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I Will Be Going To Bethesda Studios To Meet The Developers


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Thanks so much for this kind offer. I would have two things to suggest to Bethesda.


- Do something about the game crashes. Oblivion is so hard to maintain. Maybe they can do it such that if a mod makes the game crash you cannot install it or something..


- Daggerfall style music system. I use BMS to correct for this. But when you enter a tavern, the same music should stop playing. Tavern music should start, maybe even a couple of performers on the corner like in Daggerfall.


Thanks again, and all the best,



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Sir, I wish you the best in your battle with cancer- your wish is likely the best of all wishes. Not only are you receiving a gift of philanthropy, but your very wish is philanthropic by its very nature- a gift to the rest of us Elder Scrolls fans. Such a wish is no doubt revealing of a goodness of your soul, and for that I commend you.


I am not a coder, only a causal gamer. However, I also am an amateur fiction/fantasy writer and am familiar with the inherent difficulties of creating a fantasy realm. Lore immersion was something painfully lacking in Oblivion in comparison to Morrowind- likely due to the desire to integrate console-users into the fold. Lore does not necessarily have to be just books, etc- much of it is voice-acting and interacting within a village. However, this may already be well-finished by the time you tour bethesda.


The idea of someone retreating and begging for mercy was my favorite idea. Combat also needs to revamped, so it's not attack-attack-block-heal-attack. But this has already been well-covered. Perhaps a more advanced targeting system, allowing for aiming at limbs (for dismemberment) or kinks in armor.


The guild interaction was horribly lacking. Here's an idea: if at a certain point the PC gains a rank in a guild, they receive a unique guild tabard, and any action they commit under this garment is seen not only as an action on the part of the player but that of the guild. Therefore, if the PC kills a mage's guild member under the tabard of the fighter's guild, it may start a war. Just a thought.


Also, the fact that everyone and their mother had magical abilities (even if extremely limited) made being a mage feel rather ordinary. I grew very tired of attacking a common joe in his home and watching him heal himself during his retreat.


Magic was far too simple. It is Bethesda's territory deciding how to change it- they know the lore of Tamriel better than I. However, simply launching fireballs over and over at a target and calling that magery is not excusable, even for a video game.


Open cities. Enough said there- I want random bandit/minotaur attacks. :)


Romance would be nice, but not in a creepy cyber-sexual way (that's seedy modder territory).


All this might be moot for myself, as I am a student and likely will not be able to afford a machine to run Skyrim (I currently have an Alienware m11x but I'm not optimistic). But I hope for the best- both for your own condition and Bethesda's ability to create a game fully harmonizing the hardcore base and the casual user.


Best Wishes,


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One thing that disappointed me in oblivion was the lack of masks.. I mean take the brotherhood as an example . I know that they sneak around so they cannot be seen but what if the assassin were to be caught? a simple hood isn't going to protect anyone's identity. and I would like to see improved hand-to-hand .In oblivion the only way you could kick was with mods.. and you have to admit that is kind of disappointing...


-edit- Good luck with your cancer! I just hope things go good for you

Edited by Ryutouchdown
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- Do something about the game crashes. Oblivion is so hard to maintain. Maybe they can do it such that if a mod makes the game crash you cannot install it or something..

Well Skyrim is going to be on a new engine so whatever crashing issues Oblivion had, Skyrim won't have those. But it could have new crashing issues of its own. :P


Secondly, it's simply impossible to detect in advance whether a mod could crash the game, unfortunately, because there are lots of things that could cause a crash.




Also, not to be a party pooper, but with less than a year away from the release there is no way they'll be making any significant changes to the game anymore.

Edited by Povuholo
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Stealthrecon, good luck with your fight!


If I could suggest, I think your suggestions will be more focused if you present them with a list and don't get them to look at a thread (which is already long at a few days' age). I think you'll lose the edge that a focused list gives you.


As to what I would love to see (I know it won't happen now, but maybe in the future so I'll say it):


Historical Western Martial Arts.


Simple as that. As to date and as far as I know, there has yet to be a single motion picture or a video game made that displays historical western martial arts of medieval/renaissance origin, and I don't mean rapiers as that's all over the place, rather the historical usage of the longsword, sword/messer, dagger, sabre, et al. Hollywood makes a mockery of traditional European martial arts in every single film they make.


They show either outdated ideas of swordsmanship based on rapier-play when we see longswords in use, and longswords were not used that way, the usual and inexcusable parry with the sword's edge, or they go the chinese route so that everything is all fluffy and whiffy and absolutely ridiculous for a Western backdrop (and ridiculous from an actual life and death combat situation where everyone does flips and turns their back on the opponent...compare a Wushu fight to one of Jackie Chan's brawls and you'll get the point). Chinese could be cool for an Asian character, but that is not how you use Western weapons...and I personally can't stand seeing it in fantasy games.


I know this could be done with historical swordsmanship, as well as historical unarmed fighting/wrestling, you would just have to raise the bar. For example, there could be the implimentation of multi-layered moves that would give you a simulation of parrying and immediately counterattacking while staying on the blade which would give an additional layer to the game's combat and dynamics, and add difficulty and variety to the fights. I honestly don't know how difficult the animations would be, but there's ample room for improvement over the vanilla system in Oblivion so it's pretty open-ended.


And if they just happen to need a medieval/renaissance fight consultant who can not only consult but actually do all of these things, well...that's just what I do. :biggrin: LOL


Don't get me wrong. I'm certainly not trying in any way to take advantage of any kind of unfortunate situation! I would just like to point out that there are actual options available in the world in order to more accurately represent what fantasy combat would be like (as strange as that might sound). All it takes is some research. It's Western-based so therefore it only follows that Western Martial Arts should be used. I am a huge proponent of realistic fantasy, magic-wielding or whatever it doesn't matter...it's fantasy...however a helm goes on your head and a sword is used in a specific way.

Edited by WizardOfAtlantis
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Stealthrecon, I hate to annoy you in anyway but I do seriously doubt that the main factors and mechanics of the game could be changed however, I think something that'd be great would be if they could create an NPC alias present in the game for you, living where and how you want.

I wish you all the luck in the world with your battle with Lukemia, and all the will you need to keep fighting.

Keep Strong,

Kaylock Somerled

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Not sure if it has been posted but a crafting/cooking/leather working/fletching aspect.


Craftybits is a perfect example. It adds all of these a is done in a very unique way.

Skyrim should also allow you to immesively craft and cook your needed meals and weapons.


Also i would like the combat to be more "felt" like in Might & Magic Dark Messiah, it allowed you to ready a power attack and hold it in possition untill you got into a proper possition to use its effect. Oblivion really lacks this as power attacks are hard to control at best, and lots of its potential is lost by you missing or moving out of the perfect possition.


I think that weapon customization should also be added, like allowing the player to add a new hilt(weapon handle) which could perhaps allow quicker drawing of the weapon or faster attacks. Just ideas.

Edited by HeX16
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