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Unofficial TESNexus Minecraft Server


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You lagged the server to a point it it took no more commands and shortly after it even halted completely, I had to shut it down and restart to get it back up which took a few minutes...which means you might've lagged other games that were hosted on that same server. I hope you don't mind me removing 80% world on the server to clean up the mess. If you want to do something different, please use that on your own server and don't mess it up to a point none can play anymore.


If someone's missing a house somewhere, let me know. Most inventories are reset as I couldn't use the command to kick everyone out, so I apologize for the inconvenience.


When you negatively affect other's play experience to the point that they can no longer participate, it stops just being "something DIFFERENT". When you start noticing that you specifically are causing excessive lag, you need to reconsider your actions.


For reference regarding enemy mobs (since I see the question came up again in the logs): Mobs in general have been glitchy the last week or so. They're spawning incorrectly, not spawning, or over spawning. Until this cleans up, enemy mobs are off the table.

Craftbook's coming.

Edited by Ethre
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I understand that mobs cause a significant amount of lag but I have a theory that believe it or not, that having no raiding nor mobs causes a lot of drama.

Just yesterday there were two people fighting over NOTHING and one claimed that the other will be banned. It just seems to me that when there is no danger people start to cause drama and get into fights.

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I'll forgive you Crazy. I just dislike drama over nothing. The issue has been fixed and nothing more should need to be said of it.


On another note, does anyone mind me expanding my arena some into a full sized castle? I never did like the villa style with ground floor windows. Maybe I'm paranoid.


Also: The black background on your avatar is confusing me. From a distance the X is larger than the background, but when I look more closely it's smaller. Argh!

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I'm not a big fan of the drama either, so I'm glad you did the clever thing and apologized. We all have a bad day every once in a while, and if you find yourself getting aggravated it's best to just take a break and calm down for a bit before you do something you might regret.


/I'm-so-awesome-I'm-better-than-everyone-else-or-at-least-I-think-I-am rant :P

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I'm not a big fan of the drama either, so I'm glad you did the clever thing and apologized. We all have a bad day every once in a while, and if you find yourself getting aggravated it's best to just take a break and calm down for a bit before you do something you might regret.


/I'm-so-awesome-I'm-better-than-everyone-else-or-at-least-I-think-I-am rant :P

This killed me... i laughed so much i chocked! Kudos




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Holy Crap, I'm gone for two days and everything falls apart....




I'll have to login to see how things are, if the inventory reset... that could be a problem.

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