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RealVision ENB causing CTD on Skrim loading screen.


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I am sure that it is Realvision causing this problem. I start up Skyrim fine, load my latest save, the game loads for about twenty seconds and then crashes. I think that this is happening at the end of the loading screen i.e. just as I get into the game. I have uninstalled and reinstalled realvision loads of times. How can I fix this?


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Yeah. It does that automatically with the realvision installer, no?


Unfortunately it doesn't. I noticed this last time I messed with Realvision ENB. Open your Skyrim directory and open enblocal.ini - change the following settings to ensure your memory patch is enabled and you're allocating enough memory for your system.


ExpandSystemMemoryX64=true ;this MUST be true
ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true ;This MUST be true
ReservedMemorySizeMb=384 ;Set this at 384 if you have a lot of texture mods, if not, then 128 or 256 should be fine
VideoMemorySizeMb=xxxx ;Your System's Overall Memory - 2048 (I personally recommend nothing more than 4096 even if you have more memory)
Finally, make sure you've installed the appropriate DLL (d3d9.dll) for ENB v0.266 into your Skyrim Directory as well.
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  • 1 year later...


Yeah. It does that automatically with the realvision installer, no?


Unfortunately it doesn't. I noticed this last time I messed with Realvision ENB. Open your Skyrim directory and open enblocal.ini - change the following settings to ensure your memory patch is enabled and you're allocating enough memory for your system.


ExpandSystemMemoryX64=true ;this MUST be true
ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true ;This MUST be true
ReservedMemorySizeMb=384 ;Set this at 384 if you have a lot of texture mods, if not, then 128 or 256 should be fine
VideoMemorySizeMb=xxxx ;Your System's Overall Memory - 2048 (I personally recommend nothing more than 4096 even if you have more memory)
Finally, make sure you've installed the appropriate DLL (d3d9.dll) for ENB v0.266 into your Skyrim Directory as well.


I changed the things that you said and it's still crashing

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  • 2 months later...

Doesn't fix anything :sad:(

What ENB version are you using the one downloaded from the page? and you already tried this right: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3089504-fix-for-skyrim-crashing-instantly-with-enb-on-windows-10/ (go to the last page and do what darstyler says).


And another thing:


DisableDriverMemoryManager=false<----Set to true for AMD Videocards

ExpandSystemMemoryX64=true ;this MUST be true<------WRONG this MUST be "false" if using SKSE memory patch or Crash fixes UseOSAllocators=1

VideoMemorySizeMb=xxxx<----if using Win10/Win8/Win8.1 with 4gig + of GPU memory set 3714 otherwise: Download from here: http://enbdev.com/download_vramsizetest.htm the vram size tester launch the DX9; remove 350 from the result if using Win10/Win8/Win8.1; remove 170 if using Win7 (on Win10/Win8/Win8.1 the max result is 4064 is a limitation of the OS).

Edited by Project579
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