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Fallout NV G.E.C.K. conditions not working


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I'm creating a companion mod and I'm trying to create the packages for it. But whenever I try to create a new condition for it: I click okay to finish the condition but the after the window closes, the condition I made doesn't show up. What did I do wrong? Help would be very appreciated.

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The geck can be twitchy if you switch tabs without saving in between. I'd suggest you try the following.


1. delete the current package.

2. create a new one and set package type, id (v. important) and fill in the first tab only.

3. click on okay,

4. re-open it, open the conditions tab, set your conditions, click on okay again.


Click on okay and re-open for each tab you need to modify.

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The geck can be twitchy if you switch tabs without saving in between. I'd suggest you try the following.


1. delete the current package.

2. create a new one and set package type, id (v. important) and fill in the first tab only.

3. click on okay,

4. re-open it, open the conditions tab, set your conditions, click on okay again.


Click on okay and re-open for each tab you need to modify.


Doesn't work. Conditions still don't show up after I do that and click okay. And I couldn't even delete the current package.

Edited by jhx96
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If you delete a package you've created it will be flagged as deleted but wont disappear until you save and reload your .esp.


Just to be clear, did you do the following sequence to create your package?


1. Right click in Actor Data ->Package

2. select New.

4. Enter an ID in the window, select package type.

5. Click OK.

6. Save the ESP.

7. Re-open the package.

8. Set up the first tab, click ok to close it.

9. Repeat for each tab.


Any slight variation from that sequence could possibly break it, especially the saves after creating the package for the first time.

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