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I Will Be Going To Bethesda Studios To Meet The Developers


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Good luck with your treatments. You are a gift to us and Thank You!


I really hope they listen to you and really fufill your wish. What a wonderful thing you are doing sharing with us, we appreciate you =)


I can't stress enough the best thing for them to do would be pay attention to our modding community!

so many great ideas and little things from there make the games just that much better. Of course they should - morally - say thanks in some fashion...but honestly, if they look, everything for many more new games is sitting right there, all they have to do is tap into it.

My wish? companion system like neverwinter nights, where you felt building the party gave it a whole new dimension. Hire a rogue for those locked boxes. My mage can't take the chance breaking a nail and throwing off my next cast if I use lockpicks! Falls under better character customization - classes. But honestly after Vilja, I saw the amazing things that could be done by the modders. Bethesda has so many more resources there really is a lot more they could do.

My wish for you - many more years playing games and enjoying everything! *big hugs and thanks*

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in oblivion, if you do something wrong in one place, it feels like all the guards in the entire world know about it and are after you, and its not fun. suggest an alternative, like the 300ft detection radius mod.

yeah and if you murder someone but no one sees you, then you should not have a bounty

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in oblivion, if you do something wrong in one place, it feels like all the guards in the entire world know about it and are after you, and its not fun. suggest an alternative, like the 300ft detection radius mod.

yeah and if you murder someone but no one sees you, then you should not have a bounty

You normaly don't. :/

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here is a few ideas. dual wielding, and weapons that allow both 2 hand and one handed use with a quick switch button, and switching weapons (swords and knives) from standard hold to holding them upside down (for downward stabbing). and some masters teach weapon and unarmed arts like sword based martial arts or unarmed (think jade empire), if throwing knives/ stars and bow/ arrows are added then make them have skill to learn to allow multi throwing/ shootting (like throwing 3 knives at once or shooting 2 arrows at once. and last but not least TRUE ambidexterous characters so characters dont have to be just right handed they can be either left or right. Edited by rkelly
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here is a few ideas. dual wielding, and weapons that allow both 2 hand and one handed use with a quick switch button, and switching weapons (swords and knives) from standard hold to holding them upside down (for downward stabbing). and some masters teach weapon and unarmed arts like sword based martial arts or unarmed (think jade empire), if throwing knives/ stars and bow/ arrows are added then make them have skill to learn to allow multi throwing/ shootting (like throwing 3 knives at once or shooting 2 arrows at once. and last but not least TRUE ambidexterous characters so characters dont have to be just right handed they can be either left or right.


They also have confirmed being able to set spells to certain hands, so hopefully you can fire a shock spell with your left and a fire ball with your right, at the same time! :wink:

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and more weapon types

polearms including throwing spears (dragons are in the game so these should be in game)

bow staffs

magic staffs for casting


throwing knives or stars or darts or boomarangs or chakrams

nunchucku (there is katanas in the game so a few more japanese weapons wont hurt)

flails and ball and chains

claws and wrist blades and other fist weapons.


shelds should be able to be used as weapons as well

unarmed should allow kicking and technical hits like combinations but only if the character or enemy is taught a fighting art.

armed melee should also have a art system for combat as well but not required so a knight character might use standard fencing (standard swinging animation) but a akaviri taught warrior (from a master) might know how to use a katana is awesome ways from drawing his blade to the actual art of swinging (ala samurai style) and skills and arts can be changed when ever necessary



should also be other skills that can be learned like using your sword to send a energy projectile (like a blade beamish attack for example) or using your fist to send a wave of energy to knock the enemy on the ground. quick time or contect sensitive events that can allow certain moves like a combo hit.


any other weapons i forgot?

Edited by rkelly
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