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i also go with the NY idea but what about Texas? Texas is big, but mostly dessert like anybody from Texas care to tell me how Texas is like? because i don't want to offend anybody who live in Texas


Texas is so big that it really depends on where in Texas you're talking about. For instance, East Texas has a lot of trees, wooded areas, and beach (Gulf Coast, afterall). Whereas West Texas is more desert. Central TX, as well as North TX are different from each other as well. Plus you have a ton of small towns, as well as large Metroplexes like the Dallas/Forth Worth area where I live. It's freaking huge. I think a good Fallout game could take place in TX, but maybe that's only because I live here.


Personally, I would like to see one in San Diego. Due to the heavy Military presence it would be a prime target in any nuclear war, but is also on a coast, has a large population center, and there could be all sorts of fun to be had with the Zoo, etc.


I prefer a good mix of heavily populated ruins (like DC was), and vast open area (like NV).


I really have no good suggestions, but I would be happy with any large, well known city. And landmarks are always pretty sweet, which is a big reason I liked it being in DC.

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I'd have to go with Texas, for many of the same reasons as previously stated. Mostly I would like to see variety in terrain, FO3 was very desolate and had a pretty good 'Road Warrior' feel to it outside the city proper, and in the DC ruins it was a great labyrinth, but I want to see some green and blue besides all the brown and gray. On that note I think Texas would be the better choice because of the diverse terrain as stated by CouncilOfDave; harsh deserts, lush forests, gorgeous beaches, mind-bogglingly massive cityscapes that the design team could run wild with, etc...


I don't think New Orleans or Florida would be a go-to choice (at least not as soon as the next game) for me because they already touched on the bayou theme in Point Lookout and I must say that I was not impressed with that DLC, it seemed like more of a chore to clear than some new 'exotic locale fraught with danger and treasure'. It looked great and it certainly had that swamp feel to it and reminded me of my time in Charleston, SC; but I just didn't enjoy clearing that one out. On that same note, Detroit might be too similar to The Pitt, so I'd pass on that one for a little while as well.


If they could do a massive land area like Texas, you could probably get so lost and turned around within its vastness that there would be no end to the possibilities for added content and modding for the community which would be great since FO3 and FO:NV are 'sandbox' type games. So in closing, I'd say something in Texas would be outstanding, but that's just my two caps. =)

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NYC baby.

Imagine it-Huge burnt out ruins of the greatest city in the world. Not only that, but the abundance of life upstate certainly must've made fro some odd mutants. The great garbage dumps of jersey would also make for some interesting mutants, and many people could settle down in those areas despite the dangers to gain access to all the supplies the city had chucked away.

Not to mention the possibility of a nazi setlement on long island, in u-boats where soldiers and generals could plan the re-creation of the reich, and be forced to land on shore turning a massive submarine into a Facist city.

So many factions could be made from new york-The rays-geeks that, after the bombs dropped, created a safe haven in the many arcades of long island.

Nypd-the remanants of newyorks police force.

The grand empire-Civilians and soldiers who, knowing the end of the world was coming, decided to get a view. Standing on top of the empire state building, they saw all hell come loose before them. An atomic fire burned down the city around them, and planes fell out of the sky after the inital emp blast. But miraculously, the tallest building in the world had survived the bombardment. Around the tower, they noticed, there cars they had parked before climbing the tower made an adequate wall. They planned, and gathered food and weapons. They Started digging down, making the buildings basement go down. It was the empires main project for a century. They built factories even, and had real society. The poor living on the industrial coal mines after The Empire struck coal under the tower. The middle class would live in the office spaces, and the rich would live in airplanes which had crashed into the towers, or they would live in grand office suites.

Nuovo Italia-remnants of the mafia

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New York would be nice.

Moscow would be cool. But then it would maybe be too much like Metro 2033 (great book btw!).

Berlin and some post apocalyptic fourth reich thing with nazi super mutants thinking they're the master race? Or crazy humans having ghoul/mutant concentration camps...

I'm currently playing F3 for the first time... But it seems it has the curse of the first two (New Vegas didn't have this so much) in that you sort of have to wear power armor and s*** like that to complete it.

I prefer it a bit lo-fi. Ammunition should be way more uncommon and expensive. And you should be able to complete the game in a dirty prewar suit and a .32 gun! ;-)

Also they should make cars available!


Modern Warfare 3 has bagged London, so i doubt it will be in the next release.


