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TES V requests/wishlist


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Wow, my first post got all sorts of messed up. There any chance one of the modders can fix that? I spent about 2 hours making that post...


Edit your post again, but not in quick edit(it often messes up your posting...). Go to full edit, then save your post. Usually I fixed messed up post like that.

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Bigger Gameworld - Although I have never seen Skyrim, from a map I have seen, it's smaller than Cyrodiil which is disappointing. I have always thought it would be awesome if the whole of Tamriel was explorable. If not the entire Tamriel, then perhaps at least 1-2 more explorable countries.


I suspect we might get to see the island of Solstheim



Here, watch this video, it's a compilation of in-game rumours taken from TES4:


More precisely at 0:46, they say the nords are trying to take over the island and take it away from the imperial control, that would coincides with the internal commotion mentioned in the new trailer.


My guess is that we'll see the whole of Skyrim, plus Solstheim island and maybe some other island as a DLC (hopefully summerset isle :D).

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lets see



1- every skill from morrowind (along with what was with it)


2- lore friendlyness towards morrowind (oblivion screwed much of the lore over, why are glass swords so heavy?)


3- better weather/nature effects (water,snow etc) i also want the land to change depending on the weather (grass turning into snow)


4- more tilesets for caves


5- MUCH more realistic characters, complete with several voices for each race ( it would also help if there was technology to change the pitch/speed of an npc talking, giving them accents) i also want my enemies to be capable of fear (realistic fear) and i want to be able to speak at a distance


6-ai- improve it greatly


7- combat mofo, improve, i want a different spell system to both morrowind and oblivion (more like bioshock 2s plasmids) i want to be able to use magic to set my fists/sword on fire,or use my jedi force powers to throw enemies on my spear and use unarmed to upgrade my swordplay so that i can kick people while stabing them. i also want to scare enemies with my mad skills until they cower onto their knees, and then decapitate them.


animations for killing power attacks would be awesome


i want versatile creatures, spiders should wall walk, birds and slaughterfish should adopt hit and run techniques, dogs should hang onto enemies with their teeth, assassin characters shoud try to sneak up on the player, the legion should form tight formations while atacking- while barbarian nords should run in and smack them with a hammer in a heroic esq thingy- mounted combat is a must.



8-i want a good storyline


9- i dont want this game held to ransom by the limitations of the xbox (or ps3, but that is less so)


10-mod tools- improve on them, make map making faster with xy/xz/yz views


11- i dont want shity addons like horse armour, i want epic expansion packs (for example tes v: hammerfell)


12- misc stuff

companions paid attention to, although not getting in the way

gore, nudity

the landmass should be around four times as much as oblivion. to save memory the land could be tesselated. the citys should also show this. (both morrowind and oblivion called villages cities)

the journal should actualy look like a journal, make the map/icons look like they where drawn

i want the game to be scary

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Same with Melkormgc, hair of a reasonable length that ripples and reacts to the environment. On the note of cosmetics, how about customizable bodies? I hate seeing that same body-build populating the entire land. We need the fat and the skinny!


LAN multiplayer would be good, just so you can adventure with a couple of friends without wrecking immersion too much.


And of course, more voice actors!


More secret passageways perhaps? And doors which you can lock against NPCs.

Edited by Idhreniel
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I would personally love a co-op and such. maybe make it interactive aswell. I mean how kewl would it be to play it with your wife and together you beat the game? Other than that no Multiplayer, Co-Op would be my limits there is no limitations or balancing recquired minus maybe making things tougher. Get rid of Leveled Loots and Leveled Enemies> For the love of God make the world a dangerous place.....I want to fear heading into the dark corners of the world, not run around naked with a sword with nothing to fear.


Please add some sensuality, love, more believable NPCs. Fighting styles would be a kewl additions, make skills more in depth and more complex, also add more stuff, Oblivion was so shallow compared to Morrowwind. Lighting, please no more ambient lighting I want darkness were darkness should be light were light should be. This will make torches useful, also dungeons more like dungeons, if there is not light there you are blind....(minus the loop holes around it)

Edited by BladeValant546
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I want our choices to affect the world, but with less scripting, and more simple logic. Warehouse owners have an item in their schedule that makes them order new items for their warehouse everyday. Delivery people will pick up supplies as part of their schedule, and deliver those supplies to stores. If you kill the warehouse owner, they obviously can not fulfill their schedule. This means that no new items come to the warehouse, harming trade in the area until a new warehouse owner spawns, or just permanently freezing trade in the area. A script would have to recognize when you kill someone and then stop crates in the warehouse from respawning items, and stop the delivery people from picking up supplies. There is no need for this script if ordering more items is simply part of a warehouse owner's automatic AI.
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