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Best way to stop NPCS fighting?


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so sick of getting into small skirmishes over insignificant things. spells like Calm, pacify, harmony don't work anymore. i'm lvl 64 and everything i use them on says "xxx to strong. resisted" ect. wish i woulda been an Imperial as i hear Voice of the Empower trait works great. in fact, anyone know of a mod that adds a spell like that?

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haven't tried resetai for these problems, but i'm sure it'll work. i usually use setav aggression 0--then disable---enable. that always works but it sucks so much using the console for this...and u have to apply console codes to each npc. usually in these fights multiple npc and followers get involved. real pain to console stop 10 npcs lol.

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Dirty way, that isn't correct but works.

I created an empty quest, added a script to it.
In the script I register for a key event.

When the key is pressed I get the player crosshair reference, if there's a reference, get the type and if it's 43 it's a NPC.
From there I add the target to the player faction, set the player faction friend to itself and call StopCombatAlarm() and StopCombat().

That attacker becomes passive to me and anyone else that's a friend or in the player faction.
If multiple of my followers are attacking something I don't want them to, then I target the thing they are attacking and they all stop instantly.
Also what they were attacking now will attack anything that threatens me or my other followers.

example snippet of the pacify code I use to stop nutcase attackers.

if !akSpeaker.IsInFaction(PlayerFaction)
    akSpeaker.SetFactionRank(PlayerFaction, 0)
    PlayerFaction.SetAlly(PlayerFaction, True, True)

In my current release of MHIYH 4.X I use a similar option but instead of the player faction I created a dummy faction I put the attacker in.
I apply the same way as above without adding to player faction, but I also set ally for the Dummy Faction with player faction.
As I don't like cramming everyone into the player faction as it can upset faction relations with other hostile and non hostile factions depending on what other factions the attacker is already in. Edited by sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE
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Dirty way, that isn't correct but works.


I created an empty quest, added a script to it.

In the script I register for a key event.


When the key is pressed I get the player crosshair reference, if there's a reference, get the type and if it's 43 it's a NPC.

From there I add the target to the player faction, set the player faction friend to itself and call StopCombatAlarm() and StopCombat().


That attacker becomes passive to me and anyone else that's a friend or in the player faction.

If multiple of my followers are attacking something I don't want them to, then I target the thing they are attacking and they all stop instantly.

Also what they were attacking now will attack anything that threatens me or my other followers.


example snippet of the pacify code I use to stop nutcase attackers.

if !akSpeaker.IsInFaction(PlayerFaction)
    akSpeaker.SetFactionRank(PlayerFaction, 0)
    PlayerFaction.SetAlly(PlayerFaction, True, True)
In my current release of MHIYH 4.X I use a similar option but instead of the player faction I created a dummy faction I put the attacker in.

I apply the same way as above without adding to player faction, but I also set ally for the Dummy Faction with player faction.

As I don't like cramming everyone into the player faction as it can upset faction relations with other hostile and non hostile factions depending on what other factions the attacker is already in.


wow. well i'll old and tech dumb so that's all kindsa over my head. you ever make a mod like that tho, i'm in lol. thanks tho.


i've been using this mod...



Tony did a great job and it works well for the most part. i don't use the resurrection functions but the "crime forgiveness" works pretty well and will even make followers and npcs stop, if followers have a Follower Stone. the only reason i'm looking for other ways to stop fighting is that sometimes when i use that mod's function, is it will work fine then...but if i leave for awhile and come back, the npcs will start fighting again same as before

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Yep, I'm old and tech dumb as well (half a century +) , probably why I'm always rude n grumpy :smile:

That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it :tongue:

haha! great to see another old fogie around. but i'd say you're far from tech dumb. been eying MHYH for quite awhile

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player.addspell e40ca


gives you the imperial voice of the emperor no matter what race you are.

i thought about that, but worried it'd mess up my race or something. think it'd be okay for my Lunari to have that spell? still, i could only use it once a day. u'd think Leveler's Tower would have something like that. there's the opposite. a spell that makes everyone fight

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