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What System Do You Recommend?


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I honestly have no idea why someone would not build their own. You'll not only save money building, but you'll be able to upgrade in the future saving even more.


Most manufacturers are horrible as well, alienware was OK until dell bought them out.



And I've already explained, I would probably mess it up and it would be all the money I've spent on the parts down the drain. :(

I really want to build one but I am just too cautious.

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Thanks jim_uk; that site looks great, I'll keep an eye on it. :)


Edit: I have one more question: Am I doing something wrong?

I think specs are OK but Oblivion is still quite laggy.

My specs are:

1GB RAM (yeah, not too great)

AMD Sempron SI-42 2.10 GHz

ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics

380MB video RAM

What do I need to do to make it run smoother?


You could work your way through this... http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html


Not sure how much you'll gain by it, both the GPU and CPU are weak and you are really low on VRAM and system RAM.

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Don't go near PC World, that shop is full of over-priced junk.


yeah, the gear they sell is actually junk for the most part too. selling 2 generation old gfx cards at prices you'd pay for the latest gear. the still serve up things like 3xxx series ati cards for the price you'd pay for a 5xxx. and so on right through the entire range of components. Went in there to look at some stuff not to long ago and walked out really annoyed. I remember buying things from them many years ago and it wasn't actually that bad. now I wouldn't even buy a mouse there.



I have purchaced from overclockers several times. always good gear. good price. and best delivery I have ever had. No really, if you order before 2-4pm it'll be at your door the next morning. it's always less than 24hrs for me. :thumbsup:


I saw a 5770 for 88quid the other day at overclockers. hard to beat that price

Edited by Ghogiel
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yeah, the gear they sell is actually junk for the most part too. selling 2 generation old gfx cards at prices you'd pay for the latest gear. the still serve up things like 3xxx series ati cards for the price you'd pay for a 5xxx. and so on right through the entire range of components. Went in there to look at some stuff not to long ago and walked out really annoyed. I remember buying things from them many years ago and it wasn't actually that bad. now I wouldn't even buy a mouse there.



I have purchaced from overclockers several times. always good gear. good price. and best delivery I have ever had. No really, if you order before 2-4pm it'll be at your door the next morning. it's always less than 24hrs for me. :thumbsup:


I saw a 5770 for 88quid the other day at overclockers. hard to beat that price


I usually build my on own PCs but this one I bought built by Overclockers. I went to their site looking for the parts I needed for a new PC and saw this one on sale, when I added the cost of the parts up to build myself it only came to £10 less than the cost of the thing built, it came with Vista and the free Win7 upgrade too. It's well put together, a lot tidier inside than it would have been if I'd put it together.


The last time I went into PC world it was to amuse myself while the Mrs is in Tesco. Pretending to be a clueless customer for looking for a gaming machine is great, let them go through their BS routine and then start correcting them. To see the look on their face when it dawns on them you're not the clueless muppet they thought you were is well worth the effort. :laugh:

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Yes I know Skyrim isn't out yet but I'm thinking ahead. I want to be able to play and mod Skyrim when it comes out and also play Oblivion to its max potential.


I am looking for 40-60 FPS on average.


Which system do you recommend could do this (on a budget - less than £700).


EDIT: Also if you don't mind could you please post here if you have a good frame-rate with little to no stuttering. Please post your specs so I know what to look for. :)


The only "prebuilt" machines for gaming I could recommend are unfortunately out of that budget, though not necessarily by too much. Falcon Northwest and Sager are the only companies that come to mind that I'd personally be willing to spend to have pre-built. Alienware's rep took a big hit after Dell took them over. Otherwise you're better off building your own, and honestly, if you're really into your games, you should be learning the tricks of the trade. Considering all the troubleshooting one is likely to do as a PC Gamer, learning to build and maintain your own rig(s) only makes sense.


Also all you need is 30fps (eye sees about 28fps as fluid if I remember correctly), the key is keeping said frame rate from dropping to below that. Of course, any game that can do 30fps in all conditions is effectively going to run higher than that unless you lock in fps limits.

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Yes I know Skyrim isn't out yet but I'm thinking ahead. I want to be able to play and mod Skyrim when it comes out and also play Oblivion to its max potential.


I am looking for 40-60 FPS on average.


Which system do you recommend could do this (on a budget - less than £700).


EDIT: Also if you don't mind could you please post here if you have a good frame-rate with little to no stuttering. Please post your specs so I know what to look for. :)


The only "prebuilt" machines for gaming I could recommend are unfortunately out of that budget, though not necessarily by too much. Falcon Northwest and Sager are the only companies that come to mind that I'd personally be willing to spend to have pre-built. Alienware's rep took a big hit after Dell took them over. Otherwise you're better off building your own, and honestly, if you're really into your games, you should be learning the tricks of the trade. Considering all the troubleshooting one is likely to do as a PC Gamer, learning to build and maintain your own rig(s) only makes sense.


Also all you need is 30fps (eye sees about 28fps as fluid if I remember correctly), the key is keeping said frame rate from dropping to below that. Of course, any game that can do 30fps in all conditions is effectively going to run higher than that unless you lock in fps limits.


I don't know about you, but I can easily tell the difference in framerates up to 60.

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You really want some leeway with fps too. For Mods and for future gaming. even though you will be safe for the next 3 years for the most part, games won't be getting a big increase in resouce gobbling overall until the next console iteration. which is going to be at xmas 2013 at the earliest by all accounts
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Seeing the comments on this, I think I've been steered away from getting a new PC.

After all, if I'm on a budget, I should be spending my money on better things anyway and if the only thing I would be using it for is gaming then I'm sure there are many things that are more worth my time that I could buy.


Though it has been interesting reading the comments. :)


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