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I would like to see Fallout 4 or Fallout: Something, take place in NYS or NYC, The Commonwealth, Denver, and maybe even Alaska?



Why New York?


Because of the buildings and urban feeling, Vegas was just desert, didn't feel like a Fallout Universe. Also New York would have been a hot spot for nukes, so a ton of ghouls and stuff. Plus metro systems, and also I just want to see New York destroyed I hate NY/NYC. I could go on and on about detail but I imagine you can think of things.


Why The Commonwealth?


Well.. It's just mentioned a lot in Fallout 3 (I never played Fallout, Fallout 2, or Tactics so Idk if its in there or not to) Anyways, yeah it would be cool to see a large wasteland complex but obviously have radiation dangers and enemies ect ect..


Why Denver?


Not sure it just sounds kind of fun..


Why Alaska?


It would be cool to see Alaska in ruins, not to be an ass I like Alaska.. But just because we got to see Operation: Anchorage which was pre-war it would be cool to see it in a different view. Also if it were in Alaska there could still be Communist ruins that you could loot and like learn more about the war or something, like they had a huge secret installation there you could go find and stuff idk.



I didn't add details of a mission plot, I would've but I'm too tired lol, I imagine you guys can think of something 8)

Edited by LethalThreat
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@warkiller75 - I think it was Sarah Lyons that mentions that the Capital Wasteland BoS tried to make contact with the Chicago based BoS, but their efforts were unsuccessful, so they continued on. Going by what you said of Florida having a heavy BoS presence according to the cancelled FO: Tactics 2, then I don't see why there wouldn't be an Enclave base there as well. There is a heavy BoS presence in Chicago, and ED-E was given some repairs from a hidden Enclave base there before continuing on his way as shown by the license plate on his side.


Like I said in my previous post, the mobile crawler base that the Enclave use is remarkably similar to the crawlers used by NASA to transport their shuttles and rockets. The Crawlers were developed and in use for the Apollo missions I believe, I shall have to check my books for that fact, but NASA did exist in the Fallout Universe according to the "Mothership Zeta" DLC. The markings on the captured space capsule have NASA written on it, and the rockets that those capsules sat on were transported by the crawlers. It can stand to reason that the Enclave salvaged one of the two crawlers and modified it to be their base. It would also explain why it was at the Adams Air Force Base, having traveled up from Florida and arriving at the base south of D.C.. The crawler is also very slow moving, even when empty it takes about a day for it to reach the launch site after leaving the hanger. Would mean the Enclave would be traveling slowly and would have to stop for some more supplies, and we have already seen that they do pick up some recruits in their travels ( example, Stiggs ).


Stiggs also has a pipboy, which leads some credence that there may be other Vaults further south. It would make some sense for there to be Vaults located in Florida as well, especially with there being the housing for NASA scientists and other engineers. It could explain why Stiggs is proficient at repairing and maintaining robots if he was from a Vault that housed such people and were one of the ones kept out of the experiments the other Vaults had going on.


Depending on how you deal with Colonel Autumn at the end of Fallout 3, he could still be alive and well if you convinced him to leave peacefully. It isn't said that he was or wasn't on the mobile crawler as well in the "Broken Steel" DLC, and someone had to have been in charge of the Enclave forces there. It might have been just a natural chain of command thing however, with the next highest ranking officer being given control. It would be interesting to see whom would take command of the remaining Enclave forces following the events of Fallout 3.




  • Enclave - survivors of Raven Rock and West Coast region possibly.
  • Ceasar's Legion - Depending on how you play New Vegas, it is mentioned that they could go East and conquering take over the lands there.
  • Natives - Native inhabitants and tribal survivors.
  • Vault Dwellers - Those that survived in the Vaults obviously.
  • Communist Cuba - Well, why the heck not? 1950's stylized future so why not a Cuban Missile Crisis-esk Cuba also with some of their forces starting to move in on Florida.

