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I Will Be Going To Bethesda Studios To Meet The Developers


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I hope you enjoy your trip to Bethesda, and it's very good of you to ask for opinions!


I agree with TheCalliton, give us some attractive preset options since manipulating the sliders in Oblivion was a pain for those of us lacking artistic talent. Go ahead and keep the sliders, but give us some preset options that we can click for attractive faces so we can avoid spending time making a face only to have them appear to be viewed through a fishbowl. The modding community has been indispensible in this regard.


Otherwise, I also think we need to return to a more Morrowind style of game. Oblivion is great, but a bit over-simplified compared to it's immediate predecessor.

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I am very sad to hear about your condition. Make this YOUR day, not ours. :)

I have two friends that got cured of cancer. The doctors couldn't believe that they got cured without their treatment.


Here is the link to the homepage of the safest and most effective cure. InnerLight


I truly hope that you will take my advice and begin with this. No one deserves to die of cancer.

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1. More body types. There was no reason to only have one body type in Oblivion. Make it realistic--skinny, fat, muscular, and everything in between!

2. Nudity and gore. Stop pandering to consoles and the idiotic rating system. Take lessons from the guys behind Deadly Reflex and the various body replacer mods. Some of those modders must know what they're doing.

3. Clothes and armor that adjust to body shape, like Semtex said.

4. More realistic land area. It doesn't seem realistic at all when the isle the Imperial City is on is just big enough to hold it, and that city is the size of a large parking lot in-game. Nor was it realistic when all the other cities in Oblivion were barely the size of small neighborhoods and villages only consisted of two or three buildings. Now, look back at Daggerfall, where you had a land area that was about the size of Great Britain. Fast-forward to Oblivion--you could drop Cyrodiil inside Rhode Island, Delaware, New Jersey, or Maryland and people would notice, but if you put it inside Florida, Pennsylvania, California, or Texas, you'd lose it. And Bethesda says Tamriel is supposed to be the size of Europe!

5. More strains of Khajiit and Argonians. The beast races had digitigrade feet in Morrowind; there was no reason to just recycle the same body model for all the playable races in Oblivion. (Ohmes and Ohmes-raht would get a pass, being closer to humans than other Khajiit strains.) Get back some guys from the development team for Morrowind, or hire some furry/scalie artists from FurAffinity to design and animate the models; I'm sure someone on that site knows what they're doing.

6. Let us turn off the tutorial! Why should I be forced to go through that tutorial crap every time I start a new game in Oblivon? It's just as bad as Navi from Ocarina of Time! I've played through this game more than a few times; I should not have to have my hand held every time I start over!

7. Crossbows, throwing weapons, and pole arms. Why the hell didn't Bethesda put these in Oblivion? Don't tell us the system can't handle it, because that's a damn lie! Ditto using staves as melee weapons.

8. Make axes their own separate class of weapons. There is no legitimate reason for axes to be lumped in with blunt weapons when THEY CLEARLY HAVE A BIG HONKING BLADE!

9. More realistic NPC interactions. All the dialog seemed too artificial.

10. A bigger pool of voice talent. It gets tired pretty quickly hearing Wonder Woman voicing all the female Nords and Orcs, or one guy voicing all the male Bretons. Hire some voice actors from New York's NYAV Post; California's Bang-Zoom! Entertainment, Animaze, Studiopolis, Salami Studios; Texas' Seraphim Digital; and Canada's Ocean Studios. Many of those VAs have done voice work for video games and they do pretty well (On top of their work in anime, Western cartoons, and TV commercials). They could use the work.

11. Why stop with just Tamriel? Add some huge expansions that let us go to Atmora, Akavir, and other lands that have never been seen in the Elder Scrolls games.

12. More realistic combat. This plain hack-and-slash crap needs to go. Put more finesse into things--if you're good with blades, you should be able to wield your sword like Dante from Devil May Cry or Mitsurugi from Soul Calibur; if you suck, you'd just swing recklessly. Ditto bows--let us de-nock arrows, fire volleys, and set our arrows on fire to do more damage! Also, mounted combat. There was no reason to deny us that in Oblivion. And give us more incentive to use hand-to-hand as a major combat skill! Put some brass knuckles in!

13. Destructible terrain. Take a lesson from Black. If we can have that in Black, we can have it in TES V!

14. Better AI. Why the hell do enemies prioritize weaker foes? How the blue f***ing hell do they view your horse as a bigger threat than you? What the hell do they have against horses?

15. Better alchemy. The guy behind Alchemy Advanced did this far better than the vanilla alchemy. Let us filter out undesired effects from potions and poisons, brew in batches, and save recipes!

16. More realistic skin textures. I'm sure we all ran into the classic Redguard problem. What the hell was Bethesda thinking giving them the same texture as Imperials, Nords, and Bretons?

17. Fix all the bad glitches Oblivion had. Did they not even care? Take a lesson from Nintendo--they don't have games that are as buggy because they take their time with things!

18. Viewable bodies in first-person view. This is 2010; the protagonist is NOT some disembodied two-armed ghost! If you can have viewable bodies in Halo 2 (Which was made in 2004 and was still ahead of Oblivion in that department), you can have them in TES V!

19. No more psychic guards! If I kill some innocent bystander and there's no witnesses, there is no reason why the guards should somehow know it happened and send out an APB!

20. Fix the level-scaling system. Take a lesson from Oscuro and Francesco's overhauls. Why should we have to face bandits wearing mithril, glass, ebony, orcish, or daedric armor that's worth hundreds of times more than the cheap, crappy stuff they SHOULD be equipped with?

21. Much more realistic crime and punishment. I go on a killing spree and then just pay a fine? WTF Bethesda? This is enforced anarchy in a system designed to favor the rich!

22. More hairstyles and less static hair.

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All I've really wanted is just more exciting places to visit.


I wanted more intresting forts and old ruins lost to the people living there and finding all sorts of one of a kind things.


One of the biggest things, however, is a good plot. I liked how they developed the one of Tes IV, but it was way too short and felt rushed. There was a lot of potential there to improve and essentially leave a greater mark.


Other such small things are more race depth (For example, when choosing your class they can go a little deeper, like say, picking personalities. Sort a like the perks from the Fallout games. Or maybe add new skins or special skills to that class or something.) a bigger area to explore, and some intresting enemies. Overall though, I'm pretty content. :happy:


Edit: Gah! How rude of me.


I do leave my apologies for not wishing you luck in your battle against cancer. It must be a trully horrible experience to have to endure, and I hope you do make a full recovery. Merry Christmas Stealtrecon, and have fun at Beth.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Do remember that not everything is possible unless you want a couple more years added to the games production or somethings taken out of the game.


You do have to leave room for the moders too :biggrin: !


Sorry about your condition man, may I ask what kind?

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