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Here is a post from a thread I found on The Escapist forum:


What will it likely be? Either San Francisco, Chicago or New York. Yet more ruined cityscapes and post-apocalyptic decay, with people still shambling around in rags and hobo gear, despite the fact that nearly two centuries have now passed since the nukes dropped.


What would I like to see? A Fallout game set in Louisiana. Fallout: New Orleans, or something like that. The setting has everything you would need to make a new Fallout game that has enough of the old games to be recognisable, but enough new stuff to actually feel original and fresh.


- the Jazz culture. You know all those jazz and swing tunes that give Fallout its atmosphere? Straight out of Louisiana. New Orleans isn't regarded as the Jazz capital of the world for no reason. Set the next Fallout game around New Orleans, and you've set it in the birthplace of America's defining musical genre.


- The history of racial tension. You know how Fallout has always played with ideas of American culture from the 40s and 50s? Well guess what, racial segregation was a huge part of Fifties culture. Black people still had to ride separate buses, go to separate schools, the whole shebang. If Bethesda wants Fallout to keep riffing on Fifties culture, then they're going to have to touch on this issue at some point. And the cities of Louisiana, which historically have always had predominantly black populations, provide a perfect context to actually explore that. Dilapidated segregation signs, crumbling bus-shelters for whites only, abandoned schools for white children...


- The swamplands. Fallout 3 and New Vegas have pretty thoroughly done the whole Apocalytic Desert thing now, and to keep rehashing it would only get old and stale. Louisiana, lying as it does on the Mississippi, is rife with swamplands and rivers, which would provide as drastic a change as you could imagine. Imagine having to venture from one town to the next, only to find you must contend with radioactive snakes, mutated alligators, and a whole host of other swamplife that have been affected by radiation and FEV. Even the trees and plantlife could be mutated into strange new forms, which would certainly make a change to yet more barren, lifeless wastelands.


- The clash of cultures. If there's one thing that defines American culture, it's that there is no singular form of it. American culture has always been borne out of the clash of other cultures, and Louisiana would allow developers to explore this in interesting ways. Cities like New Orleans became a home for hundreds of thousands of Africans who had been captured by slavers, and became a melting pot of exotic cultural ideas. Why else do you think New Orleans has such a rich history of Voodoo culture? Instead of rehashing the cultural idea of the Fifties Nuclear Family yet again, how about if the next Fallout explored some of the more exotic, surreal elements of American culture?


-Lastly, it takes place far away enough from the settings of the other games that you don't have to tie the events of the game's narrative with those of earlier games. If the next Fallout game takes place too close to Vegas or Washington, then sooner or later they're going to have to explain just what happened with the war between the NCR and Caesar's Legion, the Capital Wasteland, etc. With New Orleans, it's remote enough a setting that you can make occasional references to earlier games while still keeping the narrative separate and unique.


Not that any of this will happen, mind you. As far as Bethesda is concerned, Fallout is ruined cities and wasteland, so I expect the next game will be not all that dissimilar to Fallout 3, except that instead of Washington, the generic wasted cityscape will be named after some other big American city. Probably San Francisco...


I enjoyed reading this, for the most part. I hope others enjoy it, too.

Edited by oblivious12123
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Thanks for that, o12123.


I agree that the desert landscape has very arguably been done to death, and that setting a new FO in or close to a big city is the way to go. Not so sure about a swamp environment though, as we got a fair taste of that in Point Lookout.

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Thanks for that, o12123.


I agree that the desert landscape has very arguably been done to death, and that setting a new FO in or close to a big city is the way to go. Not so sure about a swamp environment though, as we got a fair taste of that in Point Lookout.



I was thinking kind of around Lafayette, Louisiana. It is a large city, but the terrain in the surrounding areas are swamps and farmland, which would be turned into grasslands after centuries of failed harvests, with large aount of swampland to the east, according to Wikipedia and Google Maps. Perhaps Lafayette could be the major city ruins in the west-north-western area of the map, with swampy wildernesses to the east and small settlements such as Plaquemine, New Liberia and St. Martinsville with some sort of civilization still remaining.

Now, I know this area isn't exactly famous for its landmarks, so this definitely won't be the setting of the next game, seeing as Bethesda loves being patriotic, but in my opinion it provides a unique geography.

Here is a map of what I'm thinking of:




With the area slightly south of St. Martinsville (A) being the start point or around Plaquemine in a vault.


A start in St. Martinsville allows access to the city, despite it being a bloodbath, as well as traveling east into the swamps to hunt (and be hunted). Plaquemine would be less ideal because of its far-off location from the rest of the world.


The Lafayette ruins should be near impossible for a low-leveled character to survive, crawling with all sorts of high-leveled abominations. The swamp would be teeming with wildlife, both passive and aggressive, but not anything TOO challenging for the player to start with. Lake Fausse Pointe State Park, however, would be more challenging, with several higher-leveled creatures.


