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Nexus hacking


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Had a look at my Email. I've got 2 of thoose Viagra spam mails. Deleted them right at hand. But now I have the problem, that I can't seem to log in into the Nexus Forums. I'm able to login into the downloadbase though. Any help?


Edit: Obviously my account login data had been hacked. Just changed the password. Any chance you guys can get rid of thoose hackers once and for all? I mean, three-four hacker attacks and viral infections on the Nexus in a year is a bit to much for me to bare...honestly...you should consider to invest more into decent safety for your customers.




EDIT by LHammonds: Strike #1 earned for your vulgar rant.

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Ah, this might just explain the three spam emails I received yesterday! Normally I don't receive any as I try to be careful with my email address. Such a shame that once the hackers have put your address on spamlists, fixing the hole in Nexus' security can't take our addresses off the list again!

Hackers and virus writers should all be punished, so I'm very much in favour of this being pursued if it doesn't require too much time or cost to Dark0ne.



@ LadyMilla: Yahoo disposables? Loving it!!!! Signed up just now.

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It seems I managed to avoid the spam, thankfully.

And as someone stated below, there should be no need to feel embarassed about this. The problem with the internet and technology is that the speed of advancement means there will probably always be a way around security measures. This is an excellent site, it is well run and I can imagine it's very difficult for one or even a few (I have no idea how many people actually run this site) people to ensure this site is absolutely impenetrable to everyone out there determined to...er....penetrate.. it. *Cough*


And Frontsalat, I mean no disrespect here and I'm not trying to start an argument but you're not a paying member therefore I don't think you count as a customer. If you want the Nexus to be hacker free, become a paying Premium member so that the site's creator really can 'invest into decent safety.'

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Oh well my previously 'clean' email address is now being bombarded with these spam emails. Was the culprit able to access any other information, subscription info, account logins, private messages?


I hope as it seems they weren't to good in covering their tracks you have called the police on them? If not can I request you do so?

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Thank you for being such an expert at your profession. I hope you give this hacker everything he/she deserves being both Strict and Fair. I'm a teenager myself and would expect that if i managed to do something like that and not even bother to cover my tracks, to get 100+ viruses streaming into my computer after being such an idiot.
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Agree with LHammond completely. Prosecute the little bugger, his friends, his family, even his pet dog if necessary. Then, when they're pennyless and on the street, prosecute them again.

A slight terminology thing. Prosecute (at least in the States) refers to criminal cases. Suing refers to civil cases. Individuals don't prosecute other individuals, they sue the everliving s*** out of them.

I do not know if this is a issue or related etc but I just downloaded a file and the number of users on the servers is conciderably higher than I have seen before. The Washington server always stays between 400 to 600 users but right now it says 13000+ the dallas server number is normally around 300 its several thousand also. It might be a mess up on my end as I am only online through a blackberry but I haven't ever seen the numbers that high, so you should confirm the servers are secure so you don't get the bill etc. Hope it is just a weird thing on my end and the nexus is fine.

It did look like we got hit with a DDOS attack right after they got shut down.


As a random side note, some nationalities treat DDOS attacks as serious criminal offenses, just something for the staff to keep in mind when deliberating.

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please do report this as people are getting screwed and if it is a young kid then at least he will learn not to do this again as it is a criminal act in almost the entire world



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