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Post your ideas for possible Parodies for the Special Encounters Mod


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Hey everyone, Me again,


Well I've started trying to rally modders from all over the net for this mod.


However I feel that simply recreating the old encounters may not be enough.


So I'll post some examples of the encounters then I'd like you to post ones of your own


If you'd like to contribute to this mod more, I'd love to hear from you, since I'm unable to use the Geck or modeling software unfortunatly.



------------------------What Are Special Encounters?------------------------




In the Classic Fallouts, there was no "wandering the wasteland" you traveled using a world map with a grid, so while on the world map and traveling between one area to another you'd occasionally get interrupted by enemies randomly (a random encounter).


Special encounters were different though.


As Quoted From The Vault "Special encounters are random encounters, often non-canonical, and are unique compared to more common encounters which may consist of hostile NPCs. They usually serve as entertaining points of humor, though some are very dangerous (Mad Brahmins), while some grant access to unique, sometimes powerful loot (Bridge Keeper). Most of these encounters consist of humorous pop culture references or other games or even earlier Fallout games (The Cafe of Broken Dreams). "


Edit: Heres a basic Signature for the mod in progress I made in ten minutes so its not great.



Edited by simplywayne90
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I'll start with my first encounter idea, this is not an original encounter from Fallouts 1 or 2.


-------------------------Nanuk And His "Little Tribal"------------------------



This is not an actual special encounter, but I feel that people would like it.


It'd be a two part encounter just like King Arthurs Knights (Mentioned Earlier).


In the first encounter, which in-game we will call "A Female Raider with a Male Slave"


Where in the encounter you are immeditately attacked by a female raider named Daisy, if possible she should look as sluttly and nasty as possible.

The slave will be distant enought so that you can kill Daisy without hitting him and making him hostile.

After she's dead you will be forced into dialog with the male slave, whose name will be "Nanuk"


Here is the dialog he will speak (voiced)


"Ohhh! You please free Nanuk? Daisy not nice to Nanuk's "Little Tribal," She do bad things. Things that hurt. Nanuk now have bad rash that smell. Please free Nanuk. I need to see medicine man soon. I run now,. Must find shaman quick."


Heres a video with the proper voice dialog. (Its not copyright to use a sentence is it?)



To get the dialog I'd suggest a youtube audio ripper. (They are free so no worries)



-------------------------Nanuk And His "Little Tribal" Part 2------------------------



This is not an actual special encounter, but I feel that people would like it.


It'd be a two part encounter just like King Arthurs Knights (Mentioned Earlier).


In the second encounter, which will not be availible until the first encounter is finished, In-game we will call this one "A Familiar Man and His "Little Tribal""


Here we see our favorite Tribal Nanuk again this time he will have on scribe robes, and he appears to still have problems, as you approach him, he will force dialog on you.


Here is the dialog he will speak this time (voiced)


"Brotherhood Shaman is as bad as Daisy! He gave Nanuk "Invasive Swab Test" that realy hurt! Nanuk no take Brotherhood shamans pills to get rid of rash! No trust man who cause Nanuk great pain! I will dip "Little Tribal" in oil and chase away the evil spirits with fire!"


Your reply should be something sarcastic...along the lines of "Okay Nanuk, you do that. I'll just be going "away" from the crazy tribal I met just now."


End dialog, and exit the encounter, and thats it for Nanuk. (Unless you want to add a third encounter with a burnt skeleton name Nanuk =P We could call it "A Familiar burned corpse, and his Little Tribal")


Heres a video with the proper voice dialog. (Its not copyright to use a sentence is it?)



To get the dialog I'd suggest a youtube audio ripper. (They are free so no worries)

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-------------------------A 'Twilight' Parody Encounter------------------------


Suggested By Terralventhe


He had two possible encounters


1. You encounter a group of women with shirts reading "Team Edward" or "Team Ed" carrying shovels and other melee weapons, standing around the body of a super mutant named Jacob/Jake.

The women proceed to attack you and on their bodies are copies of a book named "Sunset" as well as many drugs and possibly teddy bears.


2. You encounter a pale girl, walking along with a feral ghoul she calls Edward, during or after dialog Edward kills her and turns hostile. You again find a copy of the book called "Sunset."


They arn't well developed yet, but I see some potential since Twilight is such a popular movie many would get the references I believe.






-------------------------------An Encounter With The Thriller-------------------------------------


By: SimplyWayne90


Okay so I've had this idea for along time, and I didn't know I wasn't the first, but I'm glad so I can now show you what this would look like almost exactly! Hooray!


