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New Vegas Mod Detectives


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Lets see the last photo is the M16 retexture to the Service Rifle, Just look up Service rifle and you will see several different version and pick the one you want. As for the Armor that is a combination of one of the comando armors from TG Armory Collection the other is the Tactical vest .


The next pick is not allowed on nexus as it is a rip from either Crysis or Crysis 2. As for the gun itself likely a retexture of the Light Machine gun


Next pick up is the HK416 Retexture of the Markmen Carbine, however the mod is no longer on nexus.


The Next gun up could be either an HK M416 or Barrrett M468 can't really tell from the angle.


The top pick looks like a Black G3 or FN FAL however That could be someone's personal port from Fallout 3 as it does look a little like Alexscorpions G3 Retexture of the American Assault rifle.

Edited by Gracinfields
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Lets see the last photo is the M16 retexture to the Service Rifle, Just look up Service rifle and you will see several different version and pick the one you want. As for the Armor that is a combination of one of the comando armors from TG Armory Collection the other is the Tactical vest .


The next pick is not allowed on nexus as it is a rip from either Crysis or Crysis 2. As for the gun itself likely a retexture of the Light Machine gun


Next pick up is the HK416 Retexture of the Markmen Carbine, however the mod is no longer on nexus.


The Next gun up could be either an HK M416 or Barrrett M468 can't really tell from the angle.


The top pick looks like a Black G3 or FN FAL however That could be someone's personal port from Fallout 3 as it does look a little like Alexscorpions G3 Retexture of the American Assault rifle.


thx man :D kudos to you!

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I saw a picture a few months ago of John Marston looking armor. Dark pants and a denim vest and a lighter long sleeve shirt under the vest


this; http://images.wikia.com/reddeadredemption/images/2/21/John_Marston1.jpg


id kill to find it, there isnt very many decent cowboy looking clothes.

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I saw a picture a few months ago of John Marston looking armor. Dark pants and a denim vest and a lighter long sleeve shirt under the vest


this; http://images.wikia.com/reddeadredemption/images/2/21/John_Marston1.jpg


id kill to find it, there isnt very many decent cowboy looking clothes.


This is the one I use:



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I'm trying to find a mod that adds the XP, karma and location to the HUD. I know the pic is from FO3, but is there a similar mod that does this for FONV? It looks like Primary Needs, but those features are not in the latest version. TY in advance
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I saw a picture a few months ago of John Marston looking armor. Dark pants and a denim vest and a lighter long sleeve shirt under the vest


this; http://images.wikia.com/reddeadredemption/images/2/21/John_Marston1.jpg


id kill to find it, there isnt very many decent cowboy looking clothes.


This is the one I use:




Yup i I got that one, closest thing to it I can find. It doesn't look bad at all but I guess I'm picky haha

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Oh, I totally forgot about this mod. I got it for Vegas before I had to get a new hard drive. It let you blow open locks with any explosive you find in the game. I ran across the "Open Sesame" mod but it seems a bit to buggy to get until it's fixed. I believe the person that made the mod I'm talking about also uploaded a mod that made computer hacking easier. If I remember right, this computer hacking mod put an item in the game)don't remember where) that was just a computer chip you kept in your inventory to make hacking easier.
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I'm trying to find a mod that adds the XP, karma and location to the HUD. I know the pic is from FO3, but is there a similar mod that does this for FONV? It looks like Primary Needs, but those features are not in the latest version. TY in advance


DarNified UI


The primary needs info displayed on the left of the screen is an addon for Imps More Complex Needs.

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