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only problem is that what the BoS doing in london and how did they get there? since the earth is bombed nearly clear where did they get a boat?


forgot the vertibird xD

London is a good idea but the story...well...don't know...

Edited by ghijt
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I agree. Thinking of a good story is a problem. Maybe the BoS could have a British Chapter that you encounter while there? That would mean you didn't actually travel there with them. Maybe in homage to Day of the Triffids, Walking Dead and 28 Days Later you could wake up in a hospital?


Course, it'll never happen, but we can dream :)

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Been reading about the rumours of Boston being the location, and the Institute being the focus. I could see it.



Bethesda seems to like the revolution-type theme and there's lots of hints of that in the Replicated Man quest. The Institutes focus on cutting-edge tech would seem to be right up Bethesda's alley as well.


The audio recording of Harkness/A321 talks of the Institute having a full-blown revolution on its hands if they keep treating the androids like slaves. And you'd have the sub-theme of Victoria Watt's Railroad for good measure. The PC could join the androids and the Railroad and fight for the cause, or side with the tech-heavy Institute. With the Institute being so technologically advanced, that might catch the attention of the Brotherhood of Steel (and/or Brotherhood Outcasts) for another subtheme.


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I'd like to see Fallout 4 set somewhere in the countryside. I think that the city and desert settings have been done a million times now, and to be honest they're getting rather stale. Point Lookout did it well, maybe Beth could expand on that?
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Some place that has a lot of big cities and open range like California. I think the map needs to ne a lot bigger and have lots of places to explore. The option to buy and even sell/rent buildings would be a nice addition to the game and make it more realistic. I also think it should make it to were you can join the BoS or the Enclave. It should even have more factions and things like that for you to join as to give it that open world feel.
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Given the rumours, Boston is fine by me, especially given the tie-in with FO3. Wondering if 'Android' might be an option for starting Characters.


Hmmm, given the relative positions, wonder if there may be also a tie-in or two with The Pitt?


Hopefully lots of oppurtunity for exploration (NOT miles and miles and miles of nothing, mind you - that isn't exploring, just unused space). Having a (former) city as the centre of the action is essential, IMO.

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