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Unofficial TESNexus Minecraft Server


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I wish seeds were deciphered, so I could partially know what I'm going to get... How nice it would be to have big rolling hills with mountains in the distance, so I can have a farm and grow a forest to satisfy all the needs I have, and finally have nearly all the flat ground I want to build a house. :smile:
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Okay, why don't we have certain users being farmers of certain things. For example, one user would focus on Tree-Farming. Another User would focus on Wheat and Sugar Cane Farming. And yet another could focus on Cactus Farming. :D


Excess items could be sold to the server for a small profit (except in the case of Gold and Diamond). Iron could be sold to people who need lots of iron for Minecart Tracks. :D

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Server should be as good as new now. Fully reinstalled with Bukkit and mods. Actually, its kinda nice to have things all cleaned up. :)


Note: It is not online right now though. I want to try something out. It will be up in a bit though.


Regarding an automatic backup: I've got ftp access to the server and could set that up - but once the world grows a bit (takes maybe a week or two to do so) the compression work to save the world/etc puts a moderately heavy load on the server. For that reason, I prefer to just do it manaully when there is no one on.


More to follow.

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Well, here's my idea in summary. You are all free to comment, disagree, agree, etc - please do.


I saw quite a few good ideas for projects come up in the last couple of pages of posts. The economy/land selling/etc ideas are great - however I think they may be impractical for effective implementation on a server of this scale.

So, I thought it might be nice to simply facility some public projects. I created a map locally where I leveled off an area of some 250,000 blocks in area. I then subdivided this into 4 quarters, with the spawn at center. I figured that these could be perfect sandbox locations to build large castles/cities/public works. All the leveling work is done - you just need to find or farm the resources and get to building. By dividing it into quarters I figured we could have a couple of large projects. Maybe a medieval quarter, a modern quarter, a quarter for personal houses (plot size limited of course), etc - you get the idea.

If this seems agreeable to all, I'll set up some warps out at the edge to facilitate access to the wilderness for exploration and mining/etc. The areas can also be protected and build restricted to certain groups.

Economy: No, I don't mean to entirely scrap the economy idea. However I don't think that with the current bugs in the plugin we are ready for a fully fledged natural economy (land, labor, etc). Since its a very handy method to redistribute blocks though, I think a couple of merchants (stores?) coupled with the ability to purchase un-accessible items is a good medium.

You may note that I marked out an area around spawn which I figured would be handy to set up stores, crafting areas, stockrooms, and other general server works.


Thoughts? Please comment.


I hope this post is moderately understandable. I may edit it in the morning when I'm less sleepy.

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Umm.. How large is 250,000 blocks? It might look unappealing with too large a perfectly flat area.


I spent a few minutes this morning on the ArgoIsAwesome seed outlining the walls and towers. It works well, but Ethre's map is probaby better.


The land distribution system has a few benefits. First it'll encourage people to not build right beside each other like they did in the cramped town. They'll give more space to allow for expansion. It'll also make it easier to set up protection. On the other world, my castle's protection came within ablock of Crazy's house (Which is why I didn't protect it).


THe land plots should be laid out as maybe 25 blocks on each side in squares (Can be shrunken or increased, random guess right now). Between each plot is a road (two blocks wide) that you shouldn't build on. If you buy another plot and build on it too you can claim the road between the two. Block it off, make a bridge, or turn it into a put, it's yours.


I think the individual plots shouldn't e protected until they're purchased, at which point protection can be added or expanded to fit it. This way we don't have to worry about a complex filing system for the names of each cell. We'll just trust everyone to not build in a plot they don't own.


Can we see some screenshots of the world?

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