Creature level scaling should be turned off or lessened (Every 3 levels, enemies gain 1), otherwise becoming stronger won't get you into Lafayette.


Jeanerette would be a prospering trading town with its close location to the swamps lying near Lake Fausse Pointe, however New Liberia would play a major role in the Main Quest due to its central location. Plaquemine would be a smaller city ruin with its own vault. There would also be several small settlements lying in the swamplands where the player can rest, trade etc.


The map could also be expanded to contain Franklin, Vermilion Bay, West Cote Blanche Bay and Morgan City Ruins, for even more locations.


Enemies would include:

• Intelligent mutant alligators, replacing deathclaws. They look similar in size and shape to deathclaws, however they have crocodilian features and are able to make and hold primitive weapons such as spears or daggers. They also pack a mean punch and have large sharp teeth. They inhabit Lake Fausse Pointe, certain other swamp locations, City ruins, Vermilion Bay, West Cote Blanche Bay and some other places.

• Large mutant fireflies, similar to bloatflies but ranging in size, strength and colour.

• Corpse Flies, also similar to bloatflies, but smaller and faster. They spawn in packs of 3-6 every few days around corpses and aren't hostile if you keep your distance and don't strike first.

• Swampfolk with a much wider variety. They spawn all over the world, and most are hostile. They don't follow a strange religion, unlike their Maryland brothersed/mutated into large man-eating plants. They spit a radioactive venom and deal high melee damage.

• Large mutated frogs or toads that have no qualms over lunging their tongue at you over flies.

• Large "Man Traps", plants that have adapted/mutated into large man-eating plants. They spit a radioactive venom and deal high melee damage.

• Soldier Ants: Stronger variants of the Giant Ants that spawn in large groups.

• Deranged Beavers that attack anything that is not one of them. They are not too much of a challenge, and provide food for many wastelanders.

• Giant hostile dragonflies that are agile and extremely fast.

• Mutated catfish-mirelurks as in the Fallout 3 concept art.

• Large six-legged "Swamp Striders" descended from the area's four-legged Water Striders. These guys are very perceptive and run very fast. They can run on water, thus allowing them to attack anything in water.

• Several creatures that appeared in previous games that could fit into the settings; Wanamingos, floaters, ghouls (feral/non-feral), dogs, radroaches, bloatflies, Super Mutants from the Master's Army, Yao Guais, Cazadores, Mirelurks, etc.


Wow, I wrote more than I originally thought of. I know it definitely won't happen but I do enjoy writing and letting my imagination go. At the moment it's very much incomplete, however I may come back and finish it.

Edited by oblivious12123
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Sorry, but I like it NEW VEGAS STYLE!!! The Mojave Wastelands gave me the impression there was still something left. That there was still hope. I also liked the colors/plants of the Mojave Wasteland. DC was just so dark. I also liked the creatures/enemies of the mojave more. I just had more fun exploring the Mojave Wasteland. A dev from Bethesda said this: "You'll get no tips from me. But the Mojave Wasteland was a fun place to explore, wasn't it?". But I think it would be better if the setting is not DC and not NV. But one thing is sure, FALLOUT 4 IS GONNA KICK ASS!!!!


Oh yeah I really like Vaults. I think there should be more Vaults in Fallout 4. Like the vault 101 and Vault 22. They were awesome!


EDIT: I think we all knew that the Fallout 4 wouldn't be DC neither NV. It seems like it's probably gonna be in Boston. The info

Seriously DC or Boston... it doesn't matter. Did you think FO3's setting looked like DC? I think not. It just looked like a demolished piece of &^*% (i don't think that's a bad thing). I think no-one should wine now. You got what you want. A city! It will probably just like Fallout 3. I know everyone's gonna whine now, but you always do. I mean, everyone is so nostalgic. C'mon accept some fresh new idea's (not that it's the best idea ever). I think you would even whine if Fallout 4 would be set in DC. I think this is a good place for Fallout 4! Atleast it's something new. I liked Oblivion more than Skyrim, but atleast I'm not whining about it. Skyrim is great too, just like FNV.

Edited by guusert
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Yeah New Orleans is a good idea :D Idk if they're gonna make a Fallout 5 or just a fallout after FO4, but I think it shouldn't be in a city. In the mountains would be cool!


(I didn't double-post. Someone deleted his post.)

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There are many good places to set a fallout game in. The San Francisco Bay Area, Pacific Northwest, or Montana.


The SF Bay Area would be good because the Shi from Fallout 2 were not mentioned in New Vegas. This leaves the opening for a new faction that can challenge the NCR. The Shi did have advanced sciences. People in the Mojave didn't like the NCR and Northern Californians don't like Southern Californians. This resentment would survive the War and the Shi are local. The Bay Area is also very diverse in geography. Cities along the Bays and rural forest covered areas in the north. The northern areas are really sparsly populated. There are also mountains and the Central Valley and Sacramento.


The Pacific Northwest has a tech and air craft industry. Would have to introduce a new climate because of how far north it is. Seattle is large and can have rural areas. Would have to add new factions because the NCR most likely won't expand that far north any time soon (or at all depending on the New Vegas endings; war with the Legion and all). Could add another republic or a military remnant based faction. Not the Brotherhood, but a military dictatorship.


Montana has summer camps and other survivors. This would leave a world more like fallout 3. Having the Khans leave for Wyoming did leave potential for a new faction in the north. This had to be intentional.


On a side note, there should be some things taken into mind when designing a west coast game. Japanese cultural things like martial arts became popular on the west coast in the 50's and 60's. This can introduce a feudal society to rise somewhere on the west. This most likely would have happened in fallout world because WW2 happened. It would be hard to work that into the cannon if the game takes place in CA though.


Another thing, if the game takes place in or near the NCR, they should ditch the caps and have NCR dollars and another factions' money be used and make caps worthless.

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I did read some of the first posts, and I think someone there mentioned London, UK? I'd second that vote - I think London would be a great change of pace and setting. 28 Days Later was a popular film, and I think the similarities would spill over into the game's popularity. As that poster also said, the landmarks are recognized the world over, there's the world's oldest underground, several major rail stations - and there's even a major river, similar to the Potomac.


The one major drawback is that the 50s fashion so typical of the series was not represented in the UK - the theme would be very different. Maybe this could be a spin-off by Bethesda?


Someone also said New York, but I think the problem there is the lack of variety in landscape - not to mention it being an island. The great thing about FO3 and FNV is the expansiveness and the variety. NY may be variable in culture and shopping venues, but none of that matters after an apocalyptic event. Yes, there's Central Park, but it's hardly big enough to represent an area capable of housing more than a quest or two.


Boston sounds dull. I'm not from the US, but it hasn't got the same caché as DC or Vegas.


The south of the US does sound interesting, but apart from New Orleans it's not really a world-reknowned location. Florida - hmm, maybe. It was the setting for Romero's Day of the Dead, which lends itself to some hidden jokes. Miami's a major and well-publicised city, with plenty of variety of landscape - there's even the Florida Keys, isn't that nearby?


If it's not Florida, then I agree that California is a good choice. Perhaps further north to Washington State and Seattle (which is pretty well-known - hey, Starbucks!), allowing the use and reference of Canada, a DLC for the Rockies, another for Vancouver?


Did I say anything that anyone hadn't said already? :tongue:

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alaska because the hard terrain and its mysterious aura then the rare civilization hidden bunkers and communist survivors and maybe a little enclave and lots of invisibble walls of course and the enclave could have a big base with plans to find oil and improve the life of the people for an amount of money. and new possible enemies like deathclaws with snowy skin that makes them far more dangerous and some kind of flying monster that hunts on the plains and new weapons and armors and alaska is giant so there is place for the DLCs it would be a good change after the mojave desert or the urban D.C areas and new communities and for more you could play as a member of the enclave or on the good side. this is my idea it is just an idea but it would be great! <div><br></div> Edited by ghijt
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Definantly London. The only problem is, you kinda have to have the BoS involved in one way or another (You can't just replace them with a UK based PA group, it's not the same) Maybe the intro to the game could be you as a Brotherhood initiate on an expedition with other BoS members to see if anyone in Europe is still kicking.


And the setting? Clearly Beatlemania/Early Rock and Roll.

Edited by LtRhapthorne
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Definantly London. The only problem is, you kinda have to have the BoS involved in one way or another (You can't just replace them with a UK based PA group, it's not the same) Maybe the intro to the game could be you as a Brotherhood initiate on an expedition with other BoS members to see if anyone in Europe is still kicking.


And the setting? Clearly Beatlemania/Early Rock and Roll.

That sounds fantastic, actually! A mixed group (Rangers, BoS, Scientists) travel to the UK because of the "Special Relationship" between the UK and US to re-establish a connection. Whilst on the way, something happens to their transport and you're the only survivor, found floating in the Thames.


In order to include Vault-tec, there could be a British subsidiary that uses only a slightly modified pipboy character as its logo - maybe with a Union Jack on its torso? I didn't have the Neo-nazi connotations back then.


A DLC could be travelling through the Chunnel to Paris!


Most importantly though: let's hope that FO4 has a genuine Hardcore mode, something along the lines of what JSawyer turns FNV into with his patch. We shouldn't have to mod mod mod to make the game sufficiently taxing to be enjoyable.


Let's petition for LONDON!!!!!1!!!1 :D

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