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Doesn't use Gamebryo


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There's nothing wrong with the Gamebryo engine, it's what those Muppets at Bethesda do to it. Just look at Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga, that doesn't crash constantly, it doesn't need to load every few feet, the animations are fluid and the game runs a lot smoother than any of Bethesdas efforts. Changing from human to dragon form and taking to the sky is seamless in Larians game, imagine trying to do that in Oblivion/Fallout, the scenery would take a week to load and then it would more than likely crash.


Divinity II... not... buggy...? For some, that game crashed all the time, until they came out with an update to the game, but the problem was, you had to buy this upgrade.^^

You do know that The Dragon Knight Saga is simply a remake of Divinity II: Eco Draconis, right? They polished the game, then managed to somehow fool enough people into thinking it was a new game, and sold the... more or less.. PATCH to people.

And of course the game runs smoother in the open world, and that's because it's NOT an open world! You load between different worldspaces, so the game don't have to load those cells far away, whereas Oblivion and Fallout 3 is one big worldspace.


And changing from human form to another form works seamless in Oblivion as well - that depends on the animations made.


The dragon knight saga is a remake but also an expansion of 15 hours

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Several things. BGS may not even have to continue licensing and pay per title.. Emergent offer something called a perpetual license. I have a little suspicion they had one with Ob.


This idea that the creation engine may contain a few lines of GB code is not entirely unfounded. <they are using the nif format. This means that some of the library of object components remains intact. Unless they rewrite it. But that is doubtful imo.Anyway that is just data structure that contains vertex and material data(BTW the shader code implemented in F3 was all BGS tech.)


The Scene graph is probably all new. The renderer is probably all new. The animation engine is probably all new.


I'm thinking all this new stuff is a good thing. BGS said their animator requires much less scripting and low-order coding. Maybe this go around we'll get a working mounted combat mod, or a parry mod (even though that should have been in the game).


Since they are keeping all the file extensions we're familiar with, I think the Creation Kit is just a Skyrimified GB that is perhaps even more mod friendly than before.


I know I want to get cloth simulation on all stock robes and cloaks modded into the game.

Also, in the process applying the same concept to hair to add some physics.


Honestly though, all this should have been in Skyrin @ launch. *sigh*


Oh well, some ideas werent important enough to take up the limited processing space available when choosing to use outdated hardware such as the x360 as a development platform.

Thier solution to the cutbacks on the PC end is mods. I'm just thankful TES remains available on PC.

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Since they are keeping all the file extensions we're familiar with, I think the Creation Kit is just a Skyrimified GB that is perhaps even more mod friendly than before.


The TESCS is not in any way affiliated with the world editor that comes bundled into Gambryo these days.


In fact it was orginally built single handedly by Todd for the development of MW. At the time, Gamebryo, which was called netimmerse, had no such iteration tool.


It seems likely they will continue to develope their own tools, which imo are better and much better suited to SR development than the GB editor one is.


I know I want to get cloth simulation on all stock robes and cloaks modded into the game.

Also, in the process applying the same concept to hair to add some physics.


Honestly though, all this should have been in Skyrin @ launch. *sigh*

I would too. However this sort of system probably needs one of several things that can't be modded in. Well without issues.. It maybe be possible to enable havok on live actors this time, which is the real issue of making a hack job of it. even in that case that raise several other concerns for me just thinking about it. It really does want to be in as a standard feature for it to look good. There are so many issues trying to force this one in... :mellow:

Edited by Ghogiel
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