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I don't have any idea what I'm doing


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So, my current load order is moderately sized -- 75 mods or so -- but I'm using NMM, and my load order is probably full of issues due to me not knowing what I'm doing.


I've been hearing that Mod Organizer is the way to go at the moment, and I've been hearing things about PerMa as well. (Currently using SkyRe.) And I've known all along that I'd probably need to install Wrye Bash at some point, but I'm not clear on what Wrye Bash actually does, or whether it's mutually exclusive with things like NMM or LOOT, which I'm also using.


So, I want to switch to Mod Organizer, install Wrye Bash, and rebuild my load order from the ground up using PerMa. But I don't actually know how to do that. Any help would be appreciated.

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