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There is no snow in Hawaii except for on Mauna Kea.


It is raining an awful lot today though. Can't see the mountains in the back of the valley and the vog is moving in...




Temperature high is 80 and low is 70. And "vog" is not a typo; it is a portmanteau of fog and volcano due to its origin.

Edited by AliasTheory
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Well, I have a bit of a funny situation here.


Australia is the last place you'd expect to find snow.


It's got a couple of alpine areas that get regular snowfall, but our christmas season is normaly the hottest prt of the year, with temperatures easily exceeding 120 farenheit.


Yet today it's 30 farenheit, and I'm staring out my window right now at Mount Hotham which is showing a cute little 8 inches of snow... ...IN THE FLIPPIN AUSTRALIAN SUMMER! WHAT ON EARTH!?!?


But yes, while we Victorians, especialy those that like me, live in the valleys around Melbourne, are used to snow in winter, we dont however expect a white christmas we expect 120-160 farenheit Death Valley esque dry scorchers.


Still, it's a nice surprise, if this keeps up, as is expected, there'll be enough snow to ski on by wednesday. And surprisingly, Australia is borderline famous for skiing.

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Well, I have a bit of a funny situation here.


Australia is the last place you'd expect to find snow.


It's got a couple of alpine areas that get regular snowfall, but our christmas season is normaly the hottest prt of the year, with temperatures easily exceeding 120 farenheit.


Yet today it's 30 farenheit, and I'm staring out my window right now at Mount Hotham which is showing a cute little 8 inches of snow... ...IN THE FLIPPIN AUSTRALIAN SUMMER! WHAT ON EARTH!?!?


But yes, while we Victorians, especialy those that like me, live in the valleys around Melbourne, are used to snow in winter, we dont however expect a white christmas we expect 120-160 farenheit Death Valley esque dry scorchers.


Still, it's a nice surprise, if this keeps up, as is expected, there'll be enough snow to ski on by wednesday. And surprisingly, Australia is borderline famous for skiing.


Psh global warming, meh global cooling :laugh:

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I had about 2-3 inches of snow where I live, last weekend. When I was a little kid I PRAYED for snow all the time. Now that I'm older and have to to drive in it, I'm not such a fan.
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At 11:00 PM MST we now have two inches of snow and more falling.


<br>I had

about 2-3 inches of snow where I live, last weekend. When I was a little

kid I PRAYED for snow all the time. Now that I'm older and have to to

drive in it, I'm not such a fan.<br>

<br><br>I know that feeling.  If Only all the vehicles had bumper car style bumpers so we could have a grand time bouncing off of each others cars, and such, and bouncing along to work.  <br><br>I hope you know what I am referring to, the bumper cars at the fair have.<br><br>Ah Dream's of childhood!  I keep that same mind set as I drive to and fro, because accidents will happen, and if we worry about it too, too much, it happens more often then we would like it to.<br>
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We got 60 cm (2 feet) at the moment. To night, and the following 4 days we shall have another 60 cm, and temperatures around -12 c (10 F) :sick:

I Hope my plane can still take off, as I am going to the Canary Islands soon (sunny and 24 c (75 F)) :P

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