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Nexus hacking


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No apologies needed, Dark0ne - **** happens.

Changing password... return to lurk mode...


Edit: Errrrr... ok, I give up - how do I change my password? :o)

Edited by DarkeWolf
swear filter didnt catch that one!
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I've got to side with the general consensus here; no, not out of any loyalties or attempts to gain favor, but because they're right. If YOU don't take measures to protect your identity and personal information where the internet is concerned and YOU submit such information to websites and servers and such, then YOU are at fault if that information is acquired and misused by unscrupulous individuals. You can't blame the Nexus staff because you use the same e-mail address and password for PayPal that you use for video games and porn. That's not their responsibility.
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Take it as a wake-up call and start taking responsibility for your own personal details.


Change & strengthen all your passwords, remove personal information from profiles and get a impersonal email address. Hell, even take the opportunity to close accounts with websites you don't use any more. Do it NOW.


The responsibility of your online safety lies with both the user and with the site administrators / owners.


Dark0ne, you have a great site, but there will be users here watching this issue closely to see how you deal personally with this hacker. Inaction will not go down well I'm sure.

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Thank you for the honesty Dark0ne.....no need to apologize it happens.


I say call the authorities, anyone whom has the intelligence to do something like this also understands not only the morality but the legal repercussions of said actions.


Love this place it's is my second favorite site, Bethesda being the fisrt, but It's the only site I can even consider to support with a membership,,,,,, at the moment anyway.


just my 0.02 caps



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I got told? Told what? That he knows his obligations? By a 22 year old yong man who left a hole in his code an apparently inept "script kiddie" could find and exploit?


Excuse me if I don't feel "told".


Also you're quite incorrect. Robin could easily be found guilty of negligence and/or incompetence in a court of law. He is potentially liable here.


Legal obligations to do what exactly? Compensate you for damages? You don't' appear to be a paying member of the site. So your monetary damages are $0.00. Good luck collecting.


Criminal negligence certainly won't fly since the site is using an offshoot of a professionally maintained software package and the attack wasn't Dark0ne's fault.


So I don't know exactly what you think he could be held liable for, but from where I'm sitting, it doesn't look like much.


If you were foolhardy enough to place critical personal info in your profile you have only yourself to blame for that.


@Dark0ne: Thanks for the notice. Didn't get any spam (yet) but there's no telling whether I'd notice since 99.9% of it gets killed by the greylist filter. Password changed too since some skiddie having the DB makes that necessary. I would suggest at least reporting the incident to whatever UK agency exists for this sort of thing.

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At this point, the extent of the damage is some people receiving email spam for viagra, and that's not even worth mentioning in a court of law. If you got a virus off those, it's your own fault for opening them. NEVER open an email from an unknown sender, that's internet common sense, as is never giving away any personal info unnecessary to register on the site. Really, this seemed nothing more than a hack in done for the "lulz" by someone who might have had affiliations with certain taboo websites and Dark0ne has mentioned this.


And for that matter, Dark0ne is guilty of nothing, as Arthmoor explained.


Can you please just leave the legal issues to the professionals? There's a reason Ivy league colleges have law branches.


EDIT: oh, and yes, my password is changed.

Edited by Thomas Kaira
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to admin: I'd like to share that I also noticed the same thing as Herculine and RogueAOV reported seeing yesterday: unusually high amounts of users in each server.


To everyone: relax, change your passwords, get rid of any junk accounts, and don't share private information. The internet is a fantastic tool, that requires that you are responsible using.





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