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Unknown Error


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I was going to play Morrowind one night and it didn't work (the disc was in). So, in hopes of getting it to work, I uninstalled it. Then, I couldn't reinstall it until a week later.


Now, the game is installed and the icon is on my desktop but I keep getting this weird error whenever I go to play it.


It reads: Font 0 not found in .\Morrowind.ini. Current path: C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind.


Can someone help me with this problem? (Btw, my former name on here was Warhammer NoBaka, but I changed to this one).

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Hmm...Why couldnt you reinstall it before? If you dont have any mods or can easily get them back I would recommend copying your save files to another location and deleting the morrowind folder. You might also want to defrag/run scandisk after uninstalling it if you havent. If none of these suggestions work I would check the cd for scratches or marks and try cleaning it up.
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Go into Morrowind.ini and search for the string "[fonts]" -- if the entries under that don't look exactly like that shown below, or there is no instance of that string, add the text below to the end of the INI.



Font 0=magic_cards_regular

Font 1=century_gothic_font_regular

Font 2=daedric_font


If the text is exactly the same, then you'll need to find some way to install all three fonts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holy thread necromancy, batman!

Your Morrowind.ini file is screwed. It appears you have the files, but the references to said files don't exist (because, your morrowind.ini is screwed).


I accidentally erased too much text in my morrowind.ini, reinstalled, and it still didn't work.

I guess I'll need to get rid of the original directory, and try again...



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