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Hearthfire freedom of chocie


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So, I have been looking around our massive mod library for player home mods, and despite the amazing and grand works you find, with a few of them including build-able cities, I am surprised to discover that there is not a single mod that allows me to freely choose which add-ons I want for my hearthfire houses. For example, if I want to build my house in lakeview and add a garden, a library and a master bedroom I will be s#*! out of luck because garden and bedroom are on the same side and I can only choose one of them, is there a mod that allows me to freely choose ? If not, any recommended player house mods?

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I had the same issue with the lack of real choice in the wings available.


There are several mods that play with the additions available but none that were bug free for me. If a vanilla home mod that is well done is the secondary goal then this version of Proudspire is quite good. It includes Hearthfire options: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14630/?

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