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Nexus hacking


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The "Suspected cracking attempt. Your email was not sent" error isn't to do with the captcha being wrong, it's to do with the email address and content fields you've entered. It follows a set of regular expressions to weed out people trying to crack the email form in an attempt to use it as a spam script.
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I keep getting fraud site block warnings and annoying popups when I come to Elder Scrolls Nexus. An example of the blocked fraud site would be http://www.nine-news.net/finance-news/ca-breaking-... but that isn't the only one.

I think that the hacking may be either deeper then the site staff thinks or is still active. I hope it is fixed soon since I like this site/forum for Oblivion content. ty :)

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There was a hacking attempt? I dono, I noticed pop ups showed up a tad frequently but nothing serious. If a popup gets through with that lame crap "dont go just yet!" I just task manager and end the entire process of firefox or whatever browser im using.


Spam...lol who doesnt get spam, unless there was specific spam you guys were getting? I dont get as much as I used to back in the day. All Id like to know is it something I should worry about like big time or just its over and go on with the internets life. Since this was also well over a month ago and I didnt notice anything TOO strange


Kotaku was another site that got hacked, one of their providers was compromised and they had notified everyone to change passwords and the like. I dono, here I just log in and I stay logged in for awhile even after I close it and open it the next day lol and usually get logged out automatically after bout 3 days or so /shrug.

Edited by BigBoss1387
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No email address was "stolen", they were just added them to a spam list. That's no big deal - every email provider on planet earth puts those mails in the Spam Folder, rendering them useless for the spammer. (Unless someone is so stupid they actually believe in those mails...)


It's being "belittled" so much because getting spam is really no big deal, and I am quite sure every email gets spam occasionally. (I created a mail account, and before I had even used it anywhere, received a spam mail...^^)


"Why on earth haven't you told everyone to change their passwords?"

- He did. Everyone have access to the blog/news section, and it is on the top of everything else, so why you didn't notice it, is quite odd. It's on the front page of all the Nexus sites, and is on the Top Sub-Forum of the Forum. Even without reading the news, you should see that the Nexus got hacked - as it says "Nexus Hacking" in the title, and thus it's easy to see that it was a hacking, as it is even added to the News column on the left of all Nexus Sites.

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You say you have his Address, Teenager or not I have found real world physical baseball bats and the guy's are a good hacker deterrent.


OK OK overkill I know, but you see as he disclosed E-mail information why not disclose his it address as it is static, I can make it so as if he is a teen using his mums computer, that he looks like the filthiest pervert on the planet.


Or escalating a little, I can make sure that IP address never successfully receives another packet from the net, making his only option to request an IP change.


Well the offer is made.


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why not disclose his it address as it is static,


All that would do is cause trouble for us, you, or anyone else that did anything against this irritating little moron. Retaliatory net attacks are something I personally cannot condone, and wish that people would avoid suggesting or attempting such a thing. Sinking down to their level - or lower - benefits no one and could potentially end up with more people getting trouble due to their 'striking back' at this person.


Well the offer is made.


Thank you, but on behalf of the rest of the Staff (if I may be so bold) and myself - we will have to decline.


Everyone has already been told that the details will not be posted openly (and don't bet on it being sent privately either), so I suggest that people stop requesting that they are. It's not going to happen.

Edited by The Vampire Dante
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