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Are people from the vault always this nice?


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So, to explain my personal gaming rules, I never cheat as part of gameplay the first time around playing a game. For the first time, I prefer to experience the game (for the most part) the way the developer intended. Second time around (if there is one) I pretty much do what I want.


Maybe it is a feeling of entitlement. I mean, I worked all those hours to build up my character/obtain weapons and ammo, whatever it is, only to lose it all when the game ends. Now that I'm playing the game again, I want to play it with those things I worked so hard to earn. And the other reason I might cheat the second time, well, its just part of the process of pure enjoyment. There is no rationalization for this, but it is simply for the pure fun of it.


Anyways, this is my second time around playing Fallout 3. So I'm walking down the wasteland to visit a spot on the map, when I see a wasteland junkie sitting there on the ground. I walk over to him and speak to him, and he offers to sell me chems. Immediately I realize how useful he'd be, holed up in my shack back at megaton. So, long story short, I spawn him in, using player.placeatme 000b87b4 console command, and he sits in a chair in the upstairs room. I buy all his chems and unload some salvage on him, and take off to wreak havoc on some raiders. Later on I come back, he's still there in my house, sitting in his chair and drinking from a cup. He says to me, "Are people from the vault always this nice?"


It surprised me a bit. I think its very likely that the AI has no idea that I've given him free shelter in my humble home in Megaton. Is this comment simply a response to the player's Karma?

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