In this encounter, which in-game we will call "You encounter the Thriller and his followers"

you find a group of ghouls dancing in impossible ways, as a song fills the air,


The one in front (being non-feral so he can equipt clothes)

He should have on either a retextured merc charmer outfit to look like the red jacket in the video, (If someone wanted to do the extra work)

Or perhaps a suit and fedora?

Some sort of outfit that Michael would wear.


The rest i'd suggest be feral and glowing ghouls to keep with the original music video, but the video I've included looks good too.


Using Umpas animations this encounter would be fun and relitivaily easy to make.


NV Dance, Umpa Animation Mod Port




Yeah I thought it'd be a good encounter too, I really hope that whoever starts this project, contacts me, as I think we could avoid the copyright on Michaels Music by only using clips, maybe the encounter can be 5 minutes long, 1 mintue per song with a few different dances,


if possible we could make the ghoul change outfits for each (like white clothes for smooth criminal, red for thriller, etc.) Of course I'd request a quick texture of a hat to a white color, and the merc charmer could be the thriller jacket.


I really can't wait to find someone to make this with me, all I can do is outlines and information, but I need modders and scripters if anyone wants to see this made.

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Currently planned Special Encounters include:


- The Bridge Of Death

- Encountering Monty Pythons King Arthur And His Knights

- Encountering Monty Pythons killer rabbit (rat in-game) and the Knights battling

- Nanuk And His "Little Tribal" on 2 occasions

- The Tin Man Encounter

- The Cafe Of Broken Dreams

- The Guardian Of Forever and Past Vault 13

- A wonderous encounter with the Ghoul King Of Pop

- More To Come Later


Possible (But at the moment we should focus on the classics first, then add new ones as time passes) Future Encounters Still Being Discussed

- Zombie Hitler and SS officers

- Tardis From Doctor Who

- Twilight Parodies

- Giant Footprint and Squished Japanese Man

- Cameo From Crypto From Destroy All Humans games.

- Guitar Hero Parody

- Tiger Woods Being Beat With a 9 Iron By His Wife.

- Gunslinger (Outfit) and Mexican Bandito (Rauls Outfit)

- Men In Black And Crashed Alien Ship (MIB Parody)

- Hubologists (Scientology Parody)

- Mad Max and His Dogmeat (Parody Of Fallout since Fallout is based on Mad Max)

- Ninjas (Since Ninja Mods Seem rather popular)

- Perhaps some encounters with anime characters (Trigun, etc. I see requests and things like these a lot)

- The Master Chef (Parody Of Halo) This one I'll probably revise.

- We Need a Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy Encounter, (But the whale would take too much work)


New Ideas

- Black Guy Dies first Parody

- Pirates Of The Carribbean Parody using resources from mods from Oblivion.

- Genre Savvy Characters Parody

- Supernatural Tv Show Parody

- Eureka Show Parody

- Horrible Hannah Montana Parody

- Zombieland Parody

- Avatar Parody

- Clerks, Jay and Silent Bob Parody

- A Christmas Story (Ow My Eye!) Parody

- Nexus Modders Parody

- Parody of the Devil like on The Show Reaper

- Dead Like Me Parody

- Parody of the Incredibly Popular Red Vs Blue Halo Series.

Edited by simplywayne90
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So far its main crossfirex doing all the intial modding, I'm the idea guy and original poster of these encounters and the methods a modder could use to make them,


TallGeese has said he may help when hes not busy,


We have a two man team working on a cafe of broken dreams (I believe)


And several modders have given use permission and offered their content for us to use in our encounters,


But progress is slow, scripting is the foundation of the mod and neither me or crossfirex are scripters.


I'd also like to have someone who can make a generic and basic exterior cell or two.


But if things go smoothly it will be released sooner rather than later hopefully, it may seem like a big project but really once we get the foundations laid down it will be relitivly simple for anyone to make thier own special encounters.


I designed the method of making these to be rather simple, and non-conflicting with any mod whatsoever. So after its release I do expect modders to make thier own add-ons. So we have to make it right.

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I love the E.T idea, I know people would get that instantly,


I've been thinking a christmas encounter for the holidays.


So I've found that I'd probably use the Frozen Wastes Mod, and Borrow Some Resources From A Christmas At Goodsprings by Bond123 to make a special fallout christmas.


Heres the song I'd like to have playing during the encounter.



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Hmm that has some merit, since I did see an eyepatch mod, maybe you meet him and some other christmas movie related characters. When you ask about his eye he may say something like "Don't Ask, I'll shoot your eye out." Or careful what you wish for.


What would be some other easy to make christmas characters from movies?


and don't say santa, because we can't make fat people. and there are no male santa outfits.

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