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King of the Hill


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After not being so impressed with TESIV, I am immune to the explosive effects, travel to the future with your machine and return with...




This causes a massive tear in the space-time continuum and you all get sucked into the massive collection of black holes at the Galactic Core.

I stand on the top of the hill holding the copy of Portal 2, making sure not to look into the shiny titanium Collectors Edition case (With real working Portal Gun) and shout "MY HILL!" like I have just conquered the new world and all worlds to come.

All animals and people rise up and shout with me "YOUR HILL! YOUR HILL!" many times over.


Now, I am verging on death, a proud ruling lifetime behind me and I know that even after I have passed completely, the world will still remember me as if I was proudly at my throne.



Edited by CommanderCrazy
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The people's screams were roaring over the sound of the black hole sucking everyone in. After a while it explodes, bursting everyone 50 kilometres away. Since I was smart not being near the hill that moment, I can safely climb it up. MAH HILL NAO.
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Since my avatar is Batman, I shine my spotlight shaped like a bat into the sky then he comes and ziplines in then batarangs you in the face and you tumble down the hill. I thank him and claim the hill as my own. MY HILL. Edited by iamleap
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As you are standing on the hill, flaunting about, I call my good old buddy Superman. He punches a hole through time going back to the origin of the universe, and he tosses you inside after freeze-breathing you along with two nuclear missiles. I give him an epic bro-fist and he flies away, saluting me.


My hill.

Edited by AliasTheory
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I just happened to be covered in roaches and mylar after being thrown in so I survive the radiation and the blast. The explosion from the nukes creates a new hole in time back to the hill right behind your back. As I fall on top of you I yell SURPRISE! Then you can guess what happens next. MY HILL!
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