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Someone burned down the lighthouse and built a rather phallic statue from obsidian. I didn't have time to completely remove the statue, so I just turned it into the Monolith from 2010.
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Someone burned down the lighthouse and built a rather phallic statue from obsidian. I didn't have time to completely remove the statue, so I just turned it into the Monolith from 2010.


By the way, the Name "Dr Thirst" was spelled out in dirt next to it. I can assure you it wasn't him. He was with me when it happened.

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Could have done with a bit of warning before you turned the mobs on (24 hours!). Wasn't really ready for it at all so think the house mate and I will move on to our own server for the time being.
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Wasn't really ready for it at all

And it turns out neither was I. That was an experiment I don't want to repeat. They make too much havoc. I thought it might be tolerable without creepers, but even zombies were too much of an annoyance.

I'm looking at Cuboid right now. May be possible to turn them on in limited areas for those that want them.


Bukkit looks promising. I hope it doesn't break all the plugin compatibility.


Vagrant: Odd. Perhaps related to the account issue? Might have caused some problems with the validation? :confused:

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The mobs are a bit odd. A zombie somehow spawned inside my keep (Even with all torches up!) and killed me. I/homed with the intent of killing it and taking my stuff back to find that the zombie was invisible! Now, running from a zombie is fine, but an invisible zombie is just aggravating. It killed me about 6 times before I could regain all of my items and barricade myself in the gatehouse 'til sunrise. Seriously, it was like just dashing about my keep and then my health drops at about 2 hearts per second. For some reason, my items turned invisible too when I died, so that made the scavenger hunt all the more annoying.
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I'm gonna have to say we ought to leave mobs off until they completely bugless, really.They're not so bad on their own (Except for skeletons, those things are annoying because you can't even get close to hit them), but the bugs to give them superpowers make them much worse.
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Seems like health respawn is no longer default on. This should be overridden correctly now (so that you respawn health)


Edit: Lava bathing is still a bad idea.


Mobs will remain off until I can find a well working localizations solution.


Edit2: I've been firefighting from the mobs. If you lost any trees due to mobs, please contact me. There are also saplings at oldspawn (chest on the right) if you want to simply plant new ones.

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So far, everyones been building in small communities or by themselves. I think it's time for a HUGE group project. We should set a date, and a time, meet up and build something epic. Only problem I can see is the player limit. We can manage with 8 right now, but for a server project, we'd need to increase it.


I just think it'd be a cool idea.

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