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How old are you?


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Welcome PoorlyAged. Age 1018. ? Does that mean you're to the minus 8 months younger then 101 or that you are so young you're not old enough to have been born yet? :teehee:


Pretty sure 1018 is his age in Octal and not decimal i.e. he's 65 :tongue:


I'm 1101012.


3516? The reverse of the decimal value. :teehee: :laugh: :teehee: :woot:

Edited by PoorlyAged
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Now where did I leave my octal to decimal converter? :wink: :wink:


Theres one on every PC open Calculator > View > Programmer it'll convert to/from hex, decimal, octal and binary, qword dword word and byte :teehee:





There are 47 votes for over 60 now. We have 37 more votes then those who are under 10. 14 more votes and we will out number the 51-60 year olds. :teehee:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm 65. Disabled Vietnam combat vet. Video games saved me. Broke my arm a few years ago. Got tired of watching Opra and crap. Started playing my kids PS2. Got hooked. Helped pull me out of the PTSD crap. Got some of my buddies doing it, helped them a lot. Played over 150 PS2 games, over 100 PS3 games. Got really good. Hero among my kids friends, asking me for help, GREAT feeling. Got into PC gaming. Been a Skyrim fanatic since PS3. Really into modding. May be one of the oldest. This is the buggiest damn thing I have ever played, but one hell of a challenge. Have been able to solve a lot of issues. May start posting results on those soon. Not real sociable on media stuff.

Made a plugin with over 100 of the hottest followers, they are all mine, you can't have them. Even have hot draugr.

Anyway, to all of you Skyrim nuts, hang in, the game will get better. Thanks for all the helpfull posts a lot of you have shared.

God bless.

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Seems there´s a lot of Vet´s in my age-group.. ;-) Gaming helps me cope with my desire to kill just about any and all who bugs me at a particular time ;-) Started with Sid Meiers "Pirates" back in the day when all we had in the Camp was a C64 with a Casette deck,yeah,i´m that old,after i got blown up in (Redacted) my wife started me Gaming(she´s been an avid gamer all her life)

Helps me relax and gets my creativity going.. I think i can credit the Gaming Universes and the Lore of different Games for getting me into books again and from books to actually writing my self ;-) (had lost all incentive when in hospital) now i´m writing Novels and Short stories,even making a stab at a Historical Anthology... Only thing saddening me about Games is the decline of story-lines and actual Gameplay.. Graphics seem to be the only parameter that developers are going for nowadays.. personally i´d rather have a good storyline and some gameplay that makes you go "oh,i just need to" and five hours later you get slapped by your better half and asked if you realise that you need to sleep SOMETIME!! (as in now,you clown).. i think that´s the reason i´ve returned to FNV.. the gameplay in FO4 is perfect for someone who likes building stuff and not have to worry much about reactions to your actions.. Currently i am writing a completely new storyline for FO4,with dialogue,choices,consequences and the lot ;-) it´s a pain but if i can get it to work i might just play the game again..

well.. that turned into a longer post than i imagined from start.. have a nice one out there..

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Getting old sucks...

The only one that reigns over most 38 year olds is them selves. It may be reining you in, now. So let a little rain fall from the big eyes of yours and then... Get in control!


Things I did when I realized I was old.


1. Take a road trip.


Now I am 67 and I want to take another road trip to visit WHERE My Grandparents LIVED (on my Dad's side of the family) when I was going on 7. They lived where there were Almond Trees.


2. Have my cake and eat it too.


3. Watched all the funny movies and tv shows that made me laugh.


4. Drank way too much coffee on several occasions


Hey! If you really don't want to see the day when you get handed a crying towel you could search for a secret society of people who want to stay young and healthy forever.


Or check out Aubrey du Grey,



I especially liked the part about being able to play in the sports events instead of getting old and watching from the sidelines all the time. It's too late for me though. There appears to be a time limit and once you pass it you can't be given the forever young tag.


Get it while you're still hot! Handsome, Beautiful, or just plain vain glorious.

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