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The mobs are a bit odd. A zombie somehow spawned inside my keep (Even with all torches up!) and killed me. I/homed with the intent of killing it and taking my stuff back to find that the zombie was invisible! Now, running from a zombie is fine, but an invisible zombie is just aggravating. It killed me about 6 times before I could regain all of my items and barricade myself in the gatehouse 'til sunrise. Seriously, it was like just dashing about my keep and then my health drops at about 2 hearts per second. For some reason, my items turned invisible too when I died, so that made the scavenger hunt all the more annoying.


Yeah I was digging your secret tunnel and dug into your castle and came up there were 3 zombie there that killed me -.-



And I planted a tree and sat there for an hour or so. When I came back to the keyboard , the tree was still a sapling -.-

Edited by alonsomartinez
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I was pretty certain tree growth got fixed in November update. Sure you had enough light and space?


Could also be that you need to move away from the area for the growth to occur. I'm not certain.


Edit: And yes, mobs are definitely glitched. They took two server restarts to stop spawning. I found that out the hard way, after going AFK for a couple of minutes.

The one thing that did seem to work though, was daytime death. It might be possible to force server daytime - so that mobs would only spawn in caves. I'm a little wary of trying this out though.

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Was finally able to log in. It looks like someone found my little hidden floating island I built from scratch and decided to not only raid my storeroom, but also build crappy walls all around it. They took all my diamond, coal, iron, gold, and other stuff. The island is now lava. I'm done with the server until there is some sort of property flags implemented. People screwing up my beach house is one thing, but stealing the stuff I spent so much time getting and then deciding to just lay claim to it all is just unforgivable. There were signs posted. There was a friggin iron door and internals setup, it was a friggin house and it clearly wasn't theirs, but didn't stop them. If I had enough TNT, the island would be gone. /ragequit Edited by Vagrant0
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