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i agree to what you're saying


but ceasar's legion?

they just suck.

no other words can describe them, they dont use technology, they dont have good training exersizes, their armor is horrible, and their all tribals.

how could they even survive against any major faction? if the NCR managed to destroy navarro, then why are they having trouble with a bunch of tribals being lead by a former follower of the apocalypse?(unless you killed him).

and how could they just appear? i belive the only other game they where mentioned in was van buren, and that was cancelled..


and how would cuba have forces? the whole world was blown up. exept mabie a few african countries.

and even if cuba wasnt hit they would have suffered from the nuclear fallout and worldwide radiation levels.

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@warkiller75 - The reason for Ceaser's Legion is because the group is rapidly expanding and there is mention in New Vegas that they may spread to the East. They may be under powered, but they do have numbers on their side and do use military tactics that the Roman Empire used. The Legion also does use technology, a number of them use various guns and they do have other weapons.



Searchlight was destroyed by the Legion through the use of a Dirty Bomb, which spread high radiation over the area, killing or transforming those in the town to Ghouls.



The Roman Empire also had a vast amount of technology at their disposal, which since Ceaser is following their example it would only stand to follow that they are allowed some of the technologies that were found then.


As to why Cuba for a possible faction/nation in the Fallout universe, well that is a simple answer. Just because an area is cut off from the rest of the world, does not mean that its people have no chance of survival, example being the "Point Lookout" DLC. Point Lookout is a small island in the Chesapeake Bay region, which is still populate by individuals, such as the tribals and swampfolk. Cuba also has been pretty much stuck in the 1950's for years due to the trade embargo that was imposed on them. To this day I believe you can get original paint and parts for 1950's cars that are no longer available in the US due to them being left there by the embargo. Also, Alister Tennpenny is said to have come from England, which itself is an island nation and a great deal further away, so why couldn't there be survivors living and thriving on Cuba.

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in New Vegas a few people(or just one person i cant remember) mention ceasar saying "All advanced forms of technology are off-limits, and must be destroyed" which hints that they do aquire technology, but then destroy it. and what i meant by technology is my previous post was advanced forms of technology.

also, i wouldnt really count the radiation bombs in searchlight as advanced technology.







and im not saying there wouldnt be any survivors in cuba but that they would not be very organized, if at all

Edited by warkiller75
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@ warkiller75


I shall concede that they did say they don't use advanced technology, but it is kind of difficult to tell what they consider by advanced technology. They do use fire arms, which maybe out of necessity rather then a desire to do so, and even Caesar's elite guards use power fists, which are an advanced technology. We know that Caesar holds the use of an Auto-doc for his own person use, and only allows its use to others as a special reward and to cement his standing in their minds that he is a god king. Since he is modeling his empire after that of the Roman Empire, I would imagine that he does allow for technology of that time period, such as indoor plumbing and irrigation systems, which would be a good reason for his interests in Hoover Dam since it holds a vast amount of water in Lake Meade that could benefit his growing nation. It makes a bit more sense then for him to just want it as a way to get access to the NCR, since there are alternate paths he could take with less confrontation.


The force confronted in what I was proposing would not have to be a large one, more like an exploratory force to see what would be worth taking in the area. It is something that Caesar seems to do after all, and set ground work for invasion later on.


@ thebic4


I wouldn't rule out New York as a possible location, albeit that there would be an uproar from people that would consider it unpatriotic given the events of 9/11, but that seems to happen on a multitude of things. The original Fallout included some major west coast cities so it would not be unlikely that another Fallout game would feature the remains of New York as a location or setting. It could open the door to possible trips to the annexed Canada as well as to parts of Maine and the New England area. That would bring in the Commonwealth as well as a possible faction to contend with.


@ LadyGodiva


The use of a resort location was used for the "Point Lookout" DLC, and like I said in my Florida proposal it would be a prime location because of that. All of the resort areas in and around the state would allow for a great many chances to explore, it would also allow for some interesting creature encounters as well. Imagine a group of survivors that survived by hiding or building a settlement inside of the remains of a large aquarium such as Sea World. The thought it self is amusing.

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