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Nexus hacking


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I would recommend changing your passwords regardless of how passwords are stored in the database. The database was compromised, therefore, it would be wise to change your password...and please don't use the same passwords you use on other sites.


Keep your passwords unique to the site...if you must use a similar password everywhere, find a way to make it unique to each site.


Got too many to remember? You might want to use a helper utility to store your info. Example: Portable KeePass



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Good to know that the little git has been stopped, and I very much agree with what LHammonds said.


I know I am not the first to ask this but, what is the likelyhood of the hacker having obtained more details than simply our e-mail addresses, such as passwords/usernames etc?



Nevermind, LHammonds posted an answer whilst I was writing the post, lol.


Cheers for the advice.

Edited by demidekidasu
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I think LastPass is a great service.

Its free and slick.

THere is an app for it on Google Chrome and for Firefox too.

Its the easiest way to manage all your accounts.


I use LastPass and I have over half a dozen forum memberships, all with unique names and passwords. I highly recommend it.


Don't feel too bad Robin, Gmail accounts are often hacked by China. I should know . . .

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It's certainly good that this was caught and that fixes are being worked on, however, irrespective of the person's age, they have committed a crime and should be reported to the proper authorities. As LHammonds said, what else will that person do if left unchecked? If a person is willing to take the risks to hack any site, then they should be fully prepared to accept any and all consequences of their actions.
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I agree that changing our passwords is an excellent precaution. It's easy to do, quick, and could prevent this little bugger from deleting work we'e spent months or years to complete.


As for prosecuting the malefactor, I say the punishment should fit the crime. Wipe out whatever half-baked websites he's running.

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I think Dark0ne has a responsibility to the users of this site to pursue the matter through the appropriate authorities and have them initiate a full investigation into the matter. My concern is that this may not be a simple "script kiddie" in his mom's basement, but a real hacker using a zombie. In which case he could be busily cracking the MD5s of the passwords of every user on this site, or passing them along to his hacker friends who'll do so, or both. Even if it is a script kiddie he could do the same.


That means the passwords of every user here could be compromised - now couple that with the email addresses and any attached personal info and you've got a dangerous situation for your user base. A lot of people use the same password for many different sites - PayPal, Facebook, Ebay, Online Banking even.


This is quite serious.

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