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Fathers and Mothers new child. XD


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Here's a plan! I Understand! I await your decision whether to go on with my blistering cries. The ones keeping you up all night and day. Be kind and talk like an adult with me; until I understand you more as my new mind forms.


Believe me when I gargle and blow bubble's to talk that I am learning from the way you talk. Talk to me a little each day until we tire and eventually I will learn, just from listening to what you say.


I am bubbling and burbling, gurgling in an attempt to form words, whether I can talk yet or not. It is the best I can offer and I have to offer until I am able to shape my lips to form words.


Ah! When can we start?!

So one day soon I can I can tell you stories about where I have been too, so you and I can share many tales of wonder!"


How grand a time your youth was while others showed you how to smile and what to smile about. It was good; those times, when we were good at being a child.


Now we've grown up! Or have we?


Now you may have felt that no one cared one iota for your wisdom and you felt despair like no others have ever declared. Suddenly you find a person who in kind is willing to share their mind and learn what gift's they have for you, with you.


"Oh! Despair...I have a child how cruel is life, that life doesn't give a care! Oh Woe is me!"


Unfortunately the child you see can not yet talk like you just yet. And while they await some similar gifts to help them speak and do the things which you may have learned to level, they need to learn before they can in return give you the giving of what they brought with them for you, as well.


I being a bevel in this scheme tell you what a child of 9 months and day is expected from each Mother, Father, Sister, and Brother is not as much as the child has to offer. Patience please and attention to me if spent on talking to me as though I were an adult like you want me to be is a treasure you wont be remiss to give me. You see?!


If this be your first child then teaching the word is as easy as talking and later you can teach us to spell, count, write, and put words in your language so we offer up the gifts we have brought you one day.


Ah! Such a child has found a mild reminder of her own disparaging lot. While all of her life she held in her mind she holds a great deal of goods and play's! On word's she depends!


Words a child must be taught them before an exchange can be shared.


To a young couple, becoming a Mom and Dad can be a sudden dismay.


As they find, they have now a child and wonder why it will not sleep, or wails so much, it drives them to wish for another day in the past. Even more to the sad designs of some young Mother's and Father's on whose own minds they see their stage in life as the curtain is closing in upon it.


What miracle to see that their child at their knee is a captive audience who, who no one would have guessed is desirous to learn, "all." All the new parents know and more a child seeks and of a secret that is good in us all. The time will arrive, if the parents do strive to give the new child all their worth. The time then to them will be shown a message with a gift so valuable they could not hope for better.


All the sadden couple has stocked away in her mental wares see the attic shadows with so much they could bring down into the light to share.


The mother who still pouts, because what she had thought life was for her, out there amongst the crowd, which for her has no more real care.


Now that the baby that hangs on her every move and wails she has not time to reminisce on those could have's, should have's, and would have's. She has a baby to give her tender smile and clown around with for hours and a day if she wants to remember the dreams she and how to make them changed so her mine is all aglow with the magic she can bestow.

And, by the way, the Father can add to too, and take them both on a very merry story of life and times. Which to us who know maybe untrue, but for the child's it may be all that they need to aspire to the place where their parents were late.


If only I could talk now I would say, "Excuse me! Down here! I am really enchanted by the light in your eyes. Could you teach me to talk so I may discover what the beautiful wonder there in is about? So one day we could share? I have some gifts I would gladly trade if you would care to teach me your magical way with words first. Dad! Mom! What do you say?"


I'd say from down low on the grade so at her ankle I bite, "Hey! You called for me to show all the talents of worth that you know! Here I am! Let's begin! Teach me how to grin and all the favorite things your have to teach which will aide me in making you happy one day as I walk the isle with an educated smile from which I learned from the one who discerned I would someday be all that things she/or he was not and make them proud that she/or he was able to turn the tables so I gathered and won her/or him a place in the state of her/or his mind where all the time it was me they wanted to be.


Again I say, with a wail and cries for your attention, "Hey! If you feel down why don't we clown around until a smile is on us both to replace those frowns. If you will teach me all the wonder's you have heard and seen telling me with words so I can express the wonders I feel some day we may likely more then not, make each other happier than other lots although we may be poor at the time, we have each other to chase away the clouds for a time. A time to laugh, a time to learn, and time to run for the highest honors of heaven above. Now is that what you meant when you were seeking me?"


When she/he sees the day I go away, she/he will know I will return, to share the wonders of another who like her/him who cares allot about the parents she/he now too at their knees studies.


I say, hey, "What a wonderful spell, so if you have a better one, get busy showing me how to count and spell my name. Teach me all things you wished to use so you teach me to do better then another as an actor, an actress, an engineer, or a teacher of magic spells.


Talk to me and let me hear of the dreams of those days you wished for you, and not the grief that blistered your hopes. Bring light, love, and life back to your mind while we clown around for awhile until I smile and call you Mom/Dad. Spell us of our dismal language barrier as you and I languish about for then we will both fill our days with more joy awhile we'll fill our time. Until the day comes when I learned to talk good enough for both of to make those moments we share more exciting and daring do.


Or you can let the child you have adoring you from at your ankle turn out like some who have a shackle on them from day one, or worse. Worse! One's whose wails still make little sense as they ponder life from body of giant whose mind spills drool out like water fall and whose cries frightened even the most rehearsed mountain man, mutant battling hero, or knight who wants to go out to save a maiden fair thinking people like him are a dragon somewhere. Stomp you I will Mom and Dad for in my mind you make me MAD!


Again I your newborn call out, "I await your decision whether to go on with my blistering cries, or, wails of fear."

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Quite interesting.


A very brave and curious attempt to identify with the situation of bayhood, of parenting, of the relation of babies with others.


I like the way it presents the view points of the various people and relationships.

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Very interesting attempt to map, to understand, the perceptions and relationships of the very young and others such as their parents.

double posting, sorry!

Edited by Maharg67
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<br>Quite interesting.<br><br>A very brave and curious attempt to identify with the situation of bayhood, of parenting, of the relation of babies with others.<br><br>I like the way it presents the view points of the various people and relationships.<br>

Since this is obviously going no where. How about a little spice to liven things up?!




If others who have experiences from the viewpoint of a single mother and single father could fill in the stages that I only briefly got the brush of life of passer by Single Mom's, struggling single Dad's, and couples struggle to stay the course together, that my knowledge shares up there, their chances of becoming a hit on the Big Time Television Show in (Name of your country here) would be greatly enhanced.


Don't you want to be a Star?!

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