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I Will Be Going To Bethesda Studios To Meet The Developers


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actuall its wear armor over robes that would be cool. having a robe on with a chainmail above it.


What id love to have is better animations, more social able life, as in marry, kids ect ect. More interaction with the NPC, better interaction, shakes hands, hug, kiss ect ect. And that we actaully have a voice and can speak and have multiple choices available to use ect ect.


I agree, Relationship would make the game more submersive, look at all the companion mods, they're there for more than just combat support.

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actuall its wear armor over robes that would be cool. having a robe on with a chainmail above it.


What id love to have is better animations, more social able life, as in marry, kids ect ect. More interaction with the NPC, better interaction, shakes hands, hug, kiss ect ect. And that we actaully have a voice and can speak and have multiple choices available to use ect ect.


I agree, Relationship would make the game more submersive, look at all the companion mods, they're there for more than just combat support.


Its called fable

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What I've always been wanting is the encouragement of GROUP COMBAT. YES!


How many times in Oblivion and Morrowind have you gotten into a big clusterf*** of a fight with allies mixed in with bad guys? And of those times, how many times have you accidently hit and ally and heard, "Help! Murder!"? WAY too many times.

There should be an option for friendly fire that activates only in combat. Therefore, you can hurt people allied to you when out of combat, whenever you need to. And if you find the need to hurt your friends, then you can just turn it off!


Anybody allied to you will be invulnerable to your hits, and they you, when this is activated. Thus, combat can be smoother, and fighters like me can get into a fight, dick swangin, swords blazing.


I like the fact that I can make mistakes and have full control of what I do even if that means im gettin' nicked by the guards, but if you want a saftey on your weapon you should sheathe it and if we dont want to hit our dumb AI allies why not get the AI wars dev team to do the AI.


Yes, not fighting at all totally encourages group fighting. Watching that battle play out (which usually ends up with you fighting alone, your useless friends dead) is totally amazing. /sarcasm

It's not even the fact that I'm getting hit or hitting allies. It's the fact that I'm charged for murder by the same guys who I was just fighting with. Totally breaks the realism. A safety mode would break it a little less, IMO.

Also, the devs really need to modify the engine to allow room for more actors to be on screen at once than usual. This could make for more epic battles without slowdown, instead of another disappointment (Battle of Bruma, Fight with Jyggalag). I'm tired of battles that are supposed to be huge that only have 15 participants. Sure, that's a decent skirmish by today's standards, but not by fantasy battle standards, mang.

AI is a problem, too, but that can only take it so far. The animations themselves send actors forward when they forward power attack, which can be a problem when you're ganging up on somebody. Something like Deadly Reflex would also be great.

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Also, the devs really need to modify the engine to allow room for more actors to be on screen at once than usual.


I don't think they will modify the engine at all really, considering it's a brand new engine... :P

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actuall its wear armor over robes that would be cool. having a robe on with a chainmail above it.


What id love to have is better animations, more social able life, as in marry, kids ect ect. More interaction with the NPC, better interaction, shakes hands, hug, kiss ect ect. And that we actaully have a voice and can speak and have multiple choices available to use ect ect.


I agree, Relationship would make the game more submersive, look at all the companion mods, they're there for more than just combat support.


Its called fable



fable is an old game


fable 2 is not available on pc


fable 3 is not yet out on pc


none of them are easily modable


don't be an ass

Edited by kl055
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actuall its wear armor over robes that would be cool. having a robe on with a chainmail above it.


What id love to have is better animations, more social able life, as in marry, kids ect ect. More interaction with the NPC, better interaction, shakes hands, hug, kiss ect ect. And that we actaully have a voice and can speak and have multiple choices available to use ect ect.


I agree, Relationship would make the game more submersive, look at all the companion mods, they're there for more than just combat support.


Its called fable



fable is an old game


fable 2 is not available on pc


fable 3 is not yet out on pc


none of them are easily modable


don't be an ass


what i meant was that that has been done before and turned out kinda badly

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Also, the devs really need to modify the engine to allow room for more actors to be on screen at once than usual.


I don't think they will modify the engine at all really, considering it's a brand new engine... :P


Oh you. You know what I meant.

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Much more thought on the overall weather and environmental aspects. I was dissapointed at the amount of work done for making the landscape unique. Put some wildlife that doesn't want to maul you the second it sees you. We have deer, but what about groundhogs, squirrels, etc. The seasons were out of whack and the weather kept changing erradically. Hoping this is not too late of a post, didn't bother checking to see if it was, still thought to put my word in as a member of TESNexus.
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