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I Will Be Going To Bethesda Studios To Meet The Developers


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Remember kiddies, snow isn't just pretty white stuff accumulating "dynamically" on trees and rocks. That s**t's DANGEROUS man! :ohmy: I think that snow and snowy weather should at times be severe enough to pose a serious risk to the player. Frostbite would be a major issue, especially if you fell through the ice or something, got all nice n' wet. I hope that's where woodcutting comes in, making emergency fires and shelters. Also blizzards should be there, and real accumulation, not just a few "dynamic" inches here and there, feet n' feet of it! You can't fast travel out of it, you can hunker down at a town or your shelter, or attempt the dangerous trek through it, if you're really that impatient. The worst blizzards should be catastrophic, a few times a year in different spots disasters, snowing you in for days or a week or two :wallbash: ,giving you the option of waiting it out and maybe failing a timed quest or two, or packing up and making the deadly trek out. keep in mind we don't wanna slow down the game too much either. And there should be shorter, milder ones more frequently during the winter months, that you can traverse with a little warmth and planning. Since it's Skyrim they have a one time chance to make a realistic, danger filled world of ice and snow, or a winter wonderland with no real consequences for stupid actions (swimming in ice water, walking through a storm in metal armor, prancing around a frozen lake with said armor...etc.) I hope they put quality over conveinence on this issue. :yes: Edited by mrpepperkitty
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Hello I'm new here and i love this site because it is a place for people like me, where people are here who love the elder scrolls games. man i'm cannot wait for this game to come out now for my requests


1. if any one has played champions of norrath how about the input of fire and electricity and ice weapons like the mods where you actually see the fire on the weapons etc!


2. when i think of something more i will come back!

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Better sword belts. Seriously, I dont want a dagger glued to my leg anymore. PUT IT IN A REAL SCABBARD! Shurikens and better poison applications. Poisoned Apple always got screwy with the npc scripts for me. When people eat food, make them EAT IT. No more of this fake eating stuff, make it go somewhere other than the table looking untouched.


Ask about birthsigns and about better rp applications for those as well.



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more dragon variations and other ridable animals besides horses.


when i say more dragon variations i mean different types of dragons not just flying fire breathing ones. how about some ice breathing dragons and non flying land based dragons and some wyverns? and even beable to tame a dragon.

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The game is already made :DDDD It's just that they worked on it since they finished fallout 3 so its only bugged and stuff so they need a lot of testing and to keep us waiting :@...
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It seems like much of the stuff people continue to ask for has already been confirmed by Bethesda. Perhaps I will see a few final suggestions that I haven't seen yet before I venture out on my trip, which will probably be next month.
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It seems like much of the stuff people continue to ask for has already been confirmed by Bethesda. Perhaps I will see a few final suggestions that I haven't seen yet before I venture out on my trip, which will probably be next month.

Don't forget to tell them about skis, they have mountains and snow. Pleassse , I wanna get my ski on w/ all their new snow! Also rob travellers then ski off into the sunset. :pirate: SNOWPIRATES! :pirate:

Edited by mrpepperkitty
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