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Post your ideas for possible Parodies for the Special Encounters Mod


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I love that, but I don't know if a skeleton can be used to cause damage.


Also this is one of those encounters that would be better without sound than with an amatuer recording (Since we cannot use thier actual voices and upload it to nexus, however I may release the voices off site on youtube or something so that way nexus is in no way liable for the actions.)


However having them walk up to you in mid explosion would (to me) be ridiculous.


This is a problem that if someone can figure out a work around then we could make a lot more encounters, because at the moment we are restricted to either direct silent but funny dialog, or whatever voices we can scrounge up which honestly, is usually worse than silent characters.


In the Classics Fallouts, there were very few voiced characters, and if you were to interact with a regular NPC would would see floating text, that was how you "overheard" them.


I've put it to the community as the fix has to be simple so we can use it quickly and without difficulty since it'd be involved with a good number of encounters.


The method that showed the most promise is using silent mp3s and subtitles so you can "hear" Adam yell out "Hey Tory Great Job!" or whatever.


However many players don't or can't (Me) enable subtitles, so a script to force them would be neccesary and only for that area.


The encounter I'd really want to use this method on is the 4 horseman of the post apocolypse scene from Fallout Tactics.


Where you sneak up on a group of 4 tough and well dressed/armored men, and each is bragging about how his rads kill tons of people, or how he wiped the Earth clean, and then War is complaining about how the narrator starts every game saying he never changes.


Narrator "War, War Never Changes"


War "F*** you, You don't know me!"



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You dont think it could be scripted to knock one of them down or out?


Maybe, But thats out of my area of knowledge, if you'd like post about it in the troublshooting forum and find out, since I'd like to see it if its possible at all, plus it could inspire new encounter and mod ideas.

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I'm not sure about how it works in Fallout 3, but were I making that in Oblivion, I'd use SayTo with a conversation topic so the player would still hear and see subtitles without having to be in a menumode. If you use SayTo 1 it'll show subtitles no matter how far the player is.


A lower-tech solution would be to use messages combined with a PlaySound of the voice file at the same time. You won't get any lip synching if you do that, though.

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Well I'm putting the silent encounters last, however that does sound like a reasonable way to do it, since I'd want them to play on a timer instead of on how close/far the PC is.


At the moment I'm trying to find out if It'd be allowed to use even a few tiny (up to like 4 seconds long) sound clips to voice certain characters, like I've got sound files galore for monty python bridge of death, and I refuse to use any music but Michael Jacksons in the thriller encounter idea, my idea was to use the short 30 clips found all over the net, and combine them in a MJ mix to play as MJ the ghoul dances.


At the moment I'm doing testing for bits and pieces of this project.

Still in the end scripters will be the main necessity, and good ones at that.

But thank you for solving that problem.




Anyways moving on, lets continue building ideas, since by the time the beta is released I'd like for us to have a decent sized list of (Reasonable) parodie and encounter ideas, and hopefully a good stockpile of unique clothing mods and weapons (With permission) to use in them.


Since First and foremost, I feel our goal is to recreate the most iconic of the encounters, because one, they were great,

and two they were well liked and will garner support for future expansions in case members move on after the beta.

(However since I'm not the modder in these I have no control over any custom encounters they make)


Currently thier are a few guaranteed encounters that will be included unless future problems arise.


The Bridge Of Death From Fallout 2

The Cafe Of Broken Dreams (Currently being worked on by 2 CoBD-specialized modders)

Tin Man From Fallout 2 (Simple Encounter)


Now those are just the ones that must be included but there are many more that will likely be included in the intial release,


Crossfire was working on a Star wars encounter based on Toxa01s star wars mod


I sincerly hope we will make my own designed encounter named "Nanuk And His Little Tribal" Parts 1 and 2 and a possible part 3 if people request it after release.


CinC has offered to make a challenging mod using the I Am Robot mod and the T800, I suggested a Arnold Swarchenagger Parody but we haven't discussed that yet.


King Arthurs Knights Part 1 will almost definitly be included, part 2 may require more scripting but Ghogiel has allowed us his version of the Holy hand grenade.


Guardian Of Forever, I've gathered a vault 13 modders resource and stargate resource and feel this will be an easy encounter to rebuild. (I'd like a custom model energy weapon to throw in there though, I may find one soon, just getting tired of the alien blaster)


Star Trek Shuttle Crash as There are tons of resources for Star Trek (Although IMO they need better textures, they look too smooth and clean for the wasteland)


Tardis From Doctor Who (If Demeggy is generous enough to let us use his resources or take the time to help us with this encounter himself)


Almost Asuridly with the new Halo armors available we will make fun of master chief, and if its out there make fun of the most popular webshow I've ever seen known as Red Vs Blue (Which is right out of my city of Austin, Go Texans!)


I'd say more but I think I've made this post a lot longer then I meant to.

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Ok I only skimmed, its late and im tired, so sorry if anyone has hit on these already;



Have a large pipe raised just barely below the jump cap for the PC to jump on with a man hole that is inaccessable, 2 human skeletons with a wrench and some shrooms glowing out of the pipe ontop of it.


Cast away=

along the river in the canyon have small jet crashed on the beach with a small above water cave recessed, inside is a skeleton and a ball with some faded marks on one facing.



Find a large male settler unconcious (at random location) with a cinderblock(sp) next to him.



Find a worn toppled over statue of a man with the inscription on the base: Jayne. Possibly having a open save next to it with a couple stacks of pre war money and a handful of caps.


Clint eastwood=

Have a scrawny none hostile wild dog with a dark goop coloration over its right eye, which interacts via speech with the player that tells them the dog appears to ahve some thick dark liquid on its head.


Green mile=

Find a friendly rat named Mr Jingles.


Brokeback mountain=

Find a pup tent with 2 bedrolls and skeletons on each, with cowboy hats and a cowboy repeater.


Duke Nukem=

Find a group of fiends around a dead blonde male settler wearing sunglasses and armed with a 10mm pistol, with 10+ packs of bubble gum laying on the ground about them.


killing floor, or just marriage in general=

Find a man running and screaming about invisible women out to kill him.


Jurassic Park=

Find a man in leather armor and sunglasses, with a limp; running away from a giant gecko.



Find a body blown apart in a cave with a large amount of pickaxes around it, and loop a hissing audio in that location.



Find a "giant" {man sized} buttercup toy.



Find a group of skeletons or bodies dressed in gladiatorish gear under a overhanging rock, with throwing spears in/around them.


Just a few ideas of the top of my head.

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Well I liked a lot of them, I'd say all but one or two I hadn't seen, these are the ones that would be possible with new models (I mean that their are mods that can make these work, the rest would be custom models we'd have to make)


For the mario encounter I'd include a pretty good "wrench" weapon, although I'd be torn as I've been rolling around the idea of a bioshock parody or encounter too, so I'll circle back to that one.


The green mile one is good, but there isn't much too it, and honestly, that movie is just too sad to make fun of for me. But we might


300 now theres a good one, I know that there are leonidas armors and things out there, of course we also have a ton of jokes you can make during this just look up any 300 parody on youtube, you will understand, (Favorite one is also from Austin, its 300 but its mexican people crossing the border and it cracks me up since a few people I know are in it)

Edited by simplywayne90
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Heres a video with the proper voice dialog. (Its not copyright to use a sentence is it?)

technically yes, a sentence can be copyrighted. But there is a fair use clause in copyright.


I believe you can easily justify the requirements for fair use.


its non-commercial.

The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole is minuscule

The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work is basically nil.

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