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The 200 year old ruins of Rome and the Vatican, the Roman Metro plus the 2200 year old ruins of the Roman fora all to play around in.


I'm not entirely sure of what happened in Europe according to Fallout canon though -- it seems they had a smaller scale war before the Great War and then nuked themselves to cinders when the Great War happened meaning there might not be many stones left standing one upon another over there. But Alistair Tenpenny and Colin Moriarty made it over here from Europe so there are people over there. You wouldn't have RobCo or Vault-Tec over there but perhaps some European equivalents. No Pip-Boys ... urgh. You'd have to bend canon quite a bit to get F.E.V. over there so Super Mutants, Deathclaws, Ghouls and so forth would be a problem. No Enclave or BoS either but Europe has rarely been known to have a shortage of factions.

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Fallout games always take place in the North America, in Fallout 3 we saw the Capital Wasteland (desert-like with ruins), Alaska (winter before the war), Pittsburgh (ruins), Maryland (swamp) and Mothership Zeta (guess where?). The war really destroyed all the planet life? Can't we have a forest place, even with heavy radiation mutated flora and fauna. The main story would be like FoT: BoS 2 (cancelled), with the not so friendly indigenous life form taking over the planet.


7thsealord has a nice suggestion, New Alaska or Canada with chinese remmants and canadian resistance survivors, with a nuclear winter environment.

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Australia - Sydney Opera House, Birdie Beach, Warragamba Damn, The Barossa Valley, and most notable the Outback

China - The Great Wall, Mogao Caves, Terracotta Army, The Many Mountain Temples, Japan (i know not really apart of China)

Russia - Moscow/Kremlin/Red Square, St. Petersburg, The Trans-Siberian Railway, Mirny Diamond Mine

India - Taj Mahal, Himalayas, Ganges River, The Golden Temple, a Ton of Buddist Temples, and who doesn't want to see a mutated Bengal Tiger and some Elephants :D

Europe - In general there are way too many majorly recognizable landmarks to list throughout Europe - France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, etc

Middle East - Dubai (major revamp in the last decade or two), Oil fields of Kuwait, Baha'i Gardens, Damascus Gate, The Mosque

Africa - EYGPT!!!, Timbuktu, Fes, Cape Town, Victoria Falls, Mt. Kilimanjaro, The Congo

South America - Machu Picchu ruins, Nazca Lines, Rio de Janeiro, Galapagos Archipelago, Easter Island, Iguazú Falls, The Coca Fields of Columbia

Central America - Panama Canal, Tikal, Volcano Poas, Costa Rica (in general), Antigua Market

Mexico - Tijuana (hehe), Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico City, Acapulco, Copper Canyon, Cancun

Canada - Geodome, Diavik Mine, Toronto, Montreal


Hmm Just about anywhere in the world is good enough for me.... Just NO MORE AMERICA! I get it okay, now show me what happened to the rest of the world. I am sure the Russians or the Chinese must have built an equivalent to our over 200 Vaults,

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I think it would be cool to go back in time to maybe San Francisco to just before the great war and have it extend into moving into the vaults.Perhaps there could be ground forces and conspiracies to deal with of course you'd know the ending,you'd have to head to a vault to survive.


Start the game as a common citizen that suddenly finds themselves in the middle of a first wave attack and has to find a way to arm themselves.Might run into other groups that are organizing within the city to help combat the invaders because of the military being stretched to thin.Perhaps part of the game could consist of helping your family and others make it to a vault.


Idk be kind of interesting to see the world before it becomes a wasteland.

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I second the New York idea. Albeit, it could come up as rather cheesy as pretty much every post apocalyptic movie or book list new york in one way or another. But, I think New York would be a rather convenient location as there is many different scenarios, dense developments in the downtown area, posh apartments and lofts in the uptown area, and suburbs in Queens and Longs Island.


It would also solve the problems of displaying a message that says "you cannot continue in that direction, turn around" as New York city and Long island are essentially islands as opposed to the DC wasteland area where you see land in the horizon but you cannot continue.


There is also the fact that there is a few military depots and a lot of police precincts, a subway system, and even a jail within the metro NYC area. New York city would also be located between the DC wasteland and the commonwealth, allowing for some overlapping of storyline, characters, events and even references. Plus there ought to be plenty to do in post-apocalyptic new york anyway. Hell, maybe they even include south jersey and we get to kills some ghoul guidos! =P

Edited by ecdraceofspades
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