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Post your ideas for possible Parodies for the Special Encounters Mod


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You've already got my Acolytes of Goris talking deathclaw idea. Gods I miss Goris, I look forward to seeing some robed deathclaw around again. Anwyay!


An asian woman runs/parkours past the player at great speed, and drops a note that reads something like 'Beware the hidden government that still pulls the strings - Courier #7'.


An irradiated, glowing, dead green rabit with a specialised/tweaked version of the alien blaster next to it, green skinned and named 'The Jackrabbit'. The area would be a VERY high radiation one, to prevent the player from easily obtaining the gun.


Two car husks, one with flame trails behind it, the other just standing there. Both cars have clearly exploded recently and are still on fire. The corpse of an old scientist can be found nearby. (Can you guess? You should be able to.)


A crazed tribal in the tatters of a vault suit who randomly blurts sub-3 INT lines from Fallout & Fallout 2.


The Cafe of Broken Dreams.


A super mutant corpse used as a scarecrow. (That's twisted, isn't it?) Upon closer inspection he's not dead, but rather sleeping. And if the player talks to him, they find out he's really not bright, and he was tricked into his current situation.


A dead, black-robed man hunched over a crate of Garrett Inc perception implants.


And that's all I have for now!

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Again without actualy reading everything, sorry if i post someone elses idea again;



Find a protectortron named melvin(get it, melvin, marvin?!) laying down or maybe partly destroyed like the weld in FO3 after the bomb, going on about how depressing life is and how he just wants it all to end.


Resident Evil;

Find a super mutant named Wesker with some serious speed tweaks to his movements and attacks.



Find a dead body named Leo next to a dead giant rat tied to a large stick/rake handle



Super mutant next to a pile of skulls screaming "blood for the blood god"



A super fast blue Gecko that appears randomly and always flees from combat. Could have loot of some sneakers on him if you find a good mesh and texture artist.


Metal Gear:

See a explosion at a distance, upon investigating find a burned adult skeleton next to a radio set that begins to fizzle and then explode shortly after hearing from it: Snake? Snake! Snnnnake!



Find a broken sentrybot named Brearious(sp)


Nexus modders:

Find a settler strung out on jet begging for another hit named Arwen (referance to the actual modders mod title. strongly recommend it for anyone playinv NV.)



A custom rock it launcher that only uses actual books.

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Well I'm a bit tired at the moment so I only read the frank horrigan ones, and I've been trying to work on that, He's already been made pretty much if you search for the Enclave behemoth, from C.I.B over at fallout 3 nexus.


I will answer the other posts in the morning everyone.


Love the facebook one,


Also for nexus modders, how about a play on the mod FOOK, fook you, fook this, etc.

We'd need to narrow down later, what the most popular mods are for Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and then design a parody.


Also that gave me the idea of parodying certain members of the forum community, like myself in game always blurting out I have an idea! or Everyone put your crap here! (Which are both jokes on the fact that I tend to try and get people to pool all thier ideas, in order to keep the forums less cluttered and so people can actually discuss with each other.)

Edited by simplywayne90
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Alright everyone I came up with a few more ideas for parodies and would like some feedback, like "This is a great/stupid idea for a parody" or changes (only reasonable ones).


Madea From Tyler Perry's Movies, (Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Madea Goes To Jail, etc.)

Note: If you don't know who this is, go rent those movies, their chick flicks but "she" makes them so awesome.


There are plenty of things to parody from the movie Zombieland perhaps a snake skin dressed wastelander obsessed with finding a certain food.


Also it has been mentioned that a Pirates Of The Caribbean parody might be possible and funny, as Oblivion had several pirate outfits mods, that could be rigged to work in Fallout.


Parodies From the Jay and Silent Bob Series, or Clercks, or Dogma.


Parody of the Devil like on The Show Reaper


Parody of Grim Reapers like the series/movie Dead Like Me


TheFirefly Series, one funny instance we could parody the priest named Shepard Book is asked if his religion prevented him from killing. His response? "It's a little fuzzy on 'kneecaps'"

Parodies of poular shows that fit with fallout somewhat in terms of comedy or setting like Supernatural (Black Comedy), Eureka (Some Retrotech),


A play on the troupe The Black Guy Always Dies First

(White Actor, David Duchovny)

Ira: Snag one.

(Black Actor Orlando Jones)

Harry: Snag one!?!

Ira: Yeah... snag one...

Harry: Nuh-uh, I've seen this movie; the black dude dies first! You snag one!

(The quote is also an example of being Genre Saavy, like blond girls always get killed in slashers, or in many movies, its always the red button that causes trouble)


Now that I mention it, how about a play on being Genre Saavy for fallout?

An example

Ida: We've come this far, there's no turning back.

Doctor: Oh, did you have to? "No turning back"? That's almost as bad as saying "Nothing could possibly go wrong" or "This is gonna be the best Christmas ever had."


Theres many more but I know from experience not many people read really long posts.

Edited by simplywayne90
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- Black Guy Dies first Parody

- Pirates Of The Carribbean Parody using resources from mods from Oblivion.

- Genre Savvy Characters Parody

- Supernatural Tv Show Parody

- Eureka Show Parody

- Horrible Hannah Montana Parody

- Zombieland Parody

- Avatar Parody

- Clerks, Jay and Silent Bob Parody

- A Christmas Story (Ow My Eye!) Parody

- Nexus Modders Parody

- Parody of the Devil like on The Show Reaper

- Dead Like Me Parody

- Parody of the Incredibly Popular Red Vs Blue Halo Series.

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Have one where you find the remains of a bar blown open to the wasteland, a guy sitting at the table with a .44 on it and a bottle of whiskey. Three other guys walk up with 9mm's (custom image) that say on the side Replica. Im sure you get where im going.



Also another one where you find a skeleton with a bunch of prewar books around him, a custom book imaged with A-XBO on the top of it. (old 1940s/50s referance, look up the line on youtube and watch it!)

Edited by minngarm
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@Azrael I've gotten some materials for invader zim, but obviously It will be included in a non nexus located update, as the mod needs voices in my opinion but I've I include even one then I'll get banned, so I'll include silent voice mp3s for now, and later link the file to one with the same name files but with the voices intact and lip synched hopefully.


@Minngarm Glad to hear from you, your ideas are always interesting, honestly I can't remember where your first ideas is from, I remember a movie a while back about a gun with only 6 copies or something but only one was real but I can't place it.


The second one I'll look up when I can.


How about in the spirit of the American and international holiday season, What holiday related parodies would be funny? I'd like scenarios as I've already gotten a few myself, like a BB gun armed man named Ralph with an Eyepatch (A Christmas Story)


I'd love to hear from you all during the season. Since right now the team is taking a break as far as I know.

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How about a ghoul bar that is encountered, known as the 500 Rads, that you can only get into if your rad count is 500 and over. When you enter have two ghouls at the door, one who says "Get out of here courier" and the other who says "don't just stand there, come in! " and possibly a third ghoul guarding a door which leads further into the bar area saying "you can't go there".


For those who don't get it, its a S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl reference

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  • 3 weeks later...

How about a ghoul bar that is encountered, known as the 500 Rads, that you can only get into if your rad count is 500 and over. When you enter have two ghouls at the door, one who says "Get out of here courier" and the other who says "don't just stand there, come in! " and possibly a third ghoul guarding a door which leads further into the bar area saying "you can't go there".


For those who don't get it, its a S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl reference


I like the high rad count idea, thats very original sounding to me, which I love original new ideas, hmmm I'll probably message you later and ask more about it, I like the idea a lot, and it could be built on to be a fun area or interesting at least.

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