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Doesn't use Gamebryo


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I hope the new engine works out for the main theme of the TES games, which is freedom to do whatever, in a way that makes mob fighting and all that possible. Hope it's not just for looks.
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It may still be moddable (or not), but if it is, it will most probably be harder to mod than Oblivion and Morrowind, since the GameBryo engine is the most mod-friendly engine there is...
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Does all-new mean utterly new or new to the TES series? They say they're working on it "in-house" but iD are now a part of Zenimax so does that count as "in-house"? I would be both excited and worried if it were on the id Tech5 engine. Excited for the eye candy, worried for modding.


Lets hope that Bethesda have made this engine at least with some thought for modders. Here's to hoping!

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