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Mature Discussion: "Offensive" Mods


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If you worry too much about offending people you'd never get anything done, there are far too many people these days who seem to take great delight in being offended, usually on behalf of someone else. Browsers come with a button to deal with things you don't like, it's in the top corner and has an arrow on it pointing to the left.


I don't understand. How hard is it to not download something or to not look at something?



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In my personal opinion, there is already to much crap around on nexus, that having offensive or tasteless mods doesn't make much of a difference. I do ignore 97% of the mods on nexus anyway, I can do the same with offensive mods as well. They just not worth my time to write a comment or whatever. It's pointless.


The reason why such mods appear now and then is plain simple because humanity is bad and people have dirty fantasies and they use games to live them out. It's still better they doing their crap alone and unharmful for anyone else in front of their machine, instead they doing it in real life. In fact I would even support pedophilia mods, just for the fact that it maybe could rescue the one or other real life girl or boy. Because pedophilia exists in society, putting this fact down by every chance doesn't solve the problem. If people can live their pedophilia needs in a computer game, they will maybe not looking for real vids about it, what could be a positive effect to it.


Same for nazi content. If all neo-nazis play their fantasies in computer games, I don't give a damn about it. They are away from the streets, so that's a good point about it. Who knows, if hitler would have had a computer game about conquering europe, maybe he would stay a moron in his chamber and none of all his crap would had ever happend.


So far about theory. But it should be clear to anyone, that Dark0ne can't host nazi propaganda or pedophilia mods here. Especially for the last one he could become serious problems with the law. And if he would live in germany, for the first as well.

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Censorship is all fine and dandy untill somebody decides something you find acceptable to be offensive. Don't like nudity, sex, or political/historical mods? Don't download them. Just don't go beating your chest and start acting like you have the moral highground. There are other people who share your conservative opinions and if they had their way NONE of us would be playing ANY games like this mods or no.


I for one am thankful for the mod authors who show the bravery to post their works even though the rightous right will more than likely bash them for it. I also thank this site for posting them so I may be the one who decides whether or not it is something worth downloading.

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Honestly, I can see where people are coming from with these mods. Certain cultures for example place women at a lower standard than men, and if someone from one of those cultures was playing New Vegas then maybe they would want their game to reflect that.Because that's what mods do for me, they allow me to change the game and make it reflect whatever I want. Not saying I do, but if I wanted to become a Nazi in New Vegas, who's to say I can't?Because New Vegas is a GAME. It's not real life, it's not going to matter 5 years from now whether or not I was good or evil on Fallout :New Vegas.See, games provide us with a way to escape. and if you want to escape into a post-apocalyptic Neo-Nazi universe then who's to say you can't do that?My main point is this: Live and Let Live. For those who want to download Nazi mods or misogynistic mods, they should be able to. It may reflect their culture and make the game more enjoyable as a whole. And that's all I try to do as a modder, to make the game more fun and enjoyable. I know its hard to "live and let live" but come on. This is 2010, we are past what the Romans did to us and past what Hitler did to us. I seriously doubt that anyone playing this game right now had to deal with Nazis hunting them down and sending them to concentration camps. I mean, honestly, to those who say the SS mods are bad, why?Can't those who want those things be left alone?Can't you just exit the page peacefully and choose not to download those mods?If you are so affected by Hitler now, in 2010, then why are you playing a game which involves killing people?I feel like I'm rambling on, but honestly, just let people be who they are. It would make the world a better place.


Ok, where to start "It's just a game", this is impractical as any sort of argument.

Videogames can, and will offend people. Fine, create your barbaric backwards ass mods, but keep that to yourself.

Taking something hateful or flagrantly barbaric and posting it on the internet will only propagate the ideas that this s*** is ok, when it is not.


Lets apply this same type of thinking to allowing child prostitution in the game.

Think about it, it doesn't hurt anyone, the children are all virtual, it may offend but its not like someone is forcing you to download it.

Victimless right?.


Whether or not something is part of someones "Culture" doesn't make it any less barbaric.

And before you say anything like "Oh, but pedophilia isn't part of anyone's culture"

Muhammad, consummated his marriage with his wife when she was 9.

In South Africa exists an old and accepted sex trade, So accepted it is widely considered part of their culture. girls as young as 12 can be legally wed.


Here is my favorite part,

just let people be who they are. It would make the world a better place.


Well, honestly, all our problems right now are stemming from intolerance and/or butting in where we are not welcome.

I would hate to see a mod about about child prostitution but honestly if I ran this sight the adult prostitution would be moved somewhere else.

All I am saying is, I feel like all cultures should be supported.

But ultimately that's up to Dark0ne.

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I would like to just add to the comments of this is the Dark0ne's site and he can do as he wishes. Very true and I don't think anyone is disputing that. People were just weighing in with their thoughts on the subject at hand. My earlier comment was about a better defined TOS, I hereby retract. I don't think you can cover every possible scenario and follow a rulebook even if you made the rules.


In the obscenity case of Jacobellis v. Ohio (1964). Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart wrote "hard-core pornography" was hard to define, but that "I know it when I see it.". So Dark0ne is left with the task of screening offensive material from his site and has to use his sense of "I know when I see it". Hopefully he will digest all relevant views and make his decisions accordingly.


Thanks to all for a great thread.

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I don't get it. These sites have been online for quite a while now, and this hasn't been a problem before. If something is deleted or someone banned, assume there was a good reason, and move on. If there is something you find offensive, report it. If the powers that be find a reason to take action, they will. Otherwise just let it go. Don't download it, don't read it and so on.
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I dont mean to sound like an jerk,but as far as I can remember since the Revolutionary war, women were often in support roles, like medics and supply runners. I think a mod that represents that would be ok,i.e showing some female NCR characters wearing medic gear and they have a high medicine skill .etc I find that its kinda silly that theres so few female medics and doctors.(the Followers have plenty). I mean in the Service,they teach you basic medic training,and you can opt to train more into the medical field,so why arent there more medics in general? So few docs too.



Just a random thought.

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The owner isn't a douche, he appears to me to be a very innovative and bright young chap with decent moral standards that has acheived more in his few short years than many will acheive in their lifetimes, not to mention creating the best damn gaming resource on the web.


Wow this is probably the biggest example of brown nosery I have ever seen on this forum. And that is saying a lot.


Looks like someone is looking to make moderator this year.



Brown nosery, lmao.


My statement isn't fiction, what have you acheived to date?


As for making moderator, lmao again, been there, done that, no thankyou very much, not even for a wage.

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To me,Ive honestly never found things to be offensive. I find the rise of the Nazi system fascinating ( History nerd lol and what about all the other games that have Nazis in them? Wolfenstien COD,MOH,sure those are in somewhat historical adages,but we dont get all grr at them for it? maybe its cause in FO we dress up as them? I always found it fun to blast a Nazi in the nards)


If you dont like it dont click on it.Dont look at it dont attack it or whatever. if you find something offensive,theres constructive criticism yes,but an all out attack isnt needed,after all no sense in feeing a troll.

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