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Favorite Villain of All Time


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EDIT - I forgot about HAL 9000. It's for sure the best villain.


That's gotta be GLaDOS for a game. Nothing but dark humour and slowly corrupting every level.

Edited by Omeletter
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Well, I'd have to pick The Warp from WH40k.


It's an alternate dimension in which demons, cultists, crazy people, former heroes, and evil gods lurk.


And it's the smartest and most insidious and patient villain you could ever encounter. Compared to it, GLADOS is a second rate Servo-Skull with a screw loose in its cranial assembly.


Because it's just so darn impossible to beat. In the Eisenhorn novels, it spends more than 180 years driving one loyal imperial hero insane and to evil. Simply by slowly whittling away he inhibition to doing everything in his power to survive, and then equally slowly upping the odds so that he must use more and more of it's secrets-which drive him further into insanity-to survive.


More than 180 years to destroy one man, but you know it'll win because it can afford to wait. Time is not linear in the Warp, it has all the time in the universe, and it is everywhere. every time, every place, and can even manipulate and consume human thought and will.

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iv vlad the impaler counts, then him


otherwise hitler, he was such abad dude, but he did it so well

Uh... I was kinda looking for people with a more... fictional background...


You know, like Darth Vader, or that guy from Saw...

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