girls and guys in my high school ask me for help on their computer, I go to help them and get relatively the same treatment. Even if I don't explain it to them I just begin working on it, they usually stop me and say "woah woah, why you opening that box the computer is over here." Then they get nasty like she did. Its really quite sad. I don't mind if computers aren't your thing, but why ask anyone for help if you aren't going to listen to what they say and then mock them. I am employed as a techie at my school for a reason..
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Mac user or not, at 2:50 into the video he explains that the monitor is just like a TV and states that all the components are held inside the PC. He points to the tower and calls it a PC, points to the monitor and calls it a screen. I don't know how much more straightforward he could be about it. She could have put 1+1 together instead of trying to correct the instructor.
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She's clearly a Mac user.




Meaning in this way:






It's easy to call someone stupid when you don't know their frame of reference.

This exactly is what I was going to say.


Edit: watched the video, the woman is purposely being difficult. She understands what the man is saying, but either is worried about being labeled a nerd or she's just a spoiled rotten little brat.


The technotarded still piss me off, though. Mostly because they try and correct you. Yeah, dude. you're absolutely right! I have no idea what I'm doing, I mean, I've only been doing this for the last 20 effing years and you've never even seen the inside of a PC, let along touch one. But you're absolutely right because there's no way you could be wrong!


Bout a week ago, someone had ordered DSL for my house. They ordered a self install kit because it's cheaper. I tried explaining to them that I don't have a phone line at my house because the cable company disconnected it. They wouldn't have any of it though, they couldn't understand why the cable company would disconnect the phone lines(they looped the jacks for the digital phone service). So they assumed I must be wrong and kept saying I needed to just wait for the kit and try then. So I waited, about a week and half or so for the kit to arrive. When it finally got here, it was a couple days earlier. But I went ahead and connected it anyway to show that there is no signal. Hooked it up to the PC, went to the diagnostics page, and showed them the modem was reporting that it wasn't getting a signal. So they said, "but it's early, you have to wait for them to activate it." I tried explaining that it wouldn't matter whether it was activated or not, because it's not getting a signal. That's a physical problem, not a service issue. Whatever, so I waited and waited. Tried again when the service was supposed to be activated, only to receive the same error. Showed them again, only to be told that I needed to call them.


Now, I loath calling tech support. They are completely useless, but I didn't really have a choice. If I just straight told them what the problem is, they really wouldn't have listened anyway, and it would have caused fights for me. So I played pattycake, figuring that they would eventually figure out what the problem is. Instead, I got connected to some jackass in India that couldn't speak a lick of English and lied to several times. "Oh, we can see your modem communicating with the servers, but your service just isn't activated yet. Wait till 8am tomorrow." Bull freaking crap! Whatever, by this time I was seriously pissed off and about to start cussing people out. So I just hung up and went to bed. Waited till the next day, called back. Finally got connected to an American call center and they figured out what the problem was. So they sent out a technician and hooked up the line. That fixed the initial problem, but a couple more issues popped up and had to have two more technicians sent out. Wasted two days playing games with these morons. Ugh.


The best part is, I have a business partner who wants to open a computer repair shop. AWESOME! More people for me to want to strangle. -_-



Worst yet are the people who give horrible, straight up incorrect advise and the people who adhere to it like religion. "Yes, I realize that a chief of police told you to drag the body into the house if ever you are forced to kill someone in self defense in your yard. Nevermind the fact that this is both a stand your ground and castle doctrine state, so that you are completely covered already. Let's talk about the insanely illegal aspect of tampering with evidence."


Offtopic rant:


For those that do not know, in Texas, if you are someplace you are legally allowed to be, say your own freaking property. If someone is illegally posing a serious threat to your health and or life, you have the legal right to use deadly force to end that threat. But a lot of people, cops, police chiefs, sheriffs and a whole host of other so called 'professionals' still tell people to drag the body into the house. This is not only completely pointless(because you're already protected by law), it's stupidly illegal. If you do that, the cops will find out. If you are lucky, you will be allowed to plea down tampering with evidence charges. If the prosecutor doesn't like you, liked the attacker, is a douchebag or simply doesn't buy your story, you can face upwards of capital murder. And barring witnesses testifying that it was truly self defense, you will up be **** creak without a paddle and possibly facing a death sentence. Why? Because you destroyed the only evidence proving your innocence and in the process, created evidence suggesting premeditated murder.


TL;DR: Don't take legal advice from cops, it can send you to the chair.


Edited by Syco21
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My Brother is a mac user, and she reminds me of him.. Mac is the monitor, but hes not that bad, he understands that the tower is the pc, just that he doesn't care to learn or change.. :teehee:


I'm also a techie, and sometimes build for other people, also my bro sometimes watches me build them but instead of asking questions he stairs in confusion.. Silly mac users.. :teehee: He's clearly in denial of pc..

Edited by Thor.
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I have dug through my computer a bit, but I can't say I know all that much about it. Like, I could name the parts in it but I don't know what all of them do.


My friend knows what he is doing, and people bag the crap out of him for fixing their computers. Um, he's fixing your freaking computer, so shut the F up.

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And thats how we live "sigh", we struggle with ignorant ppl and ignorant salesman :wallbash: , but hey theres a good thing in that, i can always lmao when the client make that face of "oh he was right" duh of course i was right ¬_¬ im a darn techy.... and for that it gonna cost u a few more :whistling:
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Ya know, I've been right so many times, being able to say I told you so just pisses me off. Not that I want to be wrong, I want to always be right. It's just that, having a proven track record of being right, I'd really appreciate it if people would just f***ing listen.
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Ya know, I've been right so many times, being able to say I told you so just pisses me off. Not that I want to be wrong, I want to always be right. It's just that, having a proven track record of being right, I'd really appreciate it if people would just f***ing listen.


And give up on their pre-conceived notions that they do indeed know EVERYTHING? Puh-Lease....... :D

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A cynical side of me laughs though when people who ask me to work on their computers then tell me I am doing something wrong. I am sure you guys can relate in some form or another to that. Its just funny, its like why ask me if you think you can fix it? What am I even here for?
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