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- Edit - You're doin' pretty well for a whipper snipper ... playin' with the geezers and all!!

Had to grow up fast I guess lol. I had two older brothers one of which was already out of high school when I was born so I grew up with a lot of their old stuff to play with. And honestly a lot of older games are better then modern ones, far less streamlined console friendly garbage. On top of that going to a university with classes with folks far older then me contributed to that. :D




About the video games. I had a system that the only way the computer did anything is if I put a 5 1/4 inch floppy in waited for the 2 GB of RAM to load and draw the starter lines.

someone needs to pull Paga out and blow on him real quick he seems to be bugging out.

Someone?! Doctor heal me! Or Kill me! Either way. I know one way or the other I will be better and more to your liking.


It's my time of year Dr and it works it's magic on me the other 11 months of the year as well. I'm going to be 71 on the 18th. :woot:

I don't think "heal" or "kill" are technically in my job description. "Fix" is kinda in there. :/
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Black Mirror... Sort of a One Step Beyond and The Twilight Zone mix is what it seems to say in their story line info.

From what I saw it's kinda a modern version of the show. I'm not sure myself though. I only saw a couple episodes of both . Not really my style of show but it's like the only type of tv show the wife will watch (she prefers books) and my brother apparently likes it as well.

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:laugh: The two are the ancient and powerful resorts that the wisdom of the ages with witchcraft, shamanism, doctors, and all sort of almost a medical practitioners drank about.


For example: I had a headache and nothing the doctor did relieved me of it. Than a wise woman stomped on my big toe and I forgot all about my headache.


Medicine didn't work, but stomping on my big toe killed any idea about crying about it anymore.

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More to the point! I remember best what tests my memory more recently. Going that far back in time is like walking along the aisle in the library with all of Halloween's authors shelves keeping my interest now, because Halloween is invigorating me.


I am happiest this time of year, and the Computer recollection section of my mental library is not my present attention getter.


Which is a long way further back toward the front door where my life started in a little baby outfit bundled in a blanket, wrapped up cozy and warm while the elder children were preparing for, 13 days, Halloween.


The front door of my library is where I began collecting memories in journals. When I was a baby; before I started off on a Halloween Items Scavenger hunt to give my lot, yard, and house a spooky make-over to entice little candy lovers to...


Scare me out of my candy!


Since it isn't likely I will be scared by any children I found the complete collection of the Crypt Keeper Television series, and if that's not enough I found The Complete set of the Twilight Zone television, the Munsters, and Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler. She looks horribly scary on the movie jacket with her to witch sisters.

Hey checkout Black Mirror if you haven't yet. My brother and wife both thinks of it as a great successor to the Twilight Zone.


On the topic of Halloween the wife wants me to dress up as Linkle this year while she goes as Zelda. Which is a horrifying idea as it implies we are going to leave the house... which as the asocial type I am is the exact opposite of what I would like to do lol.



That Linkle outfit is a sexy looking costume. I hope you don't get a pinched a lot at the party!

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- Edit - You're doin' pretty well for a whipper snipper ... playin' with the geezers and all!!

Had to grow up fast I guess lol. I had two older brothers one of which was already out of high school when I was born so I grew up with a lot of their old stuff to play with. And honestly a lot of older games are better then modern ones, far less streamlined console friendly garbage. On top of that going to a university with classes with folks far older then me contributed to that. :D




About the video games. I had a system that the only way the computer did anything is if I put a 5 1/4 inch floppy in waited for the 2 GB of RAM to load and draw the starter lines.

someone needs to pull Paga out and blow on him real quick he seems to be bugging out.

Someone?! Doctor heal me! Or Kill me! Either way. I know one way or the other I will be better and more to your liking.


It's my time of year Dr and it works it's magic on me the other 11 months of the year as well. I'm going to be 71 on the 18th. :woot:

I don't think "heal" or "kill" are technically in my job description. "Fix" is kinda in there. :/



Hmm ... "fix" ... isn't that something we used to take the pets to have done.


OK ... so visit the Dr today ... or NOT!!


Just 16 more sleeps Paga!!

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Ah yes the ol change the problem tactic. It actually works surprisingly well in many situations.


Yes it does. And if men knew a secret I learned from that experience using it in another way their Modding skills would have their full attention; not their age!


Edit: Pardon me for being single. Gals too. It works, for females too.


Yesterday while I was waiting for answers from a question I had from recalling my youthful days the quest spawned a word that I realized was infinite, always around us all, and surrounds us like the air we breath... It doesn't appear to have any instructions or really a way to look at it. It is just there and we all like it when we think about it and remember all the images from our life time we see the family gathered around actively engaging in the place where we seem to recognize the best of times. I imagined the activity we all shared around a holiday working on preparing the holiday meal. Even I, as a little boy, got to help making food dishes.


And we all enjoyed it.


Where there is LOVE!

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Man getting people to use my correct title of dr. is a pain in the rear >:(


So it's small dr with a . ... would that be correct dr.?

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