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Post your ideas for possible Parodies for the Special Encounters Mod


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A Half Life parody. Just have a bunch of (moveable) crates, and a crowbar on top of a little raised bit. I'd suggest a seesaw to poke fun atthe number in HL2 and the episodes, but... Havok would throw a fit.


Still be funny to have a (cheap) physics puzzle in-game though.



PoRTaL! Find a computer like Mr House called GLaDoS and have her promise cake:D

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I'm liking the game parodies, can anyone think of some that haven't been mentioned yet?


Try to only suggest possible ones within the scope of already released mods and the vanilla game,

So we can't recreate Mario and Luigi in thier outfits and attack them. (Not possible since there are no mario outfits out there yet)


But since this is for a game and gamers I feel game parodies may be more recognizable then some of the TV show and move ones.


I'm trying to get a large number of encounter ideas for our future releases, as the first one will only include the oniginals for the most part and whatever the modders creating this decide they want to add as well, but I've thought that in the future after our mod has gained some popularity we will do "expansions" like

- Top rated user suggested encounters pack

- Combat encounters with "new" creatures as challenges for tough and bored players out there (I'm planning to use many of the creatures from here)

- Popular Movie requested encounters,

- Tv shows, etc.


Of course Those would likely be developed by me and a new group of modders as I don't know how many of the current S.E.R team would enjoy continuing after this is released.

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DOOM Guy can refrence really anything


The Rock as a fairy.


Need for speed series-make a bunch of cars or a road block on one of the roads


Quake lll Arena-parody by having a group of people killing each other


RVBs minion guys who kept killing each other in the Beaver map,and have this group constantly killing each other


Gears of War-Find a group of NCR soldiers (4) have one go to another complaining of a gun jam then BOOM! headshot!


COD-find a a ghoul who is Ghost (to go along with how upset people were with his death) OR find a squad of NCR soldiers who look like they do from COD




Bioshock-find a wandering giant wearing a diving suit


Bad Company-find a group of NCR soldiers who are making fun of "The pussies and their heartbeat moniters" and have the COD parody mention Bad Company

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I really like the tie-in idea between the bad company and COD guys, I'm sure we could use the dragonskin for those encounters, its modern but not completely out of place in Fallout.

Here are some resources for me to look at later if we do this:




Gears of War, I REALLY want to include them, but here on nexus we are confined with on using certain materials.

Likely I personally do the improvements somewhere else, since I can't include them here since I don't want to be banned or cause Nexus trouble, likely I'll make a youtube vid and include things like extra encounters with armors like Gears, and files to give certain characters the voices from the movies (Like RvB), but people will have to find that vid on thier own and it will not be under my name likely, to avoid trouble.


Same problem with bioshock, there is a wonderful big daddy suit, but its copyright so including it would not allow us to upload to nexus.


We had a lot of ideas initally. obviously if we could include those things we'd love to, but as Nexus is the main site for mods and we want to share it here, we have to play by thier rules while we upload here.

But again likely if not me then someone else will "finish" the mod after its released, and that will be great I guess.

Edited by simplywayne90
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True BUT We can use a generic diving suit and beef it up and give the port holes a color.They use red and yellow so why not Green and Orange?


with the GOW thing,Wed be refrencing it,not using the characters,just the event,im sure in the wasteland a squad has lost the noob from poor weapon care, You cant get in troble for that can you?


The COD-BC can be done with NCR troopers and Rangers using the DTOs.There already is a dislike of Rangers.Or use Ranger Vets instead. the BC was just regular soldiers who were a little off.The Misfits sort of fit there too.


RVB can be done with a set of power armors. having a group being some random color and the other one a random color.then have them kill each other and the last man standing can dance or something to be amusing.

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Well we messaged a halo armor creator to provide the correct armors, I'll try to contact the actual members of Red Vs Blue since they live here in Austin like I do.


On the diving suit if you can find one for us to use in the game, but I haven't seen any, I'm trying to ensure its creation by restricting my team to use only what is available through available mods and the vanilla game, (some have made new content anyways though =P)


Perferably I'd love to be able to create all new content but frankly the project is large enough as is, I mean I just did a test file that was 250 mb and its only a barebones test file with custom armors and hostile NPCs all over the mojave, it doesn't even have half of all the custom content we hope to include, we still haven't started scripting, voice files, areas, static objects, dialogs, sound effects, companions, I'd say we have 5% of the encounters in materials completed but they are completely unstructured.


So really this is going to be a LARGE mod, mainly due to us using good armors and weapons content, which can usually take up to 30 mb each on their own, and we plan to include quite a few since we want these encounters to be exciting and unique for everyone.


However if you think you have a good armor mod or weapon that would fit in an encounter I listed way at the beginning of this thread let me know and I'll test it out and see if it fits or not.


This is going to add a whole new side of gameplay so its going to be big, I should've expected the filesize but well I can't see the future always.

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Frank Horrigan from FO2.


Just have him stood there with a whole bunch of dead (possibly un-lootable for gameplay) combatants of various factions, complaining because nothing's a challenge.


Also, if you use those creature resources (some of which are quite good)please don't use the stupid glowy ones like the 'FEV Deathclaw'.

Edited by Lt Albrecht
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Not read through the whole thread yet but I like the idea so far

I like the idea of a twilight pardoey, but make Edward a glowing one ;)


Oh and for a game, how about Duke Nukem, find a currently unused/unenterable building, and make an interia location for it, turn it into a shop which was having a "finaly released" day just when the bombs fell ;)

Edited by pob255
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