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I Will Be Going To Bethesda Studios To Meet The Developers


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Stealthrecon (presuming the 'h' was accidentally left out....),


I totally get what you are doing! And I applaud you for it.


I hope your treatment goes well, and fairly pain- and stress-free! (there are 'alternative' ways to make it a lot easier on yourself, if you haven't already gone down that route), and you come out of it soon and well!!


As for this thread, there are going to be lots and lots of requests, many easy, some not so, some which lots of people want (dual-wield), some which only a few might (more gore-effects)... but I'd suggest the one thing which the developers really NEED to do, and which I think the whole community here would WANT them to do.... is pay more attention to the fans through sites such as this!


This is where the fans show themselves, where lots of fresh ideas come from - and are implemented!!!! The developers (of any game) really need to keep themselves aware of sites like this, and when they see talent, acknowledge it (even ask them to come on board!!) Get the devs to have anofficial presence on this board, and actively take part in the discussions and threads... starting now! Otherwise, they're basically ignoring us... :(



(my personal ideas I've mentioned elsewhere, but basically, make it more of a Runequest system - where your skills go up, not your stats, and levels don't exist per se. Oh, and perhaps flying mounts :P).

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Propper directional sound/5.1 support, ever notice that things upstairs don't sound like theyre upstairs?

More side quests like in TES3 Morrowind and more small towns.

Better population in the big cities.

Better feel of world's size TES3 style fast travel and slower movement.

More realism less hits to kill or be killed.

no levitation because it makes towns harder to render when theyre in exterior worldspace cells.

Dragons! <-- WIN!

more varied voice actors (if nehrim can do it then TES V can)

better scripts so there isnt any need for a scrpt extender

better story

more jean luc picard

vampires and werewolves and therefore werepires!

hip quiver option

more dark brotherhood sanctuaries than just one

only one/two guild per character option

food/sleep/h2o like in FNV

same game engine

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Because I have cancer, the Make A Wish Foundation is giving me a wish. I am choosing part of my wish to visit Bethesda Studios for a tour, to meet the developers and to get a behind the scenes of TES:V Skyrim. I then thought that perhaps I should also make part of my wish to be able to have my suggestions added to the game. So what I am thinking is that I will take suggestions from everybody here and I will add things that I like to my list here and then I will run the list by the developers at Bethesda Studios. So please, suggest away!


My List:

  • Polearms
  • Crossbows
  • Throwing Knives/Axes
  • Live Trade /Travel Across The Roads
  • Closed/Full Helms
  • Accurate Beast Races
  • Unique Cave Styles and Types
  • Levitation Spell
  • Extremely Large Caverns For Dragons To Roam In
  • Open Villages Like Morrowind
  • Medium Armor
  • Differentiation between short and long blade and blunt and axe
  • Remove Level Scaling
  • Active and Inactive Weapons
  • Dual Wielding
  • When Shield Is Not In Use Its On Characters Back
  • Mounted Combat
  • Multi-faceted and layered clothing
  • Flying Mounts
  • Dark Elf Voices From Morrowind
  • Decapitation
  • Overlays on characters
  • No Compass
  • Construction Set
  • Nexus Modding Community Support
  • Advanced Customization for Mount Armor
  • Werewolves

First of all i wish you the best and be healthy soon!!!!! here s what i would like, just take what you like

Better and more realistic animations

Better magic system

Spells that have animations

Better and more complex fight system

More stylised graphics than photorealistic

Multiple endings according to your character or race

Total impact on the gameplay according to who your character is or your race

Focus more on Magic because its the most important aspect of a rpg game

The character should not develope all attributes, but only the ones that concern your character

focus and develope much more the three basic aspects of the game, magic, fight, stealth

should be able to handle spells after casting

make the game more difficult

make it more gory when needed for more realism

add more live enviroments, birds on the skies and trees, fish on water

destructible and more dynamic enviroment, see crysis game, be able to light a fire in the woods at night if i want

fatigue should increase during running

much more epic huge creatures

more variety on dungeons

Edited by Jimis
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Nice list you've got there. I wish the best for you and your family.


Keep in mind that they are probably already done adding new features and gameplay mechanics at this point so your list may just be a "check off" list to see what they have already done. You might also be able to help them decide between 2 features they want implemented but only have time for one. Still, it wouldn't be bad to present them with a list of features the community is hungry for.


The only things that comes to mind that might not have been mentioned are:


Dynamic mouseless dialog / menu buttons. What I mean by this is that if there are several buttons you can choose from in a dialog box, pick the 1st letter of the 1st button be the "activate" letter for that button. The 2nd button would also try to use the 1st letter but if already used by a prior button, then use the 2nd letter, so on. If all letters have been used, then a mouse will have to be used to select that option. This means the most useful buttons would be placed on the left and less-used ones to the right and the system would dynamically determine which letter/number is the hotkey for the button.


Location-based damage. If you hurt an enemy in an arm, it should diminish their ability to use that arm. If you focus on their leg, it should diminish their agility (ability to run / maneuver), etc. Same goes for the player.


A stealth system like no other before. Not just simple ability to hide/sneak easier but the ability to take blend into the surrounding environment. If you are wearing a camo outfit, it should be harder to detect you if you are standing or crouching in/near a bush. Every piece of clothing and weapons should have a pallet number associated with it and if you are in an area that has a pallet number far away from what you are wearing, you should be "sticking out" and easily visible...such as wearing black clothing in the snow.


More varied and fluid character animations.


More varied creatures. Mainly, more creature types. The community can easily create a slew of variations from a single skeletal structure but it is rare to see entirely new creatures like Centaurs and Griffins.


More weapon types. Again, the mod community can create a deep assortment of weapons but we need more weapon "types" (if not dynamic) such as spears, crossbows, throwing knives, ability to wield in either hand and more "places" to mount / draw these weapons from...such as being able to place a quiver on the back left, back right, belt or drawing a knife from a thigh pouch, under the arm, on the wrist, etc.


More body slots (bones). More options such as slots for beards, circlets, ear rings, nails, tattoos, layered clothing, knees, elbows, wrists, all fingers, wings, robes and capes. Provide the breadth and the community will supply the depth.


Transfiguration / Morphing. The ability to shape-shift into other creatures (werewolf, mermaid, horse, bird / dragon, etc.)


Mod download / installation manager. The ability to integrate with sites such as the Nexus to download and install mods would be great..something akin to WinCustomize.com and their Windows customization products. Even if just Application Programming Interface (API) was made so that the community could build a mod manager that could fill this roll, that would be awesome.



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