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How to reinstall Fallout 3?


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Hi, had to clean my computer a while back, tried recently to reinstall fallout 3 but shows up as though the games is still installed, tried all methods of deleting the game when cleaning, and looked in what folders the forums have said to look in to remove files, searches come up with nothing, tried installing from cd as administrator and get the below mentioned error, any clue?

Also getting 'fallout 3 unable to find ini file'.

Please help :-( Driving me nuts here....

running windows 8.1


Error Code: -5009 : 0x8002802b

Error Information:

>Ctor\ObjectWrapper.cpp (163)

>Ctor\ObjectWrapper.cpp (391)

>Kernel\Component.cpp (1163)

>Kernel\CABFile.cpp (384)

>SetupDLL\SetupDLL.cpp (1526)

PAPP:Fallout 3

PVENDOR:Bethesda Softworks (http://fallout.bethsoft.com)



@Windows (9200) BT_OTHER 192.31

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Dang, ok turns out i have an Intel® HD graphics 4600 card...just read about switching graphics cards,?


Im not that computer wise, any help?


*EDIT* (ok wait...dang feel really dumb here, ws in system hardware which showed above, while cc cleaner shows amd radeon HD 7900...as graphic cards...confusing

Edited by Claes79
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if it is the DVD retail version and you are having problems installing the DLC's then I can help you


With the DVD retail version on SOME systems you have to install the DLC's in safe mode, this is due to GFWL being shut down and thus breaking the install routine


took me 3 days to find that fix on google lol

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if it is the DVD retail version and you are having problems installing the DLC's then I can help you


With the DVD retail version on SOME systems you have to install the DLC's in safe mode, this is due to GFWL being shut down and thus breaking the install routine


took me 3 days to find that fix on google lol

Have the retail version, havnt even gotten to the dlc content yet :-) To tired and disapointed at yet failing again to get to play fallout 3....think it all started whith the latest windows 8.1 update, know my skyrim crashed and coulnt get that to work either....

maybe easiest is just to go back to windows 7....to tired to keep fighting right now...will see after work tomorow is i have some energy left over to have another crack at it!


Thanks for the info!!!

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No luck :-( Tried compatibility mode...same error....


Think its like i read in another post there are leftover files, but to get them you have to know what your doing, going after registry files, or the i risk messing my entire system up....


Any ideas on which boxes to check in ccleaner in the advanced options that may help?

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i've never used ccleaner, sorry


Let me ask you something, do you have any other games installed on your computer made by Bethesda besides Fallout 3?

Edited by gromulos
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  • 3 weeks later...

Have skyrim as well, managed to unistall that and get it working again, just cant seem to find whatever remaining files from fallout that says it is still installed on my system so until then i can reinstall fallout....Just got new vegas, thought it required fallout threee to play but saw its a standalone.

I have limited bandwidth, so i bought the cd version of the game, yet i still have to download from steam??? What is the point of having cd version if you still have to download the game from them? Makes it really hard, 8 gigs download and only have 15gig for the month....would be nice to have a halfway measure maybe, what about people with bad connections or even less bandwitdh, they cant get the game?

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