I would agree to NYC being in FO4. I've never been NYC but i know that i would love to walk through a destroyed Manhattan.


I would also like to see other countries as DLC. Like you can take a plane (like bi-plane) to London, or somewhere like Nevada or the Grand Canyon that has a gigantic military base built on that you have to either join or take down. While that you can explore all the rocky landscapes.


What i would love even more if there was a city you can travel to that hasn't been affected by the nuclear war, or at least has rebuilt. Like an oriental China that rebuilt in their traditional way, and you can explore a bustling city. Then you can do a mission storyline that sees the new China either destroyed by another nuclear bomb, or become a completely oriental place with traditional clans such as the Samurai and traditional clothing and weaponry. Or you could pump money into a shady clan that would rebuild a modern but corrupt China, where you can now get Tonfa's, Nunchucks, different Katana's, etc.


I know Oriental China would fit more for Oblivion, but i still think it would be good to be slicing people up with Katana's in a modern world.

Edited by spiritshadowx
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Well after playing 900+ hours in fallout 3 spanning over 7 playthroughs, and putting in 200+ hours in fallout new Vegas I can honestly and obviously say I prefer fallout 3 more. Fallout 3 has this feel of real desolation and destruction. New Vegas just feels like a preserved piece of lies. Lies because it pretends to be intact when really its not, and I just don't like the feel.. I don't like the casinos, I thought I would enjoy it after I enjoyed gambling in red dead redemption but no..


So anyways fallout 4 IMO should capture the feeling of fallout 3. When a wastelander in fallout 3 told me how crappy life was and he wanted to kill himself etc I believed it, in new Vegas when I heard it and looked around and say their homes and casinos I thought they were just full of BS..


So IMO fallout 4 should take place in either LA or New York. LA would be awesome to visit Mariposa again and perhaps even the oil rig. And I am pretty sure that New York is intact for the same reason the New Vegas is intact. I read that in the fallout bible I think


EDIT: I forgot to mention how I hated in fallout new Vegas the flat landscape. No sniper positions made the game so dull for me. A nice thing about LA is I live here and that I know in the surrounding are it is very mountainous and rugged. If done right New York could be very good also because yo could potentially go on rooftops and snipe downwards. Walking on the same terrain all the time with no hills is boring.

Edited by Dan3345
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Having any fallout take place in a major city doesn't make much sense to me.


DC likely had defense systems that saved some of it, NY would have been completely destroyed.


Not entirely sure though, I have never played FO2 so I am not sure how well SF is in it.

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I feel obliged to point out that Alaska is a full fourth of the united state's landmass, and has a lot of military...On the other hand, it's probably the most sparsely populated state.


Which would allow for some of the most freakish, and amazing vanilla animal based enemies offered yet (something to rival the Death Claw perhaps? there is always a bigger fish, after all). Or even an animal/human hybrid because of some horrible FOV/nuclear fallout mixture accident that happened just before the bombs dropped. There is a LOT that can be done with Alaska.



What i would love even more if there was a city you can travel to that hasn't been affected by the nuclear war, or at least has rebuilt. Like an oriental China that rebuilt in their traditional way, and you can explore a bustling city. Then you can do a mission storyline that sees the new China either destroyed by another nuclear bomb, or become a completely oriental place with traditional clans such as the Samurai and traditional clothing and weaponry. Or you could pump money into a shady clan that would rebuild a modern but corrupt China, where you can now get Tonfa's, Nunchucks, different Katana's, etc.I know Oriental China would fit more for Oblivion, but i still think it would be good to be slicing people up with Katana's in a modern world.


There are quite a lot of melee weapons (and melee mods) around in FO3/NV that allow slicing people up. However, your Oriental idea is actually pretty awesome. If it was truly back at traditional aspects, then it might allow those that play/want to play melee based characters to actually have a fighting chance in whatever wasteland they are in at the time. Personally, I think the melee aspect was very underestimated and undermade (thats a word now).


I would love to see a New York that was overrun, maybe not by bombs (as was suggested earlier), but by those that survived the bombs and began wandering to try and find a place to rebuild their lives, and then of course the subsequent 200+ years afterward, and the towns or villages made as a result. Further, seeing that same New York forced into the tribal state (kind of shown in NV, though VERY poorly), where gun-based weapons are few and far in between with more emphasis on thrown weapons and strictly melee (possibly flail style as